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admin, please look into this


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admin, please look into this mod


could you please look into that @Ricepigeon

he asked me question he asked me to prove guild people were fanatics, and so I show him a proof (because he asked me)


And what he does? he bans me, for answering his question, you got to be kidding me

And not only that, I clearly posted a proof that all of the world specialists say adfly is clean : adfly clean scan

and what he says? "What security specialists? "

you got to be kidding me, there is a link right here where all of the world specialists say "clean site" the whole fucking security industry, and this ricepigeon dude asks "what specialists?" what the hell is going on here


In fact I think I know what's going on, this ricepigeon must be part of these guild fanatics and he could not stand that I posted a direct proof proving his sect beliefs wrong


then he ends the thread asking me another question in a closed thread, only way for me to reply his question is to make another thread so he can ban me again, obvious bait


please @RobotMonkeyHæd look into this mod as him to leave aside his personal guild bias in the moderation of mffa

don't let him turn mffa into a guild lackey, please pretty please with sugar on top

mffa should be a decent site different from that ass old guild and its community of little punks


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You weren't banned for trying to answer my question. You were banned because you accumulated 3 infraction points in a short period of time as a result of your previous thread being locked, which results in an automatic 2 week ban as per our forum rules & guidelines. This was not an instance of abuse of power and me going rogue, the decision to give you the infraction points came not only from myself, but from other mods as well. If my fellow mods & admins willing to permit me to, I will be more than happy to publicly provide the staff logs discussing the remedial actions taken against you, up to and including your ban.


2 hours ago, Jirobou said:

And what he does? he bans me, for answering his question, you got to be kidding me

And not only that, I clearly posted a proof that all of the world specialists say adfly is clean : adfly clean scan

and what he says? "What security specialists? "

you got to be kidding me, there is a link right here where all of the world specialists say "clean site" the whole fucking security industry, and this ricepigeon dude asks "what specialists?" what the hell is going on here


All you provided was a virustotal scan of a specific adfly page, which many people have said in the past cannot detect viruses or malware contained in adfly's ads due to their dynamic nature. The only thing you provided was a scan result, so I'll ask you again; what security specialists?




In fact I think I know what's going on, this ricepigeon must be part of these guild fanatics and he could not stand that I posted a direct proof proving his sect beliefs wrong


then he ends the thread asking me another question in a closed thread, only way for me to reply his question is to make another thread so he can ban me again, obvious bait


please @RobotMonkeyHæd look into this mod as him to leave aside his personal guild bias in the moderation of mffa

don't let him turn mffa into a guild lackey, please pretty please with sugar on top

mffa should be a decent site different from that ass old guild and its community of little punks



Now we're just pushing conspiracy theories. I have never denied being an active member on guild, of which I was a member of for almost 10 years, but my membership status on guild has no bearing on my judgment as a mod on MFFA because, whether you realize it or not, a large majority of users on MFFA, both staff and regular users, also happen to have accounts on MFG. Does that automatically make them lackeys, too? You're not being very reasonable here, as your accusations of me being a "guild lackey" seem to stem from nothing but "guilt by association". The fact that you decided to take the opportunity at the end of your post to bash another mugen forum YET AGAIN isn't helping your case either.

