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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Indeed. It was a nice warm up...but the real fun was underground. Speaking of which, where is Abel, excuse me..."Grant" these days? With all this success I'm sure he stuck around for his fair share of the benefits.


"Working with Kain back in Second Southtown, I believe. Despite being well recommended, mercenary businesses has been slow. A lot more "heroes" these days. I do still see everyone from time to time, especially Ren. She says she stops by to check on things since her company was one of the investors but I'm sure she only comes to keep her bloodlust in check."


11 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: I see. Thanks for sending her to help us.


Ryuko: Sounds like a plan! Let's go in.


Etomo: (A bit of workout will keep her busy.)


Ludger: We're going in too Elle.


Elle: Okay. Blue Guy, you too.


Hugh: Fine...


Hinamori: You're coming too Doctor Mathis?


Jude: I assume we're going to discuss our current situation, so I'll join you guys later.


Hinamori: I see. Yui, are you coming too?


Yui: In a bit...Huh? I'm not seeing Nemmy around.


"Sure, no problem. You're welcome to come in. In fact, you should probably get a move on. There's a registration process you need to go through first."

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2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Working with Kain back in Second Southtown, I believe. Despite being well recommended, mercenary businesses has been slow. A lot more "heroes" these days. I do still see everyone from time to time, especially Ren. She says she stops by to check on things since her company was one of the investors but I'm sure she only comes to keep her bloodlust in check."


Ren. She was...intense. I still remember when she chased down a clone. He was on a bike. She...was on FOOT! Glad she was on our side. Although for whatever reason she seemed..."interested" in me. But not necessarily in a good way...

2 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"Sure, no problem. You're welcome to come in. In fact, you should probably get a move on. There's a registration process you need to go through first."


Registration? You really have gone official. Ok...I'd like to register as well. Then you can give me the "brother from another mother" tour, eh "Dorkflare"?! 


LightFlare pats Darkflare on the back really hard...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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50 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Ren. She was...intense. I still remember when she chased down a clone. He was on a bike. She...was on FOOT! Glad she was on our side. Although for whatever reason she seemed..."interested" in me. But not necessarily in a good way...


"That was her way of sizing you up. Not surprising she considers you a worthy opponent."



"Not that I don't think you can take her on, but I have to warn you against sparring with her. You've seen her in action, she can be quite brutal. The concept of a formal duel is foreign to her, I can assure you that she won't lose any sleep if she accidentally kills her opponent."


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Registration? You really have gone official. Ok...I'd like to register as well. Then you can give me the "brother from another mother" tour, eh "Dorkflare"?! 


LightFlare pats Darkflare on the back really hard...






"It's part of a system I have set up meant to benefit members. It should.be explained further during the process. There's normally a fee for this, but I'll waive it off this time in light of the circumstances. Consider it a complimentary trial."



"Except for you, Light. You live in this world, you don't have an excuse."

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20 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"That was her way of sizing you up. Not surprising she considers you a worthy opponent."



"Not that I don't think you can take her on, but I have to warn you against sparring with her. You've seen her in action, she can be quite brutal. The concept of a formal duel is foreign to her, I can assure you that she won't lose any sleep if she accidentally kills her opponent."







"It's part of a system I have set up meant to benefit members. It should.be explained further during the process. There's normally a fee for this, but I'll waive it off this time in light of the circumstances. Consider it a complimentary trial."



"Except for you, Light. You live in this world, you don't have an excuse."


Lol! Fair enough. I guess that's what I get for living right here in Candor and not paying you a visit yet. But now seemed like a good time. I guess I do fill honored. Ren is a warrior if I ever seen one. But if Grant is gone and Ren is..."hunting" perhaps...then there is one other man I never got to meet personally but I've been told he's the king around here...his Royal Highness...


...Ky Kiske.



But...I know that's out of the question. At least for a fight. But a warrior such as him is world renowned. And for  that... I have much respect for him. If HE trained here, then maybe I SHOULD give your methods more consideration...oh...and also because your "kinda" strong yourself.


LightFlare smiles and gives a quick but light jab to Darkflare's bicep...



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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48 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Lol! Fair enough. I guess that's what I get for living right here in Candor and not paying you a visit yet. But now seemed like a good time. I guess I do fill honored. Ren is a warrior if I ever seen one. But if Grant is gone and Ren is..."hunting" perhaps...then there is one other man I never got to meet personally but I've been told he's the king around here...his Royal Highness...


...Ky Kiske.



But...I know that's out of the question. At least for a fight. But a warrior such as him is world renowned. And for  that... I have much respect for him. If HE trained here, then maybe I SHOULD give your methods more consideration...oh...and also because your "kinda" strong yourself.


LightFlare smiles and gives a quick but light jab to Darkflare's bicep...


