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MFFA's Ask a User Thread (Ask OxyontheWolf)


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What's your favorite video game? 

Do you like pizza?

Which pizza topping would you prefer, sausage or pineapple?

-It's very hard name one, so I'll mention a few: Castlevania SOTN, King of Fighters series, Mortal Kombat series, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Retro games from Super Mario Bros, etc.

-Yes, because it reminds me my girldfriend; I call her and in 15 minutes come to my home pretty hot.

-Jumping beans, because I put the sausage:troll:

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Favorite boss(es) from any game?

Do you like monsters?

-Sigma (Megaman X), Rugal, Vega/M.Bison, Shao Kahn, Galactus, Galamoth & Legion (Castlevania), Ridley & Mother Brain (Super Metroid), etc.

-Just the first 151. ;P
No seriously; if you're referring to popular culture, movies or videogames, of course, especially those based on the worldwide folklore.

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Have you ever played Dark Rift on the N64?

No, I havn't play too many N64 games because at that time I gave a chance to Sony Play Station because a friend of mine spoke wonders of this new console and the rest is history.

That's cool. What's your favorite for each type of them? :p

Let's see... from movies Freddy Krueger or Henrietta from Evil Dead (that bitch gave me nightmares as a kid), from pop culture, Dracula, Werewolfs or some LoveCraft's monsters, from the myth, cyclops, gorgons and krakens, from videogames all Castlevania's monster gallery and from worldwide folklore the Chupacabras, Gargoyles, Bigfoot, La llorona, etc. Isn't necessary to say that I still have hope for a new DarkStalkers. ;)

Which character of yours are you most proud of?

I have a personal rule: if I don't like it, I don't release it; I have between lost folders on my CPUs some unreleased characters, so, all the characters released are in my liking, but if I had to pick one, that would be "Crocomire", I release after "Phalanx" but Crocomire was my "Moby Dick" in that era. When I started to program it, I really had serious doubts if I could do it, I pond myself very often trying to program it, like what happens when a writer don't know how to continue his book, after literally thousands of times to press (Shift + F4) to check what happend if I try it... men, I felt in paradise when was finished... I play against him for first time like a gamer, not as a programmer, and wooooooww, it was amazing, I couldn't believe it was me who did that; in the second battle I put the Ridley theme from Super Metroid but in that moment in my head I heard "The Hymn of Joy" of Ludwig Van Beethoven. I feel too much joy in this moment just to remember it.

how many time take to make your MK characters?

I start with a template character with the basic moves, explodes, images, helpers in common, etc. That take 2 to 4 months (taking on my everyday life duties and how much study of the original game I put to make it close as possible to the source), then, I chose 4 or 5 chars for start; finish them take other month, but, the rest of characters is in half way in this point thanks to the template; if I calculate how much time I would take a single character from zero, that take two months, but, if I'm on vacation and I have enough enthusiasm to achievement, I'm sure I can finish one character in 3 weeks like my last release "Attack On Titan Boss Stage".

1. Favorite color?

2. Favorite fighting style? (MVC, CVS, etc.)



-Like King of Fighters 98' or Capcom Vs Snk 2 N-Groove.

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Favorite SNK character?

-RUGAL, You see, before he even exist, I like a lot Geese Howard and Wolfang Krauser (Fatal Fury series was a blast); Street Fighter II was the king of fighting games in that moment and I was pretty obsesed with play M.Bison in the Champion Edition because it was impossible in World Warrior, so, when Kof'94 was released and I see Rugal for first time with his red suit, he reminds me a lot M.Bison but i said: "haaa... is that a Bison's copy?, how cheap!, I preffer Geese or Krauser... or..." but then shows the second round and this guy launch a Reppuken and a MO***R F*****G KAISER WAVE!!!; he was the combitation of my 3 favorite chars of that era, but wait, there's more, in Kof'95 I was expecting the same because Rugal shows with the same look in the cinematics betwen fights and after beat Saisyu Kusanagi he transforms in the MOST BADASS BOSS CHARACTER EVER MADE!!! "OMEGA RUGAL!!!" I fell in love. My nickname isn't coincidence, (actually is a tribute for Rugal & Vega/M.Bison.;)  It's a shame the bad reputation that had this character because of Kof'2002 bootlegs and the cheap/coward gamers. :P

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Would you make a MK character based on the styles of the MK movie or TV series? Not characters based on those series', but more based on the fighting styles of the characters in those series'.
(I won't speak of Annihilation; that turdball needs to rot in a deep dark hole inside of a deeper darker hole.)


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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are you feeling now Mr omega?

I feel it DUANE_BOB!. 

Would you make a MK character based on the styles of the MK movie or TV series? Not characters based on those series', but more based on the fighting styles of the characters in those series'.
(I won't speak of Annihilation; that turdball needs to rot in a deep dark hole inside of a deeper darker hole.)

Mmm... maybe not, because I have the feeling that if I reach too far into the MK universe, my character collection might look like as a some MK independient mugen projects like too many out there. (No offending their creators).

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Mmm... maybe not, because I have the feeling that if I reach too far into the MK universe, my character collection might look like as a some MK independient mugen projects like too many out there. (No offending their creators).

Well, if I could do it myself, I'd have a MKT Johnny Cage with custom combos akin to SFA3. That'd be pretty close to the style of fighting most fighters used in the MK The Movie and MK Conquest... mostly Conquest.
Now then, NEXT QUESTION: when can we expect the next wave of fighters (or just fighter, if it seems to be going that way) to be released?


