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Sonic by Abro

Tac Nayn

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Thanks for this... confirm :=D:


Well, to be honnest, if i've correctly understood the "trouble" (& my purpose isn't to defend this community or not), it's not directly linked to the site itself: the risk is only for the non-VIP members that dont have a direct dl link access...


Am I wrong or are there "direct" risks?


Short, if you pay, the site isn't dangerous...

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We still have an obligation to protect our users who don't want to or can't get access to VIP membership, hence why that policy was put into place. Discussion about the Mugen Archive and mentioning it by name is fine as long as it doesn't go overboard (as some fairly recent discussions have), only the download links are prohibited.

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Its probably also worth mentioning that to this date, the site still redirects to adfly for non-VIP members, a site which IS on our list of blacklisted sites, so even if Archive links weren't explicitly banned, we would still discourage them on that basis. In fact, the adfly links are the major reason for the blacklist, otherwise we would have no problem with links to Mugen Archive.

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I imagine it's because if you have AdBlock and they detect it, they ramp the wait to download time... To 1000 seconds.


To will you to turn off AdBlock.


Haven't busted me somehow though...

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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1 hour ago, Pluscross said:

I imagine it's because if you had AdBlock and they detect it, they ramp the wait to download time... To 1000 seconds.


To will you to turn off AdBlock.


Haven't busted me somehow though...

Ramping the DL time up to a full minute is why I use Dropbox now for file hosting.

That, and the as Garchomp said they have ads that seem malicious, good point.

Yamisher: Please update your first post with the link, a picture/video of the character, and short discription: Standard of all posts


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It's a standard, but I don't see it used much... The short description thing. Getting better though. Much, much better.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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1 hour ago, Lord M said:

Where is the preview for tha character?

Leave that to me. This Sonic is pretty alright. He actually has his readme built into the character, which is pretty neat. Text is hard to read though so I feel like this character might have to be scaled up (though I'm playing in 1.0 640x480 so that might be the issue). Also one of his intros is bugged up.







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