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Basara's WIP Thread: The MFFA Branch Office (now with new projects!!)


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Air Shooter will be just like in MM2, but different from old version where it was just 1, now will be 3 tornadoes instead just one and also works like an antiair, the difference is now the far tornado goes to the other extreme of the screen and every tornado knocks off the opponent, and the 3 has 70 damage, making a total of 210 if the 3 are connected.

But... there's MM9 Tornado Blow, which is the vertical version of Boss Air Shooter (tornadoes comes from the ground and uses the whole screen) and is the super for Mode 2 I want to make :heeee:

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OK, finished Solar Blaze and remade Tornado Blow, only left a few moves, some fixes and Megaman will be ready for the re-release!! :ReallyTruly: Also...


Added big portrait for supers like Scott Pilgrim and Shuma-Gorath, looks awesome!! (and as you can see, also uses the palette used by Megaman himself)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Yes, as the title says ;) Rose has been restarted now with Shuma-Gorath as base for her, so I deleted every POTS reference she had (since the code to the FXs) and now has all basics ready, now starting to make her specials and her SND, this is some of the things she will have:


From previous POTS version:
-All basic moves ready
-Megamix of moves from all games she appears, since Alpha series to USFIV
-Voice of SFIV series as her main one
-And of course, sprites made by Felo Llop
-Compatibility with MUGEN1.0+ (data, winquotes, etc)


From new version:
-Shuma-Gorath as coding base for Rose
-Sparks and sounds from Capcom vs. SNK 2
-A Capcom/SFA more oriented gameplay
-New palettes more based on her past appearances + some cameos/cosplay palettes
-As SG, an alternative SND with her voice from SFA series


There're already 2 moves ready (Soul Spark and Suol Spiral) and 1 on works (Soul Throw, which shares coding right now with SG's Mystic Smash), so I hope to remake and polish those moves, as well finishing her SND and the second part will be done :Irock:

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  • 2 months later...

A new character is coming!!


Roxy from Final Fight. An old WIP I secretly have where instead just adapting Poison I made her as parto of my Doppelganger Project, along with Shelly (prototype and mirror match for Breakers' Tia, first char released from this project) and False Yuka (Yuka Takeuchi's clone from Saturn's Advanced Variable Geo). Unlike other similar chars out there, I'm making her a megamix of past Poison MUGEN chars and the official adaptation of her/him for Street Fighter X Tekken and Ultra Street Fighter IV. All basics ready, 24 palettes and 2 moves already done (Handcuffs and Love Me Tender). Roxy will be my next character to release, I hope this time I get more attention than with Megaman's Quint and Sniper Joe u_u


And now, the shots:





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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, I'm back!! :meme2: after my little retirement of... 9 months?? I'm not sure, maybe it was 10, whatever... anyway, I'm back in MUGEn and I'm working in some of the projects I left, mostly this one:



Envy Adams (& Lynette Guycott) is back to MUGEN!!

Since both girls haven't enough moves top get them separately, and because Envy & Lynette are already a battle team in SPvTWTG, I decided to make them together, with Envy as the main character and Lynette her assistant, which will be called by special moves instead normal strikers (think about Yamato Nadeshiko as part of R. Mika's moves in SFV). Originally I was to start on Kim Pine, but Envy got more advanced than her, so I prefer to focus on her and finish her as soon as I can. By now, apart of basics, she has almost all he special moves ready, including the ones with Lynette as seen in the pic. Now coding one more special move then I'll start with super moves, one of them including both of them fighting at the same time

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One thing I just realized is that you'll probably have to improvise with voice clips since Envy doesn't have too many fitting voice clips in the movie and Lynette has none.


That and there could always be a special intro between her and Scott. Either way I am interested as to how they'll play out when finished.

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Those things will be done, so don't worry ;) Also...



As you can see in the pic:

-Lynette fully functional as part of Envy's movelist (instead just a simple striker)

-SFA hitpsarks added to Envy, the same ones used on Scott and Nega Scott

-Palettes done, this one with Envy cosplaying Mai Shiranui


To be done:

-One more Envy's move, a kick that resembles Adon's Jaguar Kick

-Supers in general

-A BG for Envy, already added to SFF and AIR now should be coded

-Todd and Gideon as strikers (Todd with a Blanka-like move aka Electricity, and Gieon with his pixel projectile)

-A couple of voices to be added

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, after the surprise release of Robot Chuck, I decided to look back to my old WIPs to see if I can finish some of them... so one was chosen: Chiho Masuda from Variable Geo series will be back!! After many petitions and replaying VG games, I decided to give her a new chance to get into MUGEN. Until now, she has all basics and only standing punches added, so I'm now adding the rest of her normal punches and kicks and then start with her moves. I've to replay AVG2 and VGC to see which moves she has, I only remember her 2 classic moves (the kunai projectile and her charge attack). Soon you'll see more about her, I promise you :headphones:

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  • 1 year later...

