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Custom 2DFM95 Anne by Borewood released (07/18/2015)


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Wow, never thought I would see the day when Anne of that old book series would get mugenized...either way i'll try her out and see how she plays. Also noted that I grew up on the TV show as well.

Edit: Apparently, they had a Japanese dub...interesting... Plus you have to see the video, it's hilarious and cool on how she plays like.

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I didn't know there was an Anne of Green Gables anime (made in 1979, or so Wikipedia tells me), but it's pretty funny to see a character made out of it.  

And she plays pretty nicely.  Good animation, easy to control, nice combo-ability, decent specials and supers.  She also has good but not overwhelming AI.  She doesn't hit hard, though, but that's what I'd expect from a little girl who attacks mainly with flowers.

I think she's a keeper.

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I don't know if it's happening only with me, but she can move around during opponent's superpauses. Weird.

Probably it has to do with the tons of supermovetime = 2147483647 and pausemovetime = 2147483647 thathe adds in his codes, even when they aren't valid parameters for the relevant sctrl.




[State 197, NotHitBy]

type = NotHitBy

trigger1 = 1

value = SCA

time = 1

pausemovetime = 2147483647

supermovetime = 2147483647

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 1


Pausemovetime and supermovetime aren't valid parameters for the Nothitby sctrl. Probably a few of these parameters are affecting her gameplay negatively.


EDIT: meh. Forget it. He added a series of codes in her statedef 2 that prevent the opponent from pausing the game with superpauses.


[State -2, Pause] ;anti-Pause

type = Pause

triggerall = P2Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne" && EnemyNear, Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne"

trigger1 = (StateNo != [3000,3060])

trigger1 = (P2MoveType != H) && (P2StateNo != [120,155])

time = 0

endcmdbuftime = 0

movetime = 0

pausebg = 1

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 1


[State -2, SuperPause] ;anti-SuperPause

type = SuperPause

triggerall = P2Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne" && EnemyNear, Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne"

trigger1 = (StateNo != [3000,3060])

trigger1 = (P2MoveType != H) && (P2StateNo != [120,155])

time = 0

endcmdbuftime = 0

movetime = 0

pausebg = 1

anim = -1

sound = -1

pos = 0,0

darken = 0

p2defmul = 1 ; Setting this at 1 will make no changes to the targets' defence. 0 is a special value that will set the defence to the number set in Super.TargetDefenceMul in the [Rules] section of mugen.cfg

poweradd = 0

unhittable = 0

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 1


[State -2, Pause] ;anti-Pause

type = Pause

triggerall = P2Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne" && EnemyNear, Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne"

trigger1 = (StateNo = [3000,3060]) && (Time > 50)

time = 0

endcmdbuftime = 0

movetime = 0

pausebg = 1

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 1


[State -2, SuperPause] ;anti-SuperPause

type = SuperPause

triggerall = P2Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne" && EnemyNear, Name != "Custom 2DFM95 Anne"

trigger1 = (StateNo = [3000,3060]) && (Time > 50)

time = 0

endcmdbuftime = 0

movetime = 0

pausebg = 1

anim = -1

sound = -1

pos = 0,0

darken = 0

p2defmul = 1 ; Setting this at 1 will make no changes to the targets' defence. 0 is a special value that will set the defence to the number set in Super.TargetDefenceMul in the [Rules] section of mugen.cfg

poweradd = 0

unhittable = 0

ignorehitpause = 1

persistent = 1

Thanks, Borewood, now every character will have his supermoves totally messed up when he fights against your character 4020870042312804595.gif


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Oh, man. I didn't see this release. Anyway, I wanna know which Fighter Maker game Anne of Green Gables appeared in. I thought Arm Joe was the only of it's kind, a FG slightly based around literature.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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I don't know if it's happening only with me, but she can move around during opponent's superpauses. Weird.

No, it´s deliberately. This char is very weak, has no chain combos, lousy damage, even in her hypers. To compensate that she can move & attack during p2 superpause... and...


!!!!! a special MUGEN-only feature !!!!!
- in the original novel, anime, and movies, whenever somebody called Anne "carrots" for teasing her red hair, Anne would just
  go crazy and lose all her manners.  In my MUGEN version when P2 tries to do a taunt (strictly speaking, when P2
  enters the StateDef 195), Anne will get mad for 500 MUGEN game ticks and she will gain some advantages and disadvantages:
  + she cannot be thrown by P2 (in fact she is immune to being sent to a custom state)
  + her walk/run/jump is speeded up
  + her MUGEN Power increases by 100% (3000/3000)
  - she cannot do a taunt because she is very angry!
  - she cannot do both hyper moves because both Snow Queen and Diana are afraid of Anne's anger....
  - her defense decreases by about 50% (50/100)



XD Really enjoy that feature. Never seen that in MUGEN before...