Riva was visibly bothered by Light's comment, though she decided against saying something in response to it. She proceeded to pick her sword up, the blade seeming to dissolve into the air.



Riva: Hmhm! I suppose I shall see you all within!


With a wave, a wink, and her usual chuckle, she proceeded to walk into the hangout, though it was obvious that something was on her mind.

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6 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy heard what was said and immediately came back outside.



... (sigh) And I thought that I was done looking for teammates... 


Tommy crossed his arms.



I'll go find her myself... she can't be too far away...



Didn't you just get scolded for leaving the first time?



Besides, if I had to be completely honest, I think there are others here who could handle that better.


1 hour ago, A person said:

Riva was visibly bothered by Light's comment, though she decided against saying something in response to it. She proceeded to pick her sword up, the blade seeming to dissolve into the air.



Riva: Hmhm! I suppose I shall see you all within!


With a wave, a wink, and her usual chuckle, she proceeded to walk into the hangout, though it was obvious that something was on her mind.



She sure leaves quite the impression, doesn't she?

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2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Lol! Fair enough. I guess that's what I get for living right here in Candor and not paying you a visit yet. But now seemed like a good time. I guess I do fill honored. Ren is a warrior if I ever seen one. But if Grant is gone and Ren is..."hunting" perhaps...then there is one other man I never got to meet personally but I've been told he's the king around here...his Royal Highness...


...Ky Kiske.



But...I know that's out of the question. At least for a fight. But a warrior such as him is world renowned. And for  that... I have much respect for him. If HE trained here, then maybe I SHOULD give your methods more consideration...oh...and also because your "kinda" strong yourself.


LightFlare smiles and gives a quick but light jab to Darkflare's bicep...



(Wait, you actually LIVE here and never visited this place before?)



"Not here, per se. The kingdom of Illyria. Ky is one three kings from there. He's considered the first king so he has the most power. And I hate to admit it, but Ky didn't really need much training, just enough to keep himself sharp. He's always been a prodigy even back during his time as part of the Holy order. He has yet to lose his touch."


2 hours ago, A person said:

Riva was visibly bothered by Light's comment, though she decided against saying something in response to it. She proceeded to pick her sword up, the blade seeming to dissolve into the air.



Riva: Hmhm! I suppose I shall see you all within!


With a wave, a wink, and her usual chuckle, she proceeded to walk into the hangout, though it was obvious that something was on her mind.


(That girl has been coming here looking for a sparring partner for a while. She did seem to be bothered by Light's praise of Ky. She will inevitably find out that Ky IS here. If I'm right, that pride of hers will make her challenge him.)

"If you'll excuse me, I must head back inside. When you're done with your preparations please come inside. I'll have someone prepare your registration."


With that, he walked back inside.

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6 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy heard what was said and immediately came back outside.



... (sigh) And I thought that I was done looking for teammates... 


Tommy crossed his arms.



I'll go find her myself... she can't be too far away...

18 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:



Didn't you just get scolded for leaving the first time?



Besides, if I had to be completely honest, I think there are others here who could handle that better.



Hinamori: I'll do it instead.


Yui: Oh yeah, Hina can talk with spirits right?


Hinamori: *nods* They'll guide me to her location. I'll be back soon.


Yui: Good Luck!


    Then, Hinamori leaves the group in order to search for Nemesis.


6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Sure, no problem. You're welcome to come in. In fact, you should probably get a move on. There's a registration process you need to go through first."



Jude: Ok then, If you say so.


Yui: ...Me too.


    Then, both Jude and Yui enters the Hangout.



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18 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


(Wait, you actually LIVE here and never visited this place before?)



"Not here, per se. The kingdom of Illyria. Ky is one three kings from there. He's considered the first king so he has the most power. And I hate to admit it, but Ky didn't really need much training, just enough to keep himself sharp. He's always been a prodigy even back during his time as part of the Holy order. He has yet to lose his touch."



(That girl has been coming here looking for a sparring partner for a while. She did seem to be bothered by Light's praise of Ky. She will inevitably find out that Ky IS here. If I'm right, that pride of hers will make her challenge him.)

"If you'll excuse me, I must head back inside. When you're done with your preparations please come inside. I'll have someone prepare your registration."


With that, he walked back inside.


(No need to wait around...) Agni, you guys gonna sit out here all day? I say we go in and see what my old friend has been up to...


With  that, LightFlare walks in a goes up to the registration table...



Excuse me, I'd like a registration please.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, A person said:

Riva was visibly bothered by Light's comment, though she decided against saying something in response to it. She proceeded to pick her sword up, the blade seeming to dissolve into the air.



Riva: Hmhm! I suppose I shall see you all within!


