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ideas for mugen 1.2


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Hi everybody! just wanted to know, what codes you like to be added in mugen 1.2?

if you want to know what  codes do I like :

1 - zoom : if mugen had a zoom code, it would be really cool. such as ssbb while you are doing a final smash

2 - ChangeAnim3 = some thing such as if you use it in p2 state, p2 changes to some sprites, in p1's self file.

3 - echo (in playsnd) = it would be very nice if mugen had echo codes! u know..

4 - bgeffect = such as bg falls, bg cuts, etc... it would be useful.


plz reply and say what do you want from mugen 1.2!

Download my creations here! Hope you like 'em

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That one intro thing when the camera scrolls from the sky from kof 2002 unlimited match

maybe have animated character ports (like force the screenpack to use the character's animations or something)

I guess more control over arcade mode

having the cpu victory screen(i didn't make those winquotes from my bosses for nothing u know)


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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It would be pretty nice if MUGEN wasn't so bareboned and had more content to it like Online Mode (not ikemen) that lets you have your own roster for use in Online Mode (like around 10 or 20 can do) and a select screen that shows the character animations when selected they do their taunts or victory poses like other games (MvC, DarkStalkers). Would be nice for a next stage with a character shown to be before the versus screen and rival quotes.. In short, more content so M.U.G.E.N has more things to it.

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You know I kinda had this idea, instead of using one character selection screen, it would be cool if you could use 3 different character selection screens in a single screen pack. It could possibly work as your getting ready to select your character you can select a character selection screen and choose a character from that selection then you can choose a go back option and choose another character from a different selection screen if you want to. I honestly don't know how that would work but it would be a cool way to have a lot more space for you to add characters and not have to delete characters just to make room.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always liked MUGEN as an engine. But there ate undoubtly flaws like coding difficulty. A very simple feature such as a Super Armor Option would do. I have a crapton of things that I want (and sure you all wanted) like:

Previewable Stages

Grouping Palletes

Tag Team

7th and 8th Button (Act as 3 Punches and 3 Kicks Prespectively)

and Lifebars Customization (Like a Player has a Yellow Bar and another has a Green One (Just for the sake of being Different). Refill animations for Red Health State and Boss Bars)


I know I want to much

Art by BigDeadAlive

Add me at Super Mario Run not that I play: 5718-3273-0856

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The option of making a character unplayable, a good feature for any character you believe would be for Boss use.


Having select characters oppose you in the same stage you fought your previous opponent, something similar to Martial Champion, and CvS2.


The function of videos played between matches.

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On 12/25/2016 at 0:43 AM, GarchompMatt said:

It's already possible to customise the number of rounds needed to win a match, just not via the in-game options menu.


Art by BigDeadAlive

Add me at Super Mario Run not that I play: 5718-3273-0856

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here are things i think need to be added in the future.

1. If some how it can come with a tag/w assists mode, ya know along with your single, simul, turns.   so it'll look like this (single, simul, tag, turns) maybe uno can colabarate with electabyte in added his tag patch in like that.

2. Stage Viewer.   when selecting your stages after you've picked your characters, instead of it being text of the stages alone its actually the text with image of the stage.

3. Being able to add "character themes"  like mvc.   when your fighting that character, his theme plays.  

4. ability to now add that arcade mode "ladder" pre match animation.... ya know what we see in mortal kombat games.   its that ladder that shows all the opponents you gotta fight with the boss being on top.  different screen packs would have different ladder looks.... it'll be simple I'd say cause it'll just be the characters images in a ladder, and the mugen already pre knowing all who your going to fight and just show em to you in order.


5. Can we PLEASE for the love of god get a point system!!  so this can officially be liike a real arcade.  like when i dont press anything in the main menu i wanna see like the top 10 players with highest points, ya kno.... like when you add your 3 letter initials. and when it comes back the 2nd time around it should show the top 10 highest players with highest number combos, so it'll show your 3 initials, your combo hits number, and the character(s) you were using when you achieved this many hits.  

thank you :)


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1) I'd like to see a universal state -4, which has it's own .cns file in the data folder that all characters code passes through before going to their own state -3.  Left blank it would have no effect.  Any content added would effect all characters.  Seems to me to be an easy way to implement stage interaction, tag systems or any other global game aspects the creator wanted. e.g downloading an Mk1 Pit stage that comes with a chunk of code you can drop into the -4.cns file, which basically says:  If the characters life is at 0 and they're in the air at the end of the final round, do the pit thing.

2) The following state controllers: SaveVars, LoadVars, SaveFvars and Load Fvars.  Store the values in a text file in the characters root folder.  Ccoder can't choose save location, obvious security issues.  Also doesn't work in custom states, so chars cant wipe each others data.

3)  Other than that, some more options for Screenpacks would be nice.  Like the ability to use default animations for portraits (9000, 10 ?), the ability to have 2 large portraits ( so you could do one in the frame, and then a standing animation below ), and a simple 3 slot Save option on the main menu (arcade, team survival...Saves ).  Same as chars, except there would have to be a set of universal variables belonging to the SP itself, such as Uvar.P1Points, or Uvar(1) readable by universal state -4 only, that were effected through out the game, and saved again in a simple text file in the data folder.



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A built in feature that automatically patches the character, stage, screen pack, etc. to work in the newest version of Mugen.


Example: A certain character is exclusive to 1.0 or 1.1, and as the game loads, it upgrades it to work in 1.2.


Probably impossible, would awesome nonetheless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Move all the stuff out of the game engine and back into the common.cns file where it belongs.  Adding in a GameMakeAnim to state 52 (jump land state) is annoying let alone all that crouch friction nonsense.  I want my MUGEN back.  I'm just tired of trying to overwrite and override the game engine and I miss the old v04.14.2002 and WinMUGEN days when all the stuff was in the common file.

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  • 1 year later...
On 2/13/2017 at 2:37 PM, Redhair Ryu Lover said:

The option of making a character unplayable, a good feature for any character you believe would be for Boss use.


On 11/21/2016 at 5:17 PM, Xenocard said:

It would be pretty nice if MUGEN wasn't so bareboned and had more content to it like Online Mode (not ikemen) that lets you have your own roster for use in Online Mode (like around 10 or 20 can do).


On 12/24/2016 at 3:21 PM, DJSLASH571 said:

A custom story mode and the ability to customise the number of rounds. A tournament mode similar to that in the WWE 2K games would be nice too.


On 3/6/2017 at 3:44 PM, White Ranger said:

A built in feature that automatically patches the character, stage, screen pack, etc. to work in the newest version of Mugen.


Example: A certain character is exclusive to 1.0 or 1.1, and as the game loads, it upgrades it to work in 1.2.


Probably impossible, would awesome nonetheless.


On 12/14/2016 at 8:59 PM, Weiss_Circal said:

It would be nice for a actually color selector when you choose your character so that way you don't have to press a random button and hope it's a color you like.

I agree with all those things.

I would also love to see a built-in tag team mode, an easier and simpler way to make your own characters (and no, Fighter Factory doesn't count), the option of making a character/stage unlockable, and a built-in 3vs3/4vs4/3vs2/3vs1/4vs3/4vs2/4vs1/etc. simul mode (where you can only control the first character on your team, just like 2vs2 simul mode).

The MUGENite formerly known as StrikeFreedomGirl555



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