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LightFlare could see that everyone was on one accord...



Good. So we are all in agreeiance then. Well...at least for the most part *looks at Silver*. In that case, we should be moving. Anna, what's the situation?


Meanwhile back in Kalos...



I see...thank you Magio for hearing us out. I will contact LightFlare. *Oro concentrates* LightFlare... LightFlare...



Oro...what is it?



It seems that Argento is our only hope of Kahrelimi getting to the Distortion. 



Well...then you have NO chance. Argento is an arrogant fool. For all his strength he is inevitability hindered by obsessive and selfish behaviors. The team has decided to move on in spite of him. So I doubt he will help you. I'm sorry. 



That's unfortunate. Kahri...I guess you are staying here...




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Defenders of Light - Asteroid Base


Music: Yami yo no Mushi wa Hikari ni Tsudou


Navigator: An interference was deteced at the Multiversal Netherworld. Something is trying to break the border.


Lerafa: So it has started huh?


Fall: We already got some people in there, but stay at ready in case the place gets more unstable...


???: Oh? It seems things are starting to get hot around here.


Fall: L-Leader?


Lerafa: Melissa? I thought you were on an assignment.


Melissa Mamori: I'm done already! 


Lerafa: (Or more like, you came here as fast as you could in order to see Ralf...You get nostalgic way too fast...)


Melissa: The Multiversal Netherworld huh? Guess Necrox is having some trouble.


Fall: But, we have some friends that already got him covered.


Underworld - Portal to Medusa


   As they flew as fast as they could, Ralf could feel the border being damaged as well, not to the same level sensibility as Necrox, but he could feel the world getting slightly unstable.



Ralf: Tch! It seems that it started...


Ichigo: So we did good on going ahead huh?


Ralf: Exactly...So be ready to attack Medusa on sight.


Ichigo: I know that! We have no time for small talk.


Ralf: Then...Flash Draw...Akatsuki.


   Ralf sheathed his blade, then it emited a bright flash, turning it into a Iaido Blade after saying the name of his zanpakutou.



Ralf: It's been a while as well...Mister Akatsuki.


Ichigo: I bet he is in need of some workout too huh?


Ralf: Yeah, that giant monster wasn't that great to awake old muscles.


   Then, both arrived at the end of the portal.



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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Meanwhile back in Kalos...



I see...thank you Magio for hearing us out. I will contact LightFlare. *Oro concentrates* LightFlare... LightFlare...



Oro...what is it?



It seems that Argento is our only hope of Kahrelimi getting to the Distortion. 



Well...then you have NO chance. Argento is an arrogant fool. For all his strength he is inevitability hindered by obsessive and selfish behaviors. The team has decided to move on in spite of him. So I doubt he will help you. I'm sorry. 



That's unfortunate. Kahri...I guess you are staying here...


Kahrelimi lets out a disappointed sigh. She was hoping she would be able to participate sooner, but it appeared there was no chance of that happening without going to the Multiversal Netherworld, a place where she would be severely crippled in terms of magic.



Kahrelimi: Well...I suppose the only thing I...no, WE can do now is hope for their safety and success...unless you have something planned?






4 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:
  • Location: Scarlet Megalopolis Ruins

BGM: Battle of Ordeal still playing


The battle between both demons kept raging on. From clashes between claws and scythe, each was holding their ground. Since Necrox had a shotgun as well, things were far more easier for him, since he was able to attack or at least tease with bullets and get a chance for the blow. Suddenly...


Necrox: ... AGH!!


Before he could dash at Jebediah, the pain actually hit. It was a signal that the border was being attacked at will. 


Zalera: Lord Necrox!


Necrox: This pain... it's gotta be the border! She's already trying to break it!! That bitch...


Necrox shoke his head and turned his back to Jebediah. He landed on the ground, went into his bike and looked back at the enemy standing right above him.



Necrox: I hate to do this, but thanks to Medusa's interference with the border that divides our world and the world of humans, I'll give our fight a pause. But I was winning, even though you were nothing but some moving punching bag I use for practice.


Necrox: The next time we encounter, I won't be so willing to hold back at you, just like today. So you better shape yourself a LOT more if you want my throne. Got it, you worthless flying trash sack?


He accelerated and drived fast towards the direction he ordered Afla Dilith to go. Necrox knew that Jebediah would follow him to mess around with the rest, so his mind was already prepared.


Jebediah watched him drive off, chuckling to himself as he did.



Jebediah: Oh, Necrox...you clearly have no idea what I'm capable of. I've been holding back on you this entire time...you're really just not worth the effort. And besides, I don't want all of that power...I just get a kick out of messing with you! But you don't seem to realize that...oh well...maybe one day you'll get to the point I take you seriously, but until that day...


Jebediah proceeded to actually land on the ground. A dark energy swirled around his body, causing his appearance to change.



???: I'll just laugh at you as we fight! Maybe one of your friends will be the one I take seriously...


