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Alright. This post may upset people, most likely @RobotMonkeyHæd, who recently (some months ago recently) put me in the Vault Keeper postion, but I feel like I should say it.


I'm quitting MUGEN.


Why? I've overall kinda lost interest. There have been other things that have caught my attention, like school and family demands, my new job, and I've been focusing more on Super Smash Bros as my new passion (mentioning that game on a FG forum is just asking for a flamewar, but that's besides the point). Besides, making my way up in the MUGEN realm would require me to learn coding and such, which I don't have much drive to do at the moment. So I guess this is goodbye. Sure, I may return, but it isn't too likely.


Thanks to everyone that has believed in me over the past 4 years I've been into MUGEN, especially those on this site.


Until then, have a nice summer.


- Big Green, MasterofYoshis, W', whatever you wanna call me.



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On ‎05‎/‎12‎/‎2014 at 7:03 PM, Rodrigo Caldeira said:

O meu nome é Rodrigo caldeira, tenho 29 anos, moro no Rio de janeiro, Brasil. sempre tive uma grande curiosidade de como criar seu proprio jogo, e descobri quando comecei a baixar jogos mugen no baixaki. em 2009, comecei a criar meu proprio mugen, baixando chars, stages, musicas pros stages e outros. em 2012, criei meu primeiro stage usando o programa Easy stage, chamado cinema abandonado. infelizmente em 2013 o pendrive na qual eu guardava o meu mugen que criei em 2009 parou de funcionar, e tive que recomeçar do zero, porem alguns chars que eu tinha estão dificeis de achar. to aqui para ajudar no que precisarem!

Reminds childhood... I Loved playing mugen games back as an kid.

Nothing to insert here, just it.

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@Big Green Don't worry about me bud, it's all good, I understand completely :)

Life goes where it goes, and sometimes hobbies gotta fall by the wayside, to make room for bigger priorities.
As an artist and coder myself, I know the feeling well of loosing interest in a topic or a project.  
Sometimes it's the best thing to do, to set down the things you're not really feeling and focus your energy on the things you really care about, and are interested in.

I will say, it's been awesome to have you here and on staff, and if you're ever feeling like a return visit we'll be stoked to see you!
But for now, best wishes to you in all your future endeavors.  
Hope to see ya around someday!!!



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What's up everyone. I'm Glorious Showoff, but you can call me Avi.


I've been a fighting game fan since way back when, and have been playing Mugen since that time as well. I'm happy to finally be joining a MUGEN community, and glad to see that it's still big and uprising.


My Favorite Fighting Games of all time will no doubt have to be SNK Fighting Games, alongside the like of Tekken and Blazblue. I have happened to play about almost every single well known fighting game franchise that has existed, besides Killer Instinct and Skullgirls, and have genuine enjoyed them, even if Capcom has been getting on my nerves as of late.


Well, if you are a Kyo/Iori or Kaede from Last Blade series main, you already are my friend, and I'm looking forward to making others here!


Other than fighting games, I enjoy playing RPGS, reading visual novels/eroge (Alicesoft is my favorite company, and I enjoy the hell out of Daibanchou and Rance series), and watching anime of course, you can see my favorites on my profile.


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Hello everyone. 

my name is Redthefox but you can call me Red.

I'm a Mugen fighter since somes mouth. There's already many things i already learn like adding a character, a stage, and musics, 


I also try to create an character fighter but that pretty hard so i use a tutorial.


The another thing is i like to play at RPGS games like Sonic Chronicles, Rpg Maker, Undertale, etc.

When i get bored well i create an game from differents univers.


Personnaly i like alot Freedom Planet, Sonic the hedgehog, and especially Undertale.


And i'm not really good at 100% in English but i do my best ^^'

It may you could have many question for me so feel free to ask me a question if you want ;)


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On 2-7-2017 at 6:08 AM, DontVirusMeBRO!!T_T said:

thanks TheJMan! mainly on the engine to make a character for the game, but one more question, what is the best link to get that engine? there are multiple and Im very cautious, especially that I even named myself that haha, btw Im using windows 10 64-bit :fuckyea:

Slightly late but like Darkflare said 1.0 is the most stable version. I would however reccomend a screenpack (most of them allow more characters to be added) I myself use IMT Red.

You could use KFM as a base aswell but I feel like if you'd use Ryon's tutorial it is the best to use the template considering he used it for said tutorial.

Me too... Kind of want to go back to Windows 7 though XD

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On 8/10/2017 at 6:26 AM, TheJMan said:

Slightly late but like Darkflare said 1.0 is the most stable version. I would however reccomend a screenpack (most of them allow more characters to be added) I myself use IMT Red.

You could use KFM as a base aswell but I feel like if you'd use Ryon's tutorial it is the best to use the template considering he used it for said tutorial.

Me too... Kind of want to go back to Windows 7 though XD

Same, Kung Fu Man is my go-to base for any character that's not an edit, he's already got all the required hit sprites so you know what to put in each and basic move code that's easy to work with.


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9 hours ago, IDGCaptainRussia said:

Same, Kung Fu Man is my go-to base for any character that's not an edit, he's already got all the required hit sprites so you know what to put in each and basic move code that's easy to work with.

Agreed, KFM actually is the easiest to start with in my opinion. But if you are more advanced/want to code your own moves (Mainly specials) N64Mario's template is the best and the easiest to work with. You could also search for a template fitting a style you like (MvC, etc)

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Hello there!

Making MUGEN chars and stages? Awesome. I assume you already know the basics of the coding? If you do not please do watch Ryon's tutorial, it is divided in section for quick acces and learning.

I am also struggling on what advice to give you...

You can either make a overmade character (Such as Mario, Sonic, Ronald McDonald, etc) To  pratice with coding without having to do something super flashy. But we already have great versions for all of those.

Or make a character that has never been made before (For example D.Va and most of the Power Rangers) but problems with sprites and/or move inspiration would be present...

Kinda want D.Va in MUGEN now haha.

But just post it in the W.I.P section, I could even help you with some small things such as inspiration and/or sprite resources, feel free to ask me!



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Hey there pal!

No questions from me, just a welcoming message for now...


I hope you are using Ryon's tutorial for the creation of characters? Many others work but Ryon's is the best IMO (Officially in the race to reach top 10 Ryon fanboys haha!)


I love tactical RP's as Fire Emblem myself. Love Sonic, Freedom Planet and Undertale aswell alongside WWE.


The English is not half as bad, it is way better than when I joined the site buddy.


Well I lied, I am going to ask you something anyway!

Who are you creating for MUGEN? Maybe I could help you with some things!





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, MFFA users.

My nickname is "ThisClown17" (TC17 in shortening), but you can call me "Mark".

I'm a russian M.U.G.E.N creator and editor of some characters. (It's explain bad english in this post.)

I like to play in Castle Crashers, Brawlhalla, Don't Starve Together, Garry's Mod.

I'm interested in universe like Sonic, Mario, Half-Life 2.

I like Nostalgia Critic, AVGN, Jontron.


I write topics like this very rarely, and this topic can be bad.

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