Hi guys, I'm back!!

Well, I was really back in january XD but I'm back for real with this thread and making news about my actual and future WIPS for MUGEN.

As you could see before, I'm stuck with ClayFighter series (yes, I should retake my past WIPS as Rose, I know u_u), but I' m very interested to make things like this thanks to the success of Blue Suede Goo. And now, let me show you what could be my next project!!


Ice, the evil clone of Frosty in C2: Judgment Clay!!
I was trying to make something easy with him, but then it converts in something else. This is what I got right now:

  • Sprites from ShadeDBZ's Frosty sheet with a change of colors (Ice is darker than Frosty in the game)
  • Almost all basics ready (finishing the hitposes like KO and recovery)
  • 12 palettes (only the hat as in the game)
  • All his poses from C2 (1 intro and 2 winposes) + 2 new ones (common 63 1/3 intro and a taunt)
  • Both big and small portraits from C2 (small one was recolored as you can see and edited to be 25x25)
  • Base from Blue Suede Goo (the actual alpha still says OH MOMMA! and stuff XD)

I found the sheet is incomplete, so I'll have to rip various sprites by myself, like the stance pose I ripped already (first shot) and possibly the other exclusive sprites like standing strong punch as well Snowball special that wasn't in the sheet. Also, since C2 sprites are smaller than the media, I applied 1.2X MUGEN scale just to test... and it looks good. Hmmm, maybe should I pick 63 1/3 sprites and make the same instead of give them a resize via Photoshop and stuff??

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Hi guys, I want to tell you 3 things:

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Well, I'm still working on Ice and I got some more advances, let me explain you:

  • All his basic are ready now, including normal punches and kicks
  • Added some of 63 1/3 common moves: Launcher, Overhead Attack and Combo Opener
  • Now Ice has his CF2 voice thanks to N. in Guild
  • 3 of his 5 planed specials are ready: Blizzard (snow projectile), Sneaky Punch (a run+punch move) and Rising Ice (Frosty's anti-air, also the move used for Combo Breaker)

Now waiting to get the Snowball sprites to get his other 2 specials ready, also thinking in his supers, claytalities and combo system for him, as well adding the 63 1/3 FX for him. At this way, probably I would release Ice before march ends, I hope so 😄 (soon screenshots and maybe a video, i hope so too)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Ice has been released (plus an update for Blizzard)!!

Now seeing which character is next, probably I'll be working on the sprites for Bad Mr. Frosty and/or Boogerman as my next ClayFighter character... but meanwhile I can see other chars to be made or updated, you'll see that soon 😉 

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  • 1 month later...


First advance of Bad Mr. Frosty!!

Finally I can get a good and quick method to make his sprites sizable for MUGEN. I made his stance anim as you can see here, but in SFF I only add this, the turn anim and one of his poses (the "Call me Daddy", used for a taunt and a winpose), I'm focused right now to convert the rest of the sprites, and after that I'll add them to SFF, expect some surprises soon 😉




Starting to work on High Five from Sculpture's Cut, using Jeffry81's Hand SFF to make a proper conversion of this giant hand once for all. The first intent is this shot with one of his new palettes (creepy, isn't it??) but also I'll remake his AIR to get a better conversion, maybe I can get more of this soon 😉 (also, palettes are applied to Frosty too, in the shot with the cover & manual artworks when his iconic hat is purple instead blue)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I forgot to put it here, but I got the first video preview of both Bad Mr. Frosty and High Five thanks to Streamable


Also, this screenshot:


Since his CF1 sprites are horrible, I'm starting to rip Tiny from CF2 and also using 1.2X MUGEN scale to put him as the same size of normal MUGEN chars and my other CF chars, just like I did with Ice. I hope to get him more advanced soon, as well adding him to my official WIP list in my website along with High Five


Aaaaaand, I got a Facebook page, so you can follow me there, too 😉 

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