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The Shredder - Movie Version


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I did the same demo with Link (Zelda)



Yeah, but in the case of Link, it at least looks like you put some effort there, unlike your Shredder.

And you're claiming that you want to make Shredder better than your previous work, and I frankly don't see, how it is better, if you still use the same lazy method like in Green Ranger.

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I hope so, I really did a lot of stuff yesterday, if it wasn't for sleep, i could have done more.




Shredder is made with the same effort as Link or any of my previous wips. I use the same techniques and methods to sprite/frankensprite. Any kind of spriting requires great effort to make, even if it's just a few frames or even a single sprite.


I'm not sure what you mean by shredder not having any real effort? That head alone took around 2 hours to do, at least. I also had to make another one facing East. That was before I even started spriting since I spent even more time looking for references and colors.


Ask any other spriter besides me and they'll tell you the same thing, even freehand scratch drawing takes time to get it right.


If this is about me always taking shortcuts (or anyone else that chooses to) then you must understand that even when I take shortcuts, it still requires great effort work to have it all fit together, have it recolored, rotated, customized, shrunk or enlarged, fitted, etc.


Shortcuts help but they don't take away all the work because it's practically using a base. It's barely different from using sprite rips.




Even palette swaps take effort to do and palettes aren't always easy either since you can mess them up or simply get it wrong. Palettes are rarely done right on the first try. You'll likely try it several times more for better results.


I think it's unfair to say to anyone that they put in no effort, especially if they clearly did something time consuming. It's like saying a coder did nothing just because they didn't make their own sprites. Or refusing to acknowledge a stage maker as a creator because they did no character.


If I put no effort into this shredder than my wip wouldn't be taking longer than an hour to complete and release. I'm sure I have at least a week in this all ready. If anything, this wip has tons of effort.


I gotta respectfully disagree with you and I urge you to PM someone else about this because you are terribly misinformed about the process and time it takes to make a release or whatever else.


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because you are terribly misinformed about the process and time it takes to make a release or whatever else.

Lol. Says the guy who said:

The wip is very quick to do. This might get finished very soon.


Poking holes aside, the animations look really stiff. I guess it comes from frankenspriting, but the different pieces of the sprites jump around really unnaturally.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Quick as in relative to mugen....




 MUGEN QUICK...that's like still pretty long.


If it's unnatural looking then I can't argue that. I guess i'm just not that good. :bow:


Well there will be other shredders to choose from and there are a few out there to. Maybe this Shredder isn't for you. Sorry.


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I didn't mean to come off as a jerk. Just thought it was obvious is all. My bad.






Chuchoryu suggested that his foot ninjas be integrated into this shredder as helpers. He is also redoing his turtles.




So look forward to that feature if he decides to do this for me. I normally don't do helpers but Shredder does have these guys fight for him about 90% of the time so it would make sense I guess to have them constantly interfere in battle.


If not then they'll probably be made as a bonus fight or something like that?


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More stuff. Shredder does a scratch attack (maybe I'll add sparks???) and a kick.

maybe a red trail or slash effect. I dont think sparks would translate universally with most opponents especially the turtles.


Your powerless against my genjutsu, The Reign of Kreation will consume you.........

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Well i was thinking sparks since he kinda scratches the ground there. It's typical sometimes to get sparks where you run something sharp across a surface, such as the ground or a wall; at least in movies. In the snes tournament fighter shredder had some weird attacks where he could make energy fields and punch with energy. For this movie version i want to ground him a little bit in reality, maybe not entirely since we are talking about the tmnt, but something at least possible int he movies world.


Plus it would give the character some uniqueness in his moveset if it could behave as a special.


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Yeah I know now LOL


That was embarrassing before...


Okay, i'm sneaking in some progress here, shredder falling and hitting the ground!




Wow, that is very, very bad. Its so misaligned.


Inspiration has hit me this year!


Yeah, we all know :)



More stuff. Shredder does a scratch attack (maybe I'll add sparks???) and a kick.

All this time stealing stuff from other creators and you haven't learned yet. Those 2 animations are VERY misaligned, its so damn obvious that you should use the facepalm gif here.

Plus, the second animation uses a different base from all others. Just look how that leg is too long.



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Nice feedback there. Too bad AxSeeker doesn't care for quality and only wants to get attention, though... :(

Whoa, now hang on! Don't speak for me just yet, I am actually interested in this alignment thing.


@O illusista,


Okay, teach me about alignment. I need to know specifically the sprites aren't aligned every time?


I always thought the sprites were suppose to be right int he middle? Right? Just between the characters legs and a little lower to the ground?


Help me out here.





Am i wrong here? Please help. Thanks in advance? :S


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lets go with this. Pretend you were the one doing your motions ok? Like for instance that hilarious looking kick. would you jerk around like that during the action or would you kick like a normal person? Think of it that way when aligning motions.


"Would a normal person look like this when attacking assuming they had these powers or w/e"

if yes this motion is correct


if no I need to fix this.


what I said also applies to sprites in general if the motion looks natural then its fine if it looks all weird and jerky "aka ALL of your Sprite animating" then it needs a massive fix.


as for my take on this and a few others I have shown all of these motions look absolutely ridiculous and hilarious you have turned Shredder into a laughing stalk. You have a talent for spriting SINGLE sprites but when you animate them it comes out looking REALLY bad.


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Wait! Is that all!




Can you really notice slight off center stuff like this in motion?




How can you even tell in a fight? Everyone is jumping and moving all the time. This issue is negligible. I mean I can try and adjust it but it hardly seems necessary imo.


Also yeah, i agree, I am not good at animating sprites in general, there is nothing I can do about that. I've tried doing better but it never comes out that good. This is the best i can do. Sorry if this isn't to your liking. Good thing though is that there will be many other shredders to choose from other than this one.


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Okay, teach me about alignment. I need to know specifically the sprites aren't aligned every time?

I always thought the sprites were suppose to be right int he middle? Right? Just between the characters legs and a little lower to the ground?

Ax, I have a high level of repugnance for you. Really. You don't fit this forum, its an amazing place.

I will reply this question just because some newcomers could learn from your mistakes - hey, you are not bad at all, you can work as a bad example :)

How can you even tell in a fight? Everyone is jumping and moving all the time. This issue is negligible. I mean I can try and adjust it but it hardly seems necessary imo.

Everyone that is not blind.

I am talking about the position in every frame, not the axis center. Shredder looks like he has Alzheimer! He shakes all the time.

There is two ways to align this move:


(foot as pivot point)



(knee as a pivot point)

And your axis is wrong, the right should be the blue line here




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Well that does look better. I guess I'll try one and you tell me if I got it right.

btw, thanks for the help. No one ever shows me how to create, everyone just yells at me instead lol



Is this right? It feels odd to me? Maybe it's the stage?



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