With a wave, a wink, and her usual chuckle, she proceeded to walk into the hangout, though it was obvious that something was on her mind.

ezgif-1-5af2b1c175.png  Somethings off about her.  Then again, i can't let my curiosity get the best of me.

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1 hour ago, Mister Fael said:



Hinamori: I'll do it instead.


Yui: Oh yeah, Hina can talk with spirits right?


Hinamori: *nods* They'll guide me to her location. I'll be back soon.

Yui: Good Luck!




Then, Hinamori leaves the group in order to search for Nemesis.


Oh... okay then...


Tommy looked on the bright side of things suddenly.



Well... at least I can still play my guitar in the hangout... and maybe even take a bite out of something...


Tommy went back inside the hangout, his guitar in one of his hands.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


She would never admit to Riva that she was actually staring at her. That would break her pride. Elizabeth knew that her smile wasn't actually that enjoyable, but she felt no fear. She used to do that, after all.



Lize: Well, aren't you insistent. If you firmly believe I was staring at you, then I won't say anything. But I wasn't.


They went inside and looked at the interior. The explanation coming from Darkflare seemed to suffice a little.



Agni: So this is a training facility...


Magnum: Sounds more like a fight club to me. I'm fine with both, anyway.


Mirfah: ...


Agni: Why are you so silent? You don't seem like the type to stay quiet like that.

Mirfah: Oh... well, it's...


Agni: Mirfah, you understood what I mean't, didn't you? I didn't say that because I was angry.


Mirfah: I know, I know! But even so, they-


Agni: Look, they're like that. Changes won't happen in a second. Just ignore it and keep moving on. I don't want to see you down because of that.


Magnum: *grabs Agni's arm* Agni, come on! Let's have our registrations done!


Agni: OK, OK! Don't pull me like that!


Magnum pulled Agni with him. They were like brothers, yet not from the same family. Looking at that scene and seeing how he acted, Mirfah reflected on a past friend... an important comrade that died to let him live.



Mirfah: (He reminds me of Krantz... is this the reason why I can't get flustered on how kind he is?)


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BGM: Twisted Base


If the outside wasn't enough of an indicator, the inside made it clear exactly how huge the place really was. As if that wasn't enough, stepping inside felt as if one would have taken a time warp to the future as the whole place seemed like a technological marvel. The first floor had the registration desk and info booths as well as what appeared to be a set of arenas. While some of them had sparring bouts going, there was one that was the host for what seemed to be a sport that resembled a combination of soccer and football. Farther ahead, an elevator and sets of stairs could be seen. It appears that not only were there floors above,but it seems there was more underground as well. As expected, one could see a few Mech Hisuis running around attending people, but it appears that the staff wasn't all just the mecha maids.


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


With  that, LightFlare walks in a goes up to the registration table...



Excuse me, I'd like a registration please.

Female clerk: Right this way sir. Is this your first time in the hangout?


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As Melina walked alongside Kimimuri, a girl suddenly bumped into her.



???: Oh, pardonnez-moi! I wasn't looking on where I was going.


Melina: No, no, I am fine. I was distracted as well, so-


Melina: (!!! What is this?! This sensation... it's as if my life's wavering a little...!!)

???: Are you alright?

Melina: W-Worry not, worry not! I am fine.


???: Well, if you say so... good day to you and sorry once again.


The girl kept walking away until she went into another street. Melina seemed to feel herself normal again, but she admitted that it was a strange, dangerous sensation.


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Tommy reached into his own pocket; just like last time, Tommy had no money... so he decided to ask the nearest person to him.



(trying to not sound like a total moron) Excuse me, sir? I know this is a stupid question, but I'm broke, can I have some money?

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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35 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

BGM: Twisted Base


If the outside wasn't enough of an indicator, the inside made it clear exactly how huge the place really was. As if that wasn't enough, stepping inside felt as if one would have taken a time warp to the future as the whole place seemed like a technological marvel. The first floor had the registration desk and info booths as well as what appeared to be a set of arenas. While some of them had sparring bouts going, there was one that was the host for what seemed to be a sport that resembled a combination of soccer and football. Farther ahead, an elevator and sets of stairs could be seen. It appears that not only were there floors above,but it seems there was more underground as well. As expected, one could see a few Mech Hisuis running around attending people, but it appears that the staff wasn't all just the mecha maids.


Female clerk: Right this way sir. Is this your first time in the hangout?



LightFlare is amazed. He knew Darkflare's facility had been upgraded, but even he didn't expect this...


It's been a while bit I was here before. But I didn't register. This was before all the renovations so I'm sure I need to register. What do I need to do?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



As Melina walked alongside Kimimuri, a girl suddenly bumped into her.



???: Oh, pardonnez-moi! I wasn't looking on where I was going.


