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It actually got into an old obsolete database, which wound up causing the site to shut down from sheer size.  That database was one staff used to use years ago to host images for our collections via a gallery feature.  At the time, bots began accessing the gallery somehow, so the feature was removed for security.  However one of the bots may have continued doing it's thing that entire time, or recently reactivated somehow, we don't know specifically.  

And thanks :) 



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@RobotMonkeyHæd Glad it didn't do anything too severe, although I would like to point out that, we're missing the spoiler button :p


No need to rush, as obviously the site just got back, so please by all means please take your time. :relax:


2016 has definitely been a rough year for MFFA, but I'm sure it will only get better from this point on. :goodmood:

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And I was just about to ask Alexei if it was okay to make these details about the databases available to the public, but it seems RMH was already way ahead of me lol.


From what he told me though, it sounded like the database that was affected was one from MFFA's old web host from 3 years ago, which Ryon apparently forgot about after the site's hosting changed around that time?

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3 hours ago, Ryon said:

just upgrade the forum. at this point, its probably old and current plug in's fighting each other.

Upgraded, database repaired and optimized.  I think the recent errors are a combination of what you're describing and that IPS upgrade kicking over.

 @Noside sorry man, that sucks.

Just to expand on the bot issue a little bit, it did so by effecting one of our older out of use databases, which had had bot problems in the past.  We think one of them has either been going this whole time, or was reactivated somehow, so recently that database started getting bigger and bigger in the background.  Bigger than anything the tech support guy had ever seen in his life.  Me and him had a good laugh about just how enormous it had gotten.  Something like 6 times our allowed hosting space I think?  No one noticed it quickly because we don't use that database anymore.  We just kept it for the images in it.  I hope this clears up the bot issue a little more. 



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59 minutes ago, RobotMonkeyHæd said:

Most of the glitches seem to be working themselves out.

Cool! like the forum has a mind of its own........ then again.....   :whaaat2:

1 hour ago, RobotMonkeyHæd said:

Some of the images in the collections that were hosted on photobucket aren't showing up still.

Hmm.. that strange the collections i made don't have that problem.... :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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3 hours ago, RobotMonkeyHæd said:

Some of the images in the collections that were hosted on photobucket aren't showing up still.


It's a problem within photobucket itself, sometimes, the images becomes unavaliable for no reason.



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