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[WiiU/3DS] Who you voted for being the next Character DLC for SSB WiiU/3DS? (Final Opinions)


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I decided to make a topic for this since this is starting to go more viral.


As all of us already know Nintendo has open a Fighter Ballot for videogame characters that you want to be playable in smash:


cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ (The Polls are Closed)  


Rumors has it that Nintendo also Accept third party characters in this Ballot 

www.technobuffalo.com/2015/04/06/nintendo-3rd-party-smash-bros-dlc-votes(which is now over with)



All in All who did you vote for? And if you want you can explain why you want this character in Smash.



[My vote]

i voted for 'Krystal Fox' from Star Fox (adventure) considering she is not only a formidable fighter but can also be a good balance to the star fox roster in smash. Doe I know people will prefer Wolf but I say she can be a good addition to the Roster as well and as a new  female fighter in SSB.  :goodmood:







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Actually, Krystal would be at least unique, unlike Wolf.

To be honest, though, I think that Fox and Falco are already enough.

Anyway, I originally wanted to vote for Roy Elwood from Fire Emblem, because he's my favorite Melee character.

But then I remembered that the majority of japanese Smash fans will already vote for him (because Roy got a big fanbase in Japan, and that's where more than half of the Smash fans come from), so I voted for someone more unique...who never got a release outside of Japan either...


I'm talking about nobody else than Lip from Panel de Pon, although she probably doesn't have a good chance of appearing either, sadly, because...well, it's Panel de Pon, for crying out loud!

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I'm talking about nobody else than Lip from Panel de Pon, although she probably doesn't have a good chance of appearing either, sadly, because...well, it's Panel de Pon, for crying out loud!



Hmm... that a cool choice sadly only her flower wand is represented which she would had been a character or Assist trophy. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Actually, Panel de Pon also has got a song and a Kirby Stone transformation in Smash.

That true too. :-P


[Edit post]




If i would had choice a second person 'Shantae' would have been my second Character to vote for. :goodmood:



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Who did I end up voting for?



Why Tharja, you may ask?


Aside from being another Fire Emblem character, Tharja's got the abilities of a Dark Mage, something most of the characters in the Smash Bros Universe simply don't have. Plus, it'd be interesting taking on other characters from the various franchises involved.


It probably won't happen, but hey, someone's gotta vote for someone other than Roy!

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Who did I end up voting for?



Why Tharja, you may ask?


Aside from being another Fire Emblem character, Tharja's got the abilities of a Dark Mage, something most of the characters in the Smash Bros Universe simply don't have. Plus, it'd be interesting taking on other characters from the various franchises involved.


It probably won't happen, but hey, someone's gotta vote for someone other than Roy!

I was thinking about puting a vote for Tharja myself. :-)


However Robin has already taking that role of Mage+swordman for the FE character roster so I see her as more of a extra Assist-trophy character. But she be a cool fighter overall. :goodmood:


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Actually, I don't think Tharja will ever appear in this Smash game in any shape or form, if the ESRB leak of the 3DS version and her trophy removal afterwards was any indication.

LOL! well knowing how she is with alot of Fanartists she quite attractive with that cloths she wears. Tharja well be like Zero Samus in the game if you know what Mean. :-)


Now as far as third-party characters I would had voted for Amy Rose



Besides King Dedede i say another character that wields a hammer will be a cool addition.  :goodmood:


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Now... I voted for Wolf and I hope if they consider him in the game, they should change his moveset and give him a set that differentiate him from Fox and Falco and hopefully give him a new Final Smash. 


With that said, if they consider third-party characters in then they may consider this one:



Mewtwo should have a rival when it comes to psychic abilties and suppose Psychic clashes with his power.

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I'm sorry, but M.Bison is not the face of Street Fighter. Ryu is, so Ryu has to be playable first before M.Bison can become playable. Basic math.

Hmm.... personally i think Ryu could fit well being in SSB:






Mario vs. Ryu!!! :awesome


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I voted for this glorious bastard:


Deathborn! Might as well put the champion of the Hell Underworld F-Zero GP in there.


I would've voted for Spire because Metroid reps and all, but F-Zero is my priority, lol. He would've worked too, seeing as Metroid is apparently just acid and lava/magma, the latter of which Spire is quite literally.


FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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I went with Simon Belmont. Castlevania is well deserving of being brought into Smash and I think Simon is probably the most iconic character next to Dracula.


Plus, with Megaman and Pit in already the game, the Captain N trio would be together again!

 I would like to see Simon Belmont in SSB as well considering his first game was on the NES.




However their are different versions of him which makes us wonder which one would be fitting in Smash. :-P


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The original, of course.

However, neither Snake nor Simon would ever return, because LOL Konami.

LOL! yeah we know that already.




Alex Kidd may have some potential to be in SSB knowing some people are probly voting for this guy already.


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