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Wait, this is THAT Anne? Well I'm not too surprised, anybody can be Mugenized, even the most forgotten characters. She's a keeper in my roster for sure. I love when obscure characters like these come into the world of Mugen. She's slow, but another great char with some amusing attacks.

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Cool! Borewood done it again. :-)

Even though Anne has a cheap factor when it come to not getting effected by super-pauses(of course that can be change. Thanks Rimu for pointing out the code for us) but I see the fact she is not that strong but over all good character.


No, it´s deliberately. This char is very weak, has no chain combos, lousy damage, even in her hypers. To compensate that she can move & attack during p2 superpause... and...




XD Really enjoy that feature. Never seen that in MUGEN before...

LOL! thats funny as hell but is it only set on sudden characters for that to happen.? I need to look at her Intro codding to find out... :-P



MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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This is not a intro... It´s her "special MUGEN-only feature".

If p2 does a taunt (enters StateDef 195) a speech bubble opens at p2 with a carrot, so mocking/taunting Anne as a carrot.

Ah! i see,  so thats how that works. thanks for pointing that out Staubhold 

Thats on thing I like about Borewoood he very creative with his coding  :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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to bad not alot of chars will you know taunt us to make that feature useful at all.

There is also the problem with characters that use the taunt button for different things, like powercharging (RicePigeon's old Touhou characters), or have multiple taunts to randomly choose from (and thus, not always go to State 195).

And there are also characters who have no Taunt or State 195 at all.

So yeah, the idea itself was good, but he really needed to think out all the possible MUGEN scenarios to make it work properly.

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No matter what he did, it would never work fully with every Mugen character ever, like the stuff you said. Maybe this will just work with a large percentage of them.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Copypaste of Jango Hakamichi's feedback from Guild.

EDIT: OKAY, I finally got it by disabling Chrome's malware checks so if my computer gets infected, you know why. Sadly that will be in vain because this character is actually pretty terrible.

  • System sounds are too loud and are all over the place.
  • All of her attacks have blue clsn covering the red entirely. This means every attack will trade at best. The few exceptions are her crouching sweep, her grab special, and QCB+P (which is hilariously too good due to those hitboxes basically covering the entirety of Anne so that you can't even jump over her.
  • These attacks take way too long to use. Even her jabs come out slower than most people's heavy attacks. Specials have tons of start up and lots of ending lag. Supers are entirely useless due to this.
  • The Diana call super won't start until Diana makes her way to Anne, which means it'll either come out instantly if she's all the way to the back of the screen, or it'll take a while for her to hop over, during which point you can hit Anne and stop it. Even if she hangs out with Diana, she's still completely vulnerable, so if you sweep her while she's talking to Diana you can end the super early and Diana walks away like nothing happened.
  • He sped up Anne's voice clip for the light version of the QCB+P, so it sounds like a chipmunk is saying it.
  • Her gethit voices and death cry are so different from her usual sounds they could probably be from another character
  • I don't know what sorcery he did but fighting Anne eliminates superpause entirely from opponent characters which results in all sorts of weird-looking animations and shit. I thought I made a horrible mistake in Pupa's last update until I found out more characters were doing it. It doesn't happen on some chars (ie: Roken's Violent Ken), but it happens on a few others (ie: My Pupa, Pneophen's Kasugano+, Felineki's Akuma...)


Also, the stage looks like ass.

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Well i know a couple of characters that do regular taunts: Supermystery's Eternal Champion and Dark Eternal Champion. Both of them love spamming taunts. Dark EC even does it after a certain combo like he does in the game. So you could probably get her to enter rage mode more frequently if you're fighting one or both of these two. I'd love to try it out myself but I don't have my Mugen installed on this computer atm due to harddrive space reasons.


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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No matter what he did, it would never work fully with every Mugen character ever, like the stuff you said. Maybe this will just work with a large percentage of them.

Yep! :)

Also, the stage looks like ass.

Stage "looks like ass" cause it looks like that in the "source game" World Masterpiece Battle.




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Saw the top post a while ago, but I'm going to reply right now (since my phone can't do it due to reasons).

Even if it's in a "source" game or not, stage still looks like it's pixelated af. I wouldn't mind a stage from source if it doesn't look that bad. It's like saying I ported a stage from a bad fighting game (Ballz 3D for example) and leave everything there because it's what it looks like in source.

Doesn't hurt to update a stage to be at least tolerable, you know.



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Even if the source stage is bad their are better ones available for this character for mugen. (and there a good bunch of stages that goes good with Anne that I know) :-P




MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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