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Alright, I'm siding with RP on this. This is incredibly silly of you to argue about all because you want people to click those ad.fly links so that you can get some of them sweet shekels for your work. No, forget that, I'm not going to waste my time staring at an ad just so that I can get a character for MUGEN. Even if I had to stare at an ad for 1 second, I wouldn't bother clicking the link. And the way you present that scan like it's 100% clear proof that the site is clean makes me laugh. It's like someone saying they'll give you a brick for your house you have to build for free, but only if you run around it for a short while while there are snake holes all over, and as proof it's safe, they present you a picture of someone doing it while the holes are covered up completely. You might be willing to do it the first few times, but as you keep doing it, it starts becoming very annoying and you hear reports of people getting bitten by snakes while doing it, so you just opt for finding other bricks elsewhere. Probably a silly analogy, but still, it should get the point across. You can say things like, "But you can use AdBlock!", or, "But it isn't even that long of a wait time!" Not all people have Adblock or know what it is, and not everyone has the energy to run circles around the brick you're offering. If you insist on putting your creations behind Adfly links, you might as well just put them behind a paywall or something because you and I both know that's exactly why you've put your creation behind and Ad.fly link: for money. What you need to do is get over your greed and be generous like most other creators who put their time into making the amazing creations out there for free. Why should you inconvenience possible fans of your work by throwing up hurdle after hurdle? Do you not want the most people possible to enjoy it? If so, why not make a site to post it at privately and only share it to your friends? That way, only the people you trust get the creation and nobody else. Maybe your friends will be willing to click your ad.fly links, but I won't.


TL;DR: Ad.fly is for greedy bastards. Don't be a greedy bastard.

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Couple things I gotta say:

1. You want him demoted for "guild bias"? That's totally not how it works. To put this into reality, just because I have bias for x over y, I should lose my job/get demoted from a higher position?


2. Other than RP arguing against you and being active on guild, how is he a guild lackey?


3. Did it ever occur to you that if you wanted to respond to him, you could've dm'ed him, and not made such a stink over it?


You're just making drama to make drama. Please, just stop.

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This is not how virus total scan work, the scan is for the whole domain, how do I know? I have experimented with a fake url

adf.ly/lhqldhqhdlqshflhlhfljsh (totally made up)

result = same result as any other adfly url

that means the result is for the whole domain, all pages scanned

that means that no adfly page scanned ever returned a virus match


may I ask what is YOUR proof of virus, other than shitty bloggers who talk shit and don't know jack shit about what a virus really is

who do you trust? some shitty bloggers or professional security specialists?


@A person


yeah they're greedy I agree, you sent them your pay check to pay their server fees and they still use adfly, whole new level of greed .... oh wait you didn't? and btw google is greedy, youtube is full of ads stop it, google should pay the billions $$$$ of server fees from their pocket money, otherwise it's plain greed /sarcasm

mediafire = greed, no more ad on mediafire, until then let's boycott mediafire and their shitty popup ads /sarcasm




no I don't say RP should be dem'd , just should leave guild bias outside mffa

drama? haha guild are the real drama specialists, I am just a crappy amateur compared to them


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44 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

drama? haha guild are the real drama specialists, I am just a crappy amateur compared to them

This is your problem. You keep bringing up MFG and these theories that no one here cares about. Furthermore, it's irrelevant. If you have a vendetta with MFG, then maybe you should take it up with them. Ricepigeon's actions are justified and discussed before taken. The whole staff has a say in what we do with admins having the final words. If Rice was doing anything against our guidelines or going rogue, we'd know before hand and take action from there. Enough of this nonsense. I don't want to see anymore posts regarding this topic of MFG from you (or anyone else) anymore. Surely you can find something better to talk about. There's a great community of people here who "shoot the shit" about plenty of other topics. I'm sure you could find something that interests you.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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51 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

@A person


yeah they're greedy I agree, you sent them your pay check to pay their server fees and they still use adfly, whole new level of greed .... oh wait you didn't? and btw google is greedy, youtube is full of ads stop it, google should pay the billions $$$$ of server fees from their pocket money, otherwise it's plain greed /sarcasm

mediafire = greed, no more ad on mediafire, until then let's boycott mediafire and their shitty popup ads /sarcasm

Ah, so you're a business, then? You run a service that countless people use? Yeah, get out of here with that argument. Unless you, yourself, run a business that requires you to upkeep something via ads, then you cannot make that argument. As a matter of fact, the ads that you mentioned with Google and Youtube are non-intrusive and can be ignored in most cases. You don't have to sit through every single video and watch an ad each time you want to see a cat playing a piano, or have to look at a fake download screen each time you search for something on Google. As for Mediafire, yeah, I agree, they should get rid of the popup ads as the ones on the download page are more than enough. However, I will also say that at least you can close out of Mediafire ads immediately and don't have to sit there and stare at them for a while unlike with ad.fly links. In fact, that argument would make ad.fly links even worse, especially if they're linked to a Mediafire page! So, good job attempting to grasp for straws. You know you're on the wrong side of this argument, so it's better to just drop the whole topic and try your best to assimilate with the community instead of trying to act like everyone but you is some kind of cultist or kook. It makes you look very foolish.