DAMMUTABO: An advanced version of Mutabo, the user of this skill shrouds themselves in a cloak of darkness, giving them the ability to change their outward appearance to whatever they want. Along with this, the user's abilities and skills will also change according to the form they take. The user can also use certain active and passive skills available in their normal form; those who are aware of illusions(Illusion Awareness) can see straight through it, however. 


The "new" person followed Necrox's trail, hoping to be led to the group.


OOC:(I love tricksters, can you tell?)





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12 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

Defenders of Light - Asteroid Base


Music: Yami yo no Mushi wa Hikari ni Tsudou


Navigator: An interference was deteced at the Multiversal Netherworld. Something is trying to break the border.


Lerafa: So it has started huh?


Fall: We already got some people in there, but stay at ready in case the place gets more unstable...


???: Oh? It seems things are starting to get hot around here.


Fall: L-Leader?


Lerafa: Melissa? I thought you were on an assignment.


Melissa Mamori: I'm done already! 


Lerafa: (Or more like, you came here as fast as you could in order to see Ralf...You get nostalgic way too fast...)


Melissa: The Multiversal Netherworld huh? Guess Necrox is having some trouble.


Fall: But, we have some friends that already got him covered.


Underworld - Portal to Medusa


   As they flew as fast as they could, Ralf could feel the border being damaged as well, not to the same level sensibility as Necrox, but he could feel the world getting slightly unstable.



Ralf: Tch! It seems that it started...


Ichigo: So we did good on going ahead huh?


Ralf: Exactly...So be ready to attack Medusa on sight.


Ichigo: I know that! We have no time for small talk.


Ralf: Then...Flash Draw...Akatsuki.


   Ralf sheathed his blade, then it emited a bright flash, turning it into a Iaido Blade after saying the name of his zanpakutou.



Ralf: It's been a while as well...Mister Akatsuki.


Ichigo: I bet he is in need of some workout too huh?


Ralf: Yeah, that giant monster wasn't that great to awake old muscles.


   Then, both arrived at the end of the portal.



Ralf: Once more!!!


Ichigo: Getsuga...


Ralf: Juujishou!


   Once again, the duo fired a cross-shaped Getsuga Tenshou, this time, aimed at Medusa.

OOC: Uhm...there is nothing to aim...

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17 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:



Kogorou: In any case, Medusa's portal is right ahead. I suppose you all are ready to go?


Giovanni: All ready and packed!


Maribel: Yes, I'm ready!


Renko: H-Hey, wait a moment! I think that it should be better for the two of us to stay here- *mouth is taped by Maribel*


Maribel: S-She's ready too.



Giovanni: Uhh, OK... I think Magio's finishing his side too.

With the confirmation that everything was all set to go, the group stepped through the portal.......


"That took a bit longer than expected, but I don't mind. As long as we take care of Medusa, we'll be good!"


"Those demons.........they were unholy........"


"Indeed they were, my child, but they meant no harm.......which was oddly strange, if you think about it."



"But Father, why would those three help us, though? Aren't demons supposed to be killed on sight?"



"Hey, it's like Elias said, they were more friendly demons than anything."


Still bloodthirsty for another fight, Yamazaki was fed up with the chitter-chatter........


"Enough talk! Let us take care of Medusa and then we can chatter all we want!"


As the group got to their destination, they noticed two figures launching an attack.........

15 hours ago, Mister Fael said:



Ralf: Once more!!!


Ichigo: Getsuga...


Ralf: Juujishou!


   Once again, the duo fired a cross-shaped Getsuga Tenshou, this time, aimed at Medusa.

.......on a statue of the creature known as Medusa.



"Hey, numbnuts! Unless you thought that was the real deal, I think you need better vision!"



"........Okay, that was just lame, Yamazaki."



16 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare could see that everyone was on one accord...



Good. So we are all in agreeiance then. Well...at least for the most part *looks at Silver*. In that case, we should be moving. Anna, what's the situation?

With cooler heads prevailing at the behest of LightFlare, the group moved towards the portal towards possibly their toughest fight yet....... 


"Okay, this is no time for joking. We need to put our full efforts against Iblis when we find him, and we can't waste any more time dealing with Argento's attitude!"


"I'm 100% onboard with this. If Argento suddenly wants our help..........."



".......then I say screw him and his ideals!!!!!"



"What are we doing standing around here then? Let's go..........."


With that, Peko, Mary, Lapis, and Fuyuhiko stepped further down the Distortion awaiting LightFlare, Deadpool, and Mirror Knight..........


@OxyontheWolf and @LightFlare_Da_Realest, your moves!

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OOC: Wait, portals? That doesn't make any sense at all.

u4EsOao.pngWait, don't go!

p49qVEg.pngAccording to the radar, Iblis is exactly where we are standing!

pi5Wlrr.pngUhm...I guess I can only confirm that...Look!

Suddenly the heroes where surounded by Iblis Biter, Iblis Takers and Iblis Worms.

fkmBYO9.pngDamn, we're cornered! We need to react fast! *picks up a rock with his telepathy and throws it at a bunch of Iblis Takers*

pi5Wlrr.pngWhoa, man. The Iblis Biters now breathe fire, too. *shoots nitroclycerin at a few Iblis Biters*

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47 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

OOC: Wait, portals? That doesn't make any sense at all.

u4EsOao.pngWait, don't go!

p49qVEg.pngAccording to the radar, Iblis is exactly where we are standing!

pi5Wlrr.pngUhm...I guess I can only confirm that...Look!