Melina: No, no, I am fine. I was distracted as well, so-


Melina: (!!! What is this?! This sensation... it's as if my life's wavering a little...!!)

???: Are you alright?

Melina: W-Worry not, worry not! I am fine.


???: Well, if you say so... good day to you and sorry once again.


The girl kept walking away until she went into another street. Melin seemed to feel herself normal again, but she admitted that it was a strange, dangerous sensation.

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."(Is baggy clothes a new trend? Baffles me.)

Kirimuri goes inside the Aromatic Corner cafe and was met with a warming, classy and tranquil sensation.



He approaches the vendor and asks:

kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."It's a nice day isn't it? I'd like to have some vanilla frappucino. With ice, please. And you, Melina? What kind of tea do you want? The bill's on me this time."


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2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy reached into his own pocket; just like last time, Tommy had no money... so he decided to ask the nearest person to him.



(trying to not sound like a total moron) Excuse me, sir? I know this is a stupid question, but I'm broke, can I have some money?


Heh...well if it isn't Tommy. I guess I've been generous up till this point. Darkflare said this cost is on the house, but if really need some Pomp's, then just ask when you need something. So you wanna train too?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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2 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Heh...well if it isn't Tommy. I guess I've been generous up till this point. Darkflare said this cost is on the house, but if really need some Pomp's, then just ask when you need something. So you wanna train too?


Yeah! I love training! Training is one of my all time favorite things to do!


Tommy had never felt so grateful in his life.



Thank you, sir; you're the best! I'm forever grateful!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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3 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


Yeah! I love training! Training is one of my all time favorite things to do!


Tommy had never felt so grateful in his life.



Thank you, sir; you're the best! I'm forever grateful!


Your welcome. Oh, and a bit of advice. Try not to get on Darkflare's bad side. He can be a bit...grumpy. Heh...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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32 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

BGM: Twisted Base


If the outside wasn't enough of an indicator, the inside made it clear exactly how huge the place really was. As if that wasn't enough, stepping inside felt as if one would have taken a time warp to the future as the whole place seemed like a technological marvel. The first floor had the registration desk and info booths as well as what appeared to be a set of arenas. While some of them had sparring bouts going, there was one that was the host for what seemed to be a sport that resembled a combination of soccer and football. Farther ahead, an elevator and sets of stairs could be seen. It appears that not only were there floors above,but it seems there was more underground as well. As expected, one could see a few Mech Hisuis running around attending people, but it appears that the staff wasn't all just the mecha maids.




Yui: Whaaaaaaaaaa-


Ryuko: My thoughts exactly!


Etomo: I haven't seen anything like this before.


Yui: Hey Hughie,  doesn't this place reminds you of the Undergroun-


    Almost like an instant, Hugh covered Yui's mouth and dragged her near a wall. Then, started to whisper to her.



Hugh: Didn't you brother told us to keep that place a secret.


Yui: *nodding* MMFFMMMFFF!


Hugh: Geez...You need to need to be more careful when you're impressed with something...


    He uncovers her mouth, of course, that act earned the glare of some people.



Etomo: What just...


Yui: Military Secret!


Etomo: Okay then...


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Excuse me, I'd like a registration please.



Jude: Me and my friends would like to register as well.



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9 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


  Reveal hidden contents



LightFlare is amazed. He knew Darkflare's facility had been upgraded, but even he didn't expect this...


It's been a while bit I was here before. But I didn't register. This was before all the renovations so I'm sure I need to register. What do I need to do?

Female clerk: Before the renovations? Oh, you must have been here back when it was just a base. That means you must know Mr. Flare personally. Anyway, just fill out this form and pay the registration fee. It's 40 pompadillions and includes the first month. Every additional month is 15 pompadillions.

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6 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Female clerk: Before the renovations? Oh, you must have been here back when it was just a base. That means you must know Mr. Flare personally. Anyway, just fill out this form and pay the registration fee. It's 40 pompadillions and includes the first month. Every additional month is 15 pompadillions.


That's a pretty good price. Here you are ma'am.

LightFlare gives the clerk 40 Pomp's and sits down to fill out his registration form. He returns a few minutes...



Here you are ma'am.


LightFlare hands the clerk the registration form.


(Now comes the fun part...)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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26 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."(Is baggy clothes a new trend? Baffles me.)

Kirimuri goes inside the Aromatic Corner cafe and was met with a warming, classy and tranquil sensation.



He approaches the vendor and asks:

kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."It's a nice day isn't it? I'd like to have some vanilla frappucino, please. And you, Melina? What kind of tea do you want? The bill's on me this time."

The elven woman nodded her head slightly at his comment, a slight smile matching her nod. 



Elven Barista: Why, yes it is. And certainly; what shall the lady have?


She waited quietly for a response.

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