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So I found that nasty adf.ly link again that redirects to malware and ran it through Virustotal...



Clean as a whistle, say 58.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Dude... why should we even keep listening to you when you're the one who harassed Jessica Smoke over her identity then started an unnecessary argument about different MUGEN communities based on your opinion? If you have any problem with MFG, talk about it directly to their staff instead of whining about it on MFFA


Please don't ruin the peacefulness on this friendly community. There's no need to drag us into a stupid war over adfly links

There's a reason why I spend most of the time browsing stuffs on MFFA even though I have accounts on MUGEN Guild and MUGEN Archive


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ok since I can't talk about guild I'll talk about this adfly shit instead







not sure if I get it but you say you can debug virus better than professional security specialists?

if yes show us how you debug the virus, if no then maybe you're like these 13yo bloggers who have not a single clue what they talk about


@A person


being a business is besides the point, the real point is someone gotta pay the server bill

unless you're willing to pay the bill for them then learn to deal with ads




wow just shows how much they believe mffa is their proxy war lackey


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2 hours ago, Jirobou said:







not sure if I get it but you say you can debug virus better than professional security specialists?

if yes show us how you debug the virus, if no then maybe you're like these 13yo bloggers who have not a single clue what they talk about

He scanned an actual page tho. You just "experimented with a fake url."

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11 hours ago, Jirobou said:



wow just shows how much they believe mffa is their proxy war lackey

Except that Guild doesn't give a shit about MFFA and vice versa. The two just happen to agree that adfly is dangerous and Mugen Archive should be ashamed for using it.


Also, you calling us Guild lackeys? So what makes you not a lackey of Mugen Archive? All of your posts have been about rallying people for your cause to slander Guild and make Archive look good. Given your desperation, I would say either you're Dizzy, a dumb fanboy or expecting a piece of the Archive's pie for your dedication.

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Given your desperation, I would say either you're Iced, a dumb fanboy or expecting a piece of the Guild's pie for your dedication.


the difference is I don't make up threats that don't exist, I 'm not a fool being manipulated by fear mongering ops who's sole motive is destroy other sites otherwise we'll no longer be number #1


and btw mission failed cause archive wrecked guild so now get over it , cut the  bull shit, is now useless


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8 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

Given your desperation, I would say either you're Iced, a dumb fanboy or expecting a piece of the Guild's pie for your dedication.

Guild is just a forum of people. There is no hierarchy that runs in the shadows. There is no Guild Pie.


9 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

the difference is I don't make up threats that don't exist, I 'm not a fool being manipulated by fear mongering ops who's sole motive is destroy other sites otherwise we'll no longer be number #1

 There are no Ops. No one is trying to destroy anything.


10 minutes ago, Jirobou said:

and btw mission failed cause archive wrecked guild so now get over it , cut the  bull shit, is now useless

There is no mission. Just people. Normal people. It's okay.

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After about 10 pages of 'history homework' I think I'm finally prepared to respond to this.  

