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I would like to introduce myself. My name is MLGPoliwhirl, a MUGEN creator who's creations were bad recently and is improving. How I got here was a former friend of mine named FrancoIIIOliquino, who created that one bad Google Chrome character. 


Though I am more of an normal guy that played MUGEN, more than a beginner, back when I was in 2012. What I'm working on right now is my actually good release, Dr. Mario.




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Though I am more of an normal guy that played MUGEN, more than a beginner, back when I was in 2012. What I'm working on right now is my actually good release, Dr. Mario.





Welcome  to MFFA Dingybird2122 :hi:



If you need help in improving your characters you can go here : http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/forum/103-tutorials/


Enjoy your stay. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Sup.creating best ffvii mugen chars ever. Making it alone.will release when i feel like it.track progress at www.flurryjo.com. Or look on youtube for Artistropeadope or Flurryjo if you want.


ffvii roster(w.i.p.):

Sector5 church stage - 100%

Bahamutsin - 100%

cloud - %100 (with hypers)

Vincent %100 (no hypers)

yuffie %50

tifa %60

aerith %30

nanaki %50

barret %80

cait sith %50

cid %50

custom roster:

Flurry - %100 (with hidden hypers)

Saft - %100 (with hidden hypers)


Take it easy

What you do defines you.

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Welcome to MFFA. I knew that name "Flurryjo" sounded familiar. You were just on MFG. I know you were just banned from there, but please no forum bashing. We like to keep this place clean and civil while still open and free. Enjoy your stay!



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Oh right, you're that guy who was making those Final Fantasy characters. Yeah, I think I remember you. Welcome to MFFA!


It seems a little bit odd to say you're an incredibly talented sprite artist, but I'm a modest person, so of course it'd sound weird to me :P

Saying that, the shading on your sprites does seem to lack contrast, and the idle animations seem quite motionless.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Hey guys I'm back! Sorta.. here's the situation I am currently unable to live in my house due to money issues but I have been at my grandfather's place for awhile now (since mid september when I was planning to make my actual return) but hell I miss this so much and I'm slowly working up a way to be on more so for now I shall start making palettes for you guys again and try to get them out as fast as I can cuz I am currently working with a beat up pc (my grandfather's) a tablet and time constrants but I'm gonna push through this until I finally move to my new home next month.



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Heyo! I decided to join MFFA for 2 reasons.

1. I wanna learn how to make and edit characters *I usually just add stuff and nothing more*

2. I need reliable help. Mugen Guild IGNORES me, I understand it's a good community and all but I got lost on how to edit a partner heal code all it needed was an X coordinate and I wasn't sure how to add it in. 


That's resolved now. I help others with what I know and It's quite a bit right now but not enough for developing a whole character yet. Im a nice guy and usually enjoy brainstorming creative idea's. I've been making and editing sprites lately and when I showed the few I made a while back I never got a response....in Mugen Guild.... :crywithno:

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Welcome to MFFA wicloud :hi:


Once you get settled here you can get alot of help at this part of the forum: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/forum/31-mugen-help/

Thanks! I've already asked for help here so far on a character partner intro and now i've got the sprites made...This is going to be my first time animating something. Just gotta get them coded into Gum and Cream. Let's hope the animation is smooth...it's not fully finished but it makes sense.

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