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I kinda got the idea to do this after I accidently posted something in a topic that I shouldn't have (again sorry about that) anyway I decided to make a topic where people could adda mugen character they want in the game. but either do not have a character made of them or a badly done version of the character. ( my list taken said topic.) Hank Hill a good Rocko a good Ren and Stimpy Frylock and Meatwad Po (Kung Fu panda) Family guy characters that are good (excluding Peter and Big Chicken) a good Shrek if you have any character you wish were made for MUGEN feel free to add them here.


Sion TATARI (Melty Blood: Actress Again)

A good version of Yamcha (Dragon Ball Outfit ftw)

Tom Nook or Crazy Redd (Animal Crossing)

Waffle Ryebread (Tail Concerto)

Super #17 (DBZ: GT)

Rufus (SSFIV:AE)

That's all I can think of at the moment http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png .



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]


- MBAA Sion Tatari would be awesome - A decent Fate/Stay Night Archer and a Shirou - Yuri Hyuga from Shadow Hearts - Hope Summers from X-Men - A Nakiri Dungeon-styled Rutee Katrea Most of my other favorite characters that I'd like to see in mugen are already on it, so I guess I'm one happy person



Panty anarchy Stocking Anarchy Kneesocks Scanty Some of the girls from Strike WItches Kenichi Hornet(Daytona Usa) Laura Bodewig a decent King(tekken) Brian Fury Armor King and the rest are on this video i made a while back




Solid Snake and Grey Fox from Metal Gear Solid (PSX) Kilik and Maxi from Soul Calibur (3-D) Kairi and Gouki from Street Fighter EX (Not the Crappy 2-D ones) Oni and Evil Ryu Street Fighter 4 AE (3-D) Deadpool and X-23 from Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (3-D)



MOAR Mortal Kombat Characters

We need more MK characters that are designed for regular Mugen, sadly I find a lot of them are made for MKP and not regular Mugen.

The SD (chibi) Snake was made by Ryon himself XP

Wow really Ryon made him, would have never guessed that. I do like that Snake it is an ok character it's just that's its shadowed by Seanalty's Snake.

Kirino Kousaka (Ore no Imouto) Kanetsugu Naoe (Hyakka Ryouran) Cecilia Alcott (Infinite Stratos) Utsuho with mecha musume style (jet mecha wing, nuclear blaster, OMG)! Then, more mecha musume Decent Transformers chars More decent cartoon chars More decent Tekken chars, would be very cool if there is a Mokujin that has many stance and moves from various characters (Ryu, Ken, Guile, Kyo, Iori, etc) Last, more beastly and decent monster/animal/dinosaur/whatever-type chars


There is a MvC3-sorta-styled Zero, the author based on MvC3 and TvC. Not perfect but good, it's at the MegaMan collection I would also love a MvC3 Dante and a Nanaya Kiri. And yeah, he's from Kagetsu Tohya. From the game description is like playing with an older Nanaya Shiki but less maniac and more cold



Cecilia Alcott (Infinite Stratos)

i think at this point all IS main characters should be in mugen http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png

MvC3 Virgil

If u look at vergils combo video u will realize that he plays the same was as the original MUGEN version

MOAR Mortal Kombat Characters

Naw I think MK characters in MUGEN is done, they have 2 many and no one seems 2 want 2 finish most of them so they end up all broken and shit and to prove it i made a video playing all of them and making another version playing some of the cartoon versions

Yeah, a MvC3 accurate Deadpool would be awesome. And with custom intros against Wolverine, Sabertooth and Cable would be totally epic

Well even though its not MvC3 accurate theres always the XMen Second Coming version




Well even though its not MvC3 accurate theres always the XMen Second Coming version

I know, I linked the X-Men Second Coming's Deadpool earlier in this thread and also posted a screen, but you should know that, you replied to that post

And there are many Bulletas, what are you talking about?



ME Laharl as in not prinny form and not crappily coded Axel from Disgaea all of the Disgaea 4 cast how funny would it be to play as fuuka hitting prinnys are people with her bat like basebal a Good Flonne not the godmod one stupa made though he didn't have much to work with I guess. Badass Overlord Zetta hes long overdue the most hes been done in mugen is an assist attack for Asagi and has his own stage but thats it A good version of Zim and Gir good version of dexter and Mandark from Dexters Laboratory An actually somewhat accurate Kid buu I have tried many of them and none of them fit the right idea id love one done by choujin or in his style that is not stig87 or that other person they fail A good version of Vash the stampede not that cartoony mvc crap The Wolfwood Beta to be finished Nightmare From Soul Calibur a good version not the crap agent waffle made An RE 5 version of wesker I mean come on we have a few leons theres a good chris coming out eventually and even claire where the hell is WESKER? the only weskers we got was the worst rip of wesker from mvc3 I have ever seen as well as that crappy pizzaman one. I want one that actually has him fight like he should. Zidane from Final Fantasy IX hes missing from mugen the most thats been seen of him was an attack with vivi which still isn't all that good. good versions of Yuffie and Vincent no yuffies have been made that I am aware of and the vincents that do are just awful Dormammu from MVC3 I mean we got a D-rugal which is rugal posessed by Dorm but a new sff patch needs to be made that you actually play as dorm rather than rugal. a completely accurate version of Alucard from hellsing. Yes he would be cheap, yes you would not want to fight him. But damn it would be fun, Dopes is ok but even then some of the moves on that alucard aren't things he would actually do its pretty lame honestly, I want an anime accurate alucard that is actually finished. I would say more tekken characters but DA_Maverik has a ton planned. a good version of kos-mos and Telos not drowins nxc thing but a custom sprited Kos-mos I saw a wip video on a foreign site it looks nice but idk if its still being worked on so many more I could say but lets leave it at that for now


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