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Well, this is nice to see. Always loved your characters, but I have to ask...

Are there any plans to go beyond MK3 in terms of characters?

YES, this is an exclusive for those involved in this topic (if you question me about this in other place, I'll pretend amnesia ;P I like give surprises): In November will be released a Kotal Kahn figure (and some others) by MezcoToys: http://www.mezcotoyz.com/mortal-kombat-x-series-2-kotal-kahn
I'll buy it and digitalize it in the same way that Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva & Motaro were digitized with photographs; for now, I have plans to give it a gamelpay like UMK3 but I don't know, maybe I'll do it in a new gameplay; if I have success in this project, I'll make more.

NEXT QUESTION: when can we expect the next wave of fighters (or just fighter, if it seems to be going that way) to be released?

I always have difficult to give release dates because it is complicated take time to set to work in Mugen, in fact, I already should have released Khameleon, Kung Lao and Johnny Cage, but for the daily life issues I can't (I work in their Fatalities in this exact moment). I hope to release Khameleon this week and in the next, Kung Lao & Johnny Cage. I work in parallel in the Male Ninjas, so, when they are finished, i'll release them in pairs (Sub-Zero-Scorpion, Reptile-Smoke, Noob-Ermac, Rain-???).

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YES, this is an exclusive for those involved in this topic (if you question me about this in other place, I'll pretend amnesia ;P I like give surprises): In November will be released a Kotal Kahn figure (and some others) by MezcoToys: http://www.mezcotoyz.com/mortal-kombat-x-series-2-kotal-kahn
I'll buy it and digitalize it in the same way that Goro, Kintaro, Sheeva & Motaro were digitized with photographs; for now, I have plans to give it a gamelpay like UMK3 but I don't know, maybe I'll do it in a new gameplay; if I have success in this project, I'll make more.

I always have difficult to give release dates because it is complicated take time to set to work in Mugen, in fact, I already should have released Khameleon, Kung Lao and Johnny Cage, but for the daily life issues I can't (I work in their Fatalities in this exact moment). I hope to release Khameleon this week and in the next, Kung Lao & Johnny Cage. I work in parallel in the Male Ninjas, so, when they are finished, i'll release them in pairs (Sub-Zero-Scorpion, Reptile-Smoke, Noob-Ermac, Rain-???).

Well, that's a plus! Also, when you do any digitized characters, it'd be advisable to use Photoshop to your advantage to remove any likeness of an action figure. Goro, Kintaro, and Motaro were all claymated, and the crew over at midway made them believable. It'd be best to use any photo-manipulating skills to use in order to do the same.

It also just-so-happens that Khameleon is a bit of a favorite character of mine, too.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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Well, that's a plus! Also, when you do any digitized characters, it'd be advisable to use Photoshop to your advantage to remove any likeness of an action figure. Goro, Kintaro, and Motaro were all claymated, and the crew over at midway made them believable. It'd be best to use any photo-manipulating skills to use in order to do the same.

It also just-so-happens that Khameleon is a bit of a favorite character of mine, too.

Of course I'll use photoshop for hide those details, dont' worry.





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so when's ssf2t dictator?

do you think you can unleash the horrors of mkt noob saibot into mugen?

what's your favourite boss character you made for mugen?

have you ever played mortal kombat special forces? if so what did you think of it?

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so when's ssf2t dictator?

do you think you can unleash the horrors of mkt noob saibot into mugen?

what's your favourite boss character you made for mugen?

have you ever played mortal kombat special forces? if so what did you think of it?

-I hope to release the next wave of characters from SSFIIX in December, included Dictator.

-I'm not interested in using the "Aggressor" bar, Brutalities or Animalities (that finishers are awful) I prefer an UMK3 gameplay, but I always try to make a gameplay closer to the source, so, I hope.

-"Crocomire" is the one I am most proud but "Alchemy-Lab Bosses" has always seemed me the most fun for the amount of details that I included. (that reminds me... someone already discovered the "secret elevator" that I put in Alchemy-Lab & Legion Bosses?)

-Yes, and is horrendous!. In that era the franchise has already too much tiredness; seemed very incomplete, when I saw the intro, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry; PSX gallery had much better games in that time as Soul Reaver or even Fighting Force do it better; finally I gave it to a friend as a gift.. 

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to be fair omega i don't think anybody cares about the aggressor thing anyway. (especially when you're noob saibot like god damn) anywho.

have you ever played battle monsters? if so who's your favourite character?

No, I met that game with the "MelvanaInChains" conversions for Mugen. Looks kind of funny, I would like to try it someday.

-How do you work so quickly?

-Are you thinking of releasing a character template for MK 1 2 and 3?

-Are you planning on releasing other World Heroes Perfect chars?

-In the past some people have asked me that and I always say that actually is a kind of "illusion" because I have already some characters done when I start a new season of releases, like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzUc11tT1Ss .I work with many chars at the same time and are released one by one for receive the feedback from Mugen community with the objective to fix the reported glitches for the new releases in chars with the same code like MK or SSFIIX.

-Maybe when I done the original trilogy, because even I mod and fix the templates all the time, plus, I don't want to compete against "myself" if we see it from that angle.

-I like a lot that series but I think all the characters were converted, unless that I receive requests for some char in particular; if I take that route, I would also like to continue with Fatal Fury Special and I always wanted to do characters from Kof'94 & Kof'95, Fighters History, Primal Rage, Time Killers, some fighting Bootleg NES games like Master Fighter III, Power Moves / Athlete, Ranma 1/2 for SNES, etc.

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