_____________/ Why We Discourage Forum Bashing
@Jirobou I have to give you some respect here, simply for defending your opinion against something like 12 other people, but taking everyone on for 10+ pages in order to drive home the point that the guild sucks?  I'll do my best to explain why this is a problem, and if you still have questions after that, I'll try to answer them.  What you seem to be saying is:

- You predict that MFG is doomed to be washed up within a few months, because the staff is not only overbearing, but was unfounded in challenging Mugen Archive for its use of adfly, which ironically resulted in MA absorbing a substantial amount of MFG's members. -

Fine, nothing wrong with that prediction.  But detailing it with 10 pages of insults and name calling, and trying to get others on board with you essentially adds up to a direct attack on the forum, rather than a neutral observation of its state and behavior. Granted you think the Guild sucks, so that might not bother you, but you should consider the damage the community would takes for each person that actually agrees with your point here.  Essentially thousands of people acquire a slightly tarnished name that they don't deserve (or even know about), simply because you felt like blaming an entire community for the decisions of its leaders and the behavior of a handful of its members.

This is clearly not fair.  Slamming an entire forum, is pretty much like slamming a quarter of the mugen community at once.  It's too heavy handed.   It does damage to all of us in the end, simply by existing as a post amidst impressionable people.  Forum bashing is essentially kicking at the cornerstone of the communities future.  Which is why we try to prevent it.  But preventing it takes staff attention.  And that is a limited resource.    

So when threads like this start to cycle the same content, you begin to see the same questions repeated over and over, and it becomes increasingly clear that people are talking past each other.  Either A) the person with the issue isn't listening to other peoples attempts to resolve it, or B) people trying to resolve it are wording their answers not for the person asking the question, but for other people reading who already agree with them (the choir).  Either way, when this starts happening in a discussion about the details of why another forum is bad, it becomes a circle with problematic potential.  So staff locks it.  And restarting a topic that staff locks is basically a way of just ignoring what they're telling you by locking it.  Again we only have so many mods, and they only have so much attention to give.  So please listen to their warnings.  Or they / we will ban you again.  If you want to discuss the reasoning behind this further, you can pm me if you wish.  I'll answer whatever questions you have regarding our policies.


_____________/ RicePigeon
Rice did not ban you for answering his question.  Rice gave you a warning point for phrasing your answer with all the same problematic insults of MFG that you'd been asked to stop with already.  Not for providing the evidence he asked for, but for not doing so in a civil way, which he also asked for.  And he didn't know he was banning you.  You had already acquired 2 warning points from other mods.  His just happened to be your 3rd.  Our system is set up to auto-ban for 15 days at the 3rd warning point, it's not a 'decision' he or anyone made especially for you.  He was simply doing his part as a moderator and trying to keep the peace.

And the behavior you describe of Guild mods basically banning people for their opinions, rather than their behavior is not what's going on here.  You could've expressed all of your opinions just fine without issuing personal insults, or insults towards entire forums.  Of course critical discussions like that over sensitive topics will require some 'agreement to disagree'.  You can't just show up and be like "The guild fuckin sucks and this is why" and then get pissed off when people don't agree with you, and proceed to try to insult your opinion into their mind.  That's just crappy behavior whatever the topic is, guild or anything else.  And that's what you're being talked to about.  Not the content of your opinion.  Everyone actually entertained your ideas for quite a while, discussed the rational parts of your point which was very impressive, and nice to see.


_____________/ Adfly

Is adfly malicious?  According to the link you posted, yes actually:

^screenshot of what I got when I clicked your link that was supposed to say why adfly was safe.

Because no one really bothered providing evidence (in the form of infected links, so good on them), I'll reiterate the points they made instead.  First, adfly is not infected.  No one is saying it is.  The problem is that they do not filter / virus scan the files they host or the sites their adds link to, or the content of those adds (meaning that bad-case scenario, they could use javascript maliciously). That's the problem, not that adfly itself is infected. The problem is compounded by the fact that, even if adfly did filter its shit at this point, it's reputation is so bad it scares people, even if it shouldn't and that does its own form of damage to a place.  Given that there are plenty of alternatives that don't have the same issues or rep, it seems sort of silly to insist on adfly.  Especially when it brings about the added moral issue of making money off of other peoples work, when many of them have no idea that's even happening, and none of them were asked.  Granted this can be blunted slightly by what they do actually offer to the community in the form of a hosting service, it still can't be cancelled outright as a valid (and possibly game tipping) point.  And banners and adds on the site itself better represent that contribution that directly tagging the downloads themselves.  So to summarize:  Even if there is evidence that adfly itself is safe, why use it when there are alternatives that have no bad rep, better represent the forum itself's contribution (imo at least), do filter / virus scan their stuff, don't allow unchecked adds or links, and offer all of the same benefits? 