Suddenly the heroes where surounded by Iblis Biter, Iblis Takers and Iblis Worms.

fkmBYO9.pngDamn, we're cornered! We need to react fast! *picks up a rock with his telepathy and throws it at a bunch of Iblis Takers*

pi5Wlrr.pngWhoa, man. The Iblis Biters now breathe fire, too. *shoots nitroclycerin at a few Iblis Biters*

OOC: My mistake. I will fix that post. :p


Before they could go deeper into the Distortion, the group was suddenly surrounded by Iblis Takers, Worms, and Biters........



"Sh*t! He found us!"



"Are you kidding me? Iblis found us already?!"


"Goddamn it! We had him! How the hell did he figure out that we were coming for him?!"



"I don't know, Fuyuhiko, but we need to take the reinforcements out of the picture if we want to get anywhere near Iblis!"


While the group put their focus on dealing with the Iblis minions, Erza seemed a lot more cooler headed about the battle, mainly because of what she was about to do.........


"Nothing that Zero and I can't handle! Requip: The Knight!"


Suddenly, Erza switched armors in front of the group at lightning speed, switching from her Heart Kreuz armor to her dragon-like Black Wing Armor and its respective weaponry.



"Watch carefully guys......I'm about to show you what my Black Wing Armor is capable of!"


The wings on Erza's newest set of armor flung open and within seconds, was flying towards the Iblis Worms......



"Moon Flash!"


As if it looked like the worms staggered, Erza flew past the creatures, but not before slashing them repeatedly in a cross-like pattern, causing them to fall apart. The group was impressed by this feat, and within seconds, Lapis instructed......



Zero, go help Erza with the Worms! Peko and Fuyuhiko, you've got the Biters! Mary and I will deal with the Takers!"


@OxyontheWolf, your move!

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5 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

OOC: My mistake. I will fix that post. :p


Before they could go deeper into the Distortion, the group was suddenly surrounded by Iblis Takers, Worms, and Biters........



"Sh*t! He found us!"



"Are you kidding me? Iblis found us already?!"


"Goddamn it! We had him! How the hell did he figure out that we were coming for him?!"



"I don't know, Fuyuhiko, but we need to take the reinforcements out of the picture if we want to get anywhere near Iblis!"


While the group put their focus on dealing with the Iblis minions, Erza seemed a lot more cooler headed about the battle, mainly because of what she was about to do.........


"Nothing that Zero and I can't handle! Requip: The Knight!"


Suddenly, Erza switched armors in front of the group at lightning speed, switching from her Heart Kreuz armor to her dragon-like Black Wing Armor and its respective weaponry.



"Watch carefully guys......I'm about to show you what my Black Wing Armor is capable of!"


The wings on Erza's newest set of armor flung open and within seconds, was flying towards the Iblis Worms......



"Moon Flash!"


As if it looked like the worms staggered, Erza flew past the creatures, but not before slashing them repeatedly in a cross-like pattern, causing them to fall apart. The group was impressed by this feat, and within seconds, Lapis instructed......



Zero, go help Erza with the Worms! Peko and Fuyuhiko, you've got the Biters! Mary and I will deal with the Takers!"


@OxyontheWolf, your move!

2rFhUI5.png you got it! Deadpool, MK! help Mary and Lapis! (switches to one of his own armors)


BGM - Kirameku Mirai - Yume no Ginga E


PmxNWrU.png ULTIMATE AEGIS! TIME TO SHINE! (flies next to Erza) cool armor Fairy Girl... (slashes some Worms with the blade of his armor)

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OOC: Introducing Frost

While fighting the Iblis army, Dusk noticed some Iblis minions getting frozen from behind. Dusk could see a very familiar figure that looked like an old friend of his...

just_a_new_pixel_art_by_duckmann18-d9up2"Wait... isn't that... Frost?"

new_oc___freeze_frost__pixel_art__by_duc"Yo Dusk! I've been looking for you everywhere, didn't expect you to be in this place!" *freezes an Iblis Worm*

just_a_new_pixel_art_by_duckmann18-d9up2"Great to see you! But how did you find me?"

new_oc___freeze_frost__pixel_art__by_duc "I found a portal..."



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u4EsOao.pngAn ice user? Interesting. I have an idea. Frost, you should team up with the water gem Lapis Lazuli. She can manipulate water, so you could easily give her new ammunition with melted ice.

fkmBYO9.pngMan, that's a clever idea.

LG1wLF4.pngAnd that, my friend, is the reason why YokuMan is the leader of the bunch: He has an IQ of 600 and thus can create a plethora of awesome ideas.

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21 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Ah, finally, a GOOD time to start fighting! Oh, this is gonna be fun!


Tommy walked right through the portal, dragging G.T and E.t with him.


E.T: Er, Tommy... I think you should really