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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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1 hour ago, OxyontheWolf said:

f9eac2d40a.png?width=273&height=250 (clenches on at the same time, going invisible) alright! let's get going, then

LightFlare leads SK to an alley near the bus stop...



Hurry! While no guards are around. We can get on the bus. But first become visible so we don't spook the driver...


LightFlare let's go of the artifact and becomes visible.



Lets go...


LightFlare pays the fare for him and SK and tells the driver his friend is right behind him...




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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20 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Come with me."


Kirimuri leaves the abandoned church and heads to the main street. He can spot a fairly nice café by the intersection, but he decides to go to a bank to convert his money into the currency that this city is using.

He enters the bank, approaches the banker then asks:


portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Excuse me... I come from a distant nation and I don't have any of these Pompadallions that you guys have, is it possible if I can get some by exchanging these?"


He pulls out a pouch of money and proceeds to pour some silver coins on the table.

The banker examined the silver coins closely, trying to determine whether or not they were counterfeit. After examining them, the banker looked at Kirimuri.



Fancy Banker: Ah, good sir, this seems to be very high quality silver! An amount such as this could easily fetch for...50 Pompadillions!

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18 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The doors slide open as someone steps out to take of the commotion. He was known as the owner of the place.



"Huh, finally made the time to come early. Is it impossible for you to not announce your presence every time you come here?"


The male's question had earned him a hearty chuckle from Riva, the...lady covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughed.



Riva: Oh, ho, ho, ho, it seems you have caught onto my actions! If you must know, this is merely an exception; a large group of new faces always warrants a proper introduction!


11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Once Riva introduced herself and explained somethings they couldn't make heads or tails at the moment, she pointed towards Magnum, requesting him to introduce all of them.



Magnum: Me? Uhh... OK? Angel Commander Magnum Alexandria of the Multiversal Heaven at your service. As for the others they are...


*inserts a long introduction of all names*



Magnum: And that's about everyone.

Agni: Don't forget us.


When Magnum looked back, there were Agni and Tommy right behind him.



Magnum: AGH!! Agni?!


Magnum: What are you trying to do, kill me with a jumpscare?! Make yourself noticeable!


Agni: No. That aside, why did I have some sort of deja vu moment?


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:


Yui: Hi there Riva. Nice to meet you!

Riva nodded as their names were given to her, and proceeded to curtsy out of respect. She smiled at Magnum's reaction to the sudden appearance of his friends; it seemed that this one was very jumpy.



Riva: It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Celest! Observing the way you each interact with each other makes me believe that I shall get along with each of you very well!


3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Hugn: Sparring partners? Are you here to pick up a fight with us or something?

Riva chuckled again. It seemed as though she was very fond of chuckling.



Riva: He he, not quite, Mister Maxy! I have yet to see what any of you are capable of as it is! (Although, I can sense that some of you hold great power deep within...maybe I will be fortunate enough to witness it!)

10 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


Hey, guys! I'm back! Did you miss m -





You fucking idiot! Don't just run away like that!



B - but I -



Do you have any idea how worried I was!? I thought someone had killed you!



B - but I was just helping -



I don't care! Don't run off like that ever again!

Riva, though she appeared to not notice the argument between Tommy and Frank, still sent a glance in their direction.



Riva: And it seems that you also care greatly about one another...I could have never even imagined such a bond forming between so many members! Perhaps it is fate that has brought all of you here!


She sent another glance at the male who exited the building, and smiled warmly.



Riva: I believe that they may be able to benefit greatly from this facility...do you not agree?


11 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


The sudden appearance of Riva has surprised them somehow. They haven't fully noticed her in the shadows and when she approached, the first one to think about her was...



Lize: (What's with this girl? She's so weird... Oh god, I'm sounding like Magnum...!)


Lize: (Hold on... is this the way how he sees me?!)


Mirfah: (She's been staring at this Riva person for a while... is something wrong?)


However, before she could continue the conversation she attempted to start with the mystery man, her attention was captured by a certain demon girl's staring.



Riva: Hmmmmmm? Miss Bathory, have I, perhaps...piqued your interest?

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44 minutes ago, A person said:


The male's question had earned him a hearty chuckle from Riva, the...lady covering her mouth with the back of her hand as she laughed.



Riva: Oh, ho, ho, ho, it seems you have caught onto my actions! If you must know, this is merely an exception; a large group of new faces always warrants a proper introduction!



"How could I not? Besides becoming something of a regular, you kinda make quite an effort to stand out."


42 minutes ago, A person said:


Riva: I believe that they may be able to benefit greatly from this facility...do you not agree?



"Anyone can, really. I do have a variety of training machines and drills to cover as many situations as possible. This also includes some group oriented ones."

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2 hours ago, OxyontheWolf said:

901bfefd72.png?width=194&height=250 (stops clenching onto the Locket, going visible, runs up to the cab and gets there) so they use Golde as currency too?


Percival wondered how did Lightflare pay that cab

LightFlare and SK take the bus to the Warrior Hangout. LightFlare and SK step of the bus...


