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Kirino by YU-TOHARU released (22/02/2015)


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AHHHH! Danmmit! forgive me everyone but I have to say this:


"Kirino can't be this cute for mugen, Right!!?"  LOL!! :=D:



But anyways another DBFC character made for mugen. Awesome! :awesome


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Lacks a true AI right now, not worth beating her face in during a fight yet, I'll wait until she can actually fight back.

Well according to the author she about 70% so we will expect updates on her in the future. :-P


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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This is the most accurate character from DBFC, at least for now.


Kind of close (Aside from some hiccups like Crane Machine being an OTG while in source it's not, and her crouch auto-combo doesn't connect in corner), but it's getting there. One striker for now, but I'll give Yu-toharu points for trying to add all the strikers in later on.



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Just tried out this Kirino, it's REALLY good. Can't wait to see future DBFC conversions from Yu-Toharu!


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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Kirino was updated to version 1.01 yesterday, not sure what exactly was changed, however, and the update log doesn't say, either.


EDIT: Several CNS files have been changed, and the Command List appears to have been updated as well.

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It was expected she get updated since she drawing alot of attention. :-P


I tryed her out and the only thing i see whats updated:

+she is more source accurate

+more effects from the DBFC game is added to her

+looks like she throwing more stuff with her projectile moves( I notice she throws out a pair of pantys sometimes LOL!) :-)

+her A.I is fixed a bit

+/-the striker selection system got fixed more but she still can only summon one of them for now

-still missing the superBG effect from the game


Thats all I can see for now.

She is turning out pretty awesome. we might expect another DBFC character from Yu-Toharu in the future :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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