_____________/ Resolve

We really don't like banning people.  And if you can agree with the grand design of 'why we do what we do', it definitely shouldn't need to happen.  And that part can be explained. 

So going forward, if you have questions about our policies or whatever, please don't hesitate to ask.  We'll be happy to keep you up to date, or discuss anything in a civil manner.
But please, try to refrain from bashing entire forums here (doesn't matter what forum, it's equally unfair), and try to keep your discussions level, by checking your end point.



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2 hours ago, Jirobou said:

Given your desperation, I would say either you're Iced, a dumb fanboy or expecting a piece of the Guild's pie for your dedication.

Nice try, but...

- I have my own account in guild seperate from Iced's on account that I'm not Iced.

- I don't make it a habit to talk about Guild in other forums nor do I blindly make accusations to make it look good.

- Guild doesn't make any profit from what they do. There is no pie to take even among their staff which btw, I am not.


That's cute trying to use my own words against me. All you did was prove me right that you're desperate.

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Friend I think you're blind about your moderators and their pro-guild bias.


Forum bashing? I've pointed to thread which were bashing mmv or archive, and they weren't locked, it was totally fine, Someone said double standards?


Being civil? I stopped counting how many times I've been insulted

Darkflare : You're a goddamn fool

And I can't be bothered to look for the dozens of other occurrences, which were totally accepted by the moderators

insulting a pro mmv or pro archive is totally fine, again did someone say double standards?


Open your eyes, your mods here are no different from the ones on guild, there is a clear double standard : anybody anti mmv/archive can get away with anything in these drama threads, and the so called rules are used exclusively against the pro mmv/archive


And your pro guild mods such as ricepigeon reproduce exactly the same bias here


Whatever you were my last resort and if you're going to be blind about how your mods turns mffa into a guild lackey, then it can't be helped

I have no more reason to be part of this community, I will not be involved with guild and its lackeys

shame because this site is actually useful, unlike the total trash guild is


Farewell, gonna change my password and mail to some random shit so I can not use this account anymore


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1 hour ago, Jirobou said:



Friend I think you're blind about your moderators and their pro-guild bias.


Forum bashing? I've pointed to thread which were bashing mmv or archive, and they weren't locked, it was totally fine, Someone said double standards?


Being civil? I stopped counting how many times I've been insulted

Darkflare : You're a goddamn fool

And I can't be bothered to look for the dozens of other occurrences, which were totally accepted by the moderators

insulting a pro mmv or pro archive is totally fine, again did someone say double standards?


Open your eyes, your mods here are no different from the ones on guild, there is a clear double standard : anybody pro guild can get away with anything in these drama threads, and the so called rules are used exclusively against the anti guild


And your pro guild mods such as ricepigeon reproduce exactly the same bias here


Whatever you were my last resort and if you're going to be blind about how your mods turns mffa into a guild lackey, then it can't be helped

I have no more reason to be part of this community, I will not be involved with guild and its lackeys

shame because this site is actually useful, unlike the total trash guild is


Farewell, gonna change my password and mail to some random shit so I can not use this account anymore

God almighty, RobotMonkeyHead was actually kind to you, and this is how you treat him?

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29 minutes ago, BrawlTheMan said:

God almighty, RobotMonkeyHead was actually kind to you, and this is how you treat him?


I know he was very kind, I know he put lot of efforts in replying and I'm very grateful.... BUT my opinion is he is blind about what certain mods are up to


Now please shut up and let this thread die


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