(Hmm..it's been a while. Time to pay a visit to my old friend...as well as my new ones...)


LightFlare sees a very familiar face...and calls out to him..



DarkFlare! It's been a while my friend! I see your popularity has skyrocketed! Lol!


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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1 hour ago, Darkflare said:




"How could I not? Besides becoming something of a regular, you kinda make quite an effort to stand out."




"Anyone can, really. I do have a variety of training machines and drills to cover as many situations as possible. This also includes some group oriented ones."

ezgif-1-799d93c6ea.png(I see... so this is the type of place it is....)

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9 hours ago, A person said:

The banker examined the silver coins closely, trying to determine whether or not they were counterfeit. After examining them, the banker looked at Kirimuri.



Fancy Banker: Ah, good sir, this seems to be very high quality silver! An amount such as this could easily fetch for...50 Pompadillions!


kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."50 Pompadillions? I guess I'll exchange... 5 silver coins then. Perhaps you can recommend me a nice café near this area too?"


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8 minutes ago, DuckMannnn said:


kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."50 Pompadillions? I guess I'll exchange... 5 silver coins then. Perhaps you can recommend me a nice café near this area too?"

The banker nodded, taking 5 of the silver coins and setting down 13 coins. 



Fancy Banker: Equivalent to twelve-and-a-half Pompadillions, good sir. And may I suggest going to the Aromatic Corner? The drinks and food they serve there are absolutely magnificent!

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Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah

Location: Warrior's Hangout



Lize: Interested? How absurd, dear Riva. As if I could get interested on watching little squirrels.


Mirfah: (Was that an insult? Wait, men are pig and women are squirrels...?)


As the chat kept on, Light finally came with Percival. However, because of the outfit, he was almost unrecognizable.



Agni: Light? You're so... different I almost not recognized you.


Magnum: That outfit sure is strange. Still, I don't think it bothers you when it comes to fighting, right?


Agni: Oho, you really want to spar with him. But let me warn you, mess with him and you're done for.


Magnum: Don't you think I already know that? It makes things far more exciting!


Magnum: It's no fun when you fight on easy mode! Master mode is the real deal!


Agni: ... You know, I don't think I'll ever understand you two and this obsession with fighting...



Location: Trade-and-Treat Money Exchange



Melina: Oh my, that seems wonderful enough. I do like myself some tea.


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47 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare and SK take the bus to the Warrior Hangout. LightFlare and SK step of the bus...


(Hmm..it's been a while. Time to pay a visit to my old friend...as well as my new ones...)


LightFlare sees a very familiar face...and calls out to him..



DarkFlare! It's been a while my friend! I see your popularity has skyrocketed! Lol!



Yui: Ah! There's Mister Lighty and Sir Knightley! Hi there~!


Ludger: We were wondering were you might've been. That's a cool look.


Ryuko: Lightflare and Darkflare...Those names sounds like titles they've earned. I wonder what's the story between these two.


Etomo: Maybe you're just thinking too much about it.


Jude: Darkflare...Flare. Are you perhaps that "Flare-sama" that Hisui mentioned before?



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41 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria, Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah

Location: Warrior's Hangout



Lize: Interested? How absurd, dear Riva. As if I could get interested on watching little squirrels.


Mirfah: (Was that an insult? Wait, men are pig and women are squirrels...?)

Riva smiled at Elizabeth, though it was colder than a block of ice.



Riva: Miss Bathory...you were staring at me, were you not? Would you care to explain your reason for doing so?


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare and SK take the bus to the Warrior Hangout. LightFlare and SK step of the bus...


(Hmm..it's been a while. Time to pay a visit to my old friend...as well as my new ones...)


LightFlare sees a very familiar face...and calls out to him..



DarkFlare! It's been a while my friend! I see your popularity has skyrocketed! Lol!

Hearing a set of footsteps approaching the scene, Riva's natural curiosity caused her to turn her head in the direction of the approaching people.



Riva: Ah, at last: another familiar face!


She couldn't help but notice the knight in blue armor also wielding a shovel.



Riva: And it seems that you, too, have found someone new to bring along with you. Has something happened today that I am not aware of?


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47 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Jude: Darkflare...Flare. Are you perhaps that "Flare-sama" that Hisui mentioned before?



"That would be me. You guys must be the group Hisui was with. If you guys are interested, you're welcome to come in."

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Hello everyone...I guess my look is a bit different. Especially for you DarkFlare. But looks aside Magnum is right...it doesn't hinder me in a fight at all. Actually you and Agni look...nah my eyes must of been a bit blurry. 

1 hour ago, Darkflare said:


"I should have know you were involved with this group as well. Always were the kind to somehow get roped into conflict."



"...that is quite a strange look for you."


Yeah...it seems a simple favor turned into something more. But hey it got you and I reunited. 


LightFlare extends his hand to Darkflare...


...the surrounding area began to tremble as to two warriors shook hands.


@Agni Blackheart


LightFlare hears Riva's comments...


Hello...have we met?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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10 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Location: Trade-and-Treat Money Exchange



Melina: Oh my, that seems wonderful enough. I do like myself some tea.

kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."Let's head to this Aromatic Corner then meet up with everybody else later. I think the sewers and the church are enough for today, but we can continue looking around if you want to."


Kirimuri leaves the bank and looks around him for the Aromatic Corner cafe. It's on the other side of the street, around a few hundred meters to the left from the duo.


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54 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare hears Riva's comments...


Hello...have we met?

Riva let out a defeated sigh.



Riva: Perhaps I have mistaken you for someone I have seen here previously. Nonetheless, the new face has me interested; are you able to explain what is going on? It has be- *ahem* I have never seen someone in armor such as that before, and I can confidently say that I have explored every single inch of this planet! Nor have I ever seen anyone use such a...strange...choice of weapon...

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5 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:


Oh! In that case, can I please come in, sir?


"Odd question, but sure, kid. If you think you can take it, you can go ahead and get into a spar or one of the machines. Though, if fighting ain't your thing I guess you could grab a bite inside instead."


5 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Yeah...it seems a simple favor turned into something more. But hey it got you and I reunited. 


LightFlare extends his hand to Darkflare


((Well, maybe the handshake wasn't THAT dramatic...))



"I can tell you've gotten stronger. Heh, you would be even stronger with some serious training from here."



"And I can tell you want a rematch with me. But to tell you the truth, it wouldn't be right."

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:




((Well, maybe the handshake wasn't THAT dramatic...))



"I can tell you've gotten stronger. Heh, you would be even stronger with some serious training from here."



"And I can tell you want a rematch with me. But to tell you the truth, it wouldn't be right."

((Ok,ok...that handshake was a bit OP...my bad...maybe that was how it felt internally.))



It's that obvious huh? You know me, always looking for a great match. But if you've gotten so strong that I'm no match for you I appreciate the concern.


LightFlare was being a bit as sarcastic, but deep down he knew Darkflare's reasoning for what he said...



How's the facility? It looks like business is booming. I'm happy for you. I know underneath that tough exterior is still the same guy who's real passion is pushing others to their full potential...trust me...


...I know first hand.


LightFlare was glad to see his old friend. He'd wanted to visit his old friend for qute some time, but didn't want to do so until the time is right. And now it seemed like the time was indeed right...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"A facility run by the leader of one of the most successful teams that were around who consistently formed strong combinations and to this day still has a highly recommended mercenary group? That's the kind of reputation that attracts people."



"As well as investors to fund the damn place in the first place. Fortunately, I actually had some particular wealthy members among my ranks. Don't get the wrong idea, it was because of their skill, not their money. I was able to convince them when I proposed this facility. Of course, some of the prize and bounty money I've accumulated over the years went into it as well."



"Of course, I just had to make sure those training machines of mine were put to good use. I seem to recall you had fun with one of them before."

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32 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"A facility run by the leader of one of the most successful teams that were around who consistently formed strong combinations and to this day still has a highly recommended mercenary group? That's the kind of reputation that attracts people."



"As well as investors to fund the damn place in the first place. Fortunately, I actually had some particular wealthy members among my ranks. Don't get the wrong idea, it was because of their skill, not their money. I was able to convince them when I proposed this facility. Of course, some of the prize and bounty money I've accumulated over the years went into it as well."



"Of course, I just had to make sure those training machines of mine were put to good use. I seem to recall you had fun with one of them before."


Indeed. It was a nice warm up...but the real fun was underground. Speaking of which, where is Abel, excuse me..."Grant" these days? With all this success I'm sure he stuck around for his fair share of the benefits.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Odd question, but sure, kid. If you think you can take it, you can go ahead and get into a spar or one of the machines. Though, if fighting ain't your thing I guess you could grab a bite inside instead."


(as cheerful as always) Don't worry, sir; I can handle myself when it comes to fighting!


Tommy smiled.



Although, I wouldn't mind grabbing a bite as well...


Tommy came into the building. Edward followed suite to make sure Tommy wouldn't get hurt.

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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14 hours ago, Darkflare said:



"That would be me. You guys must be the group Hisui was with. If you guys are interested, you're welcome to come in."



Jude: I see. Thanks for sending her to help us.


Ryuko: Sounds like a plan! Let's go in.


Etomo: (A bit of workout will keep her busy.)


Ludger: We're going in too Elle.


Elle: Okay. Blue Guy, you too.


Hugh: Fine...


Hinamori: You're coming too Doctor Mathis?


Jude: I assume we're going to discuss our current situation, so I'll join you guys later.


Hinamori: I see. Yui, are you coming too?


Yui: In a bit...Huh? I'm not seeing Nemmy around.



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9 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Yui: In a bit...Huh? I'm not seeing Nemmy around.

Tommy heard what was said and immediately came back outside.



... (sigh) And I thought that I was done looking for teammates... 


Tommy crossed his arms.



I'll go find her myself... she can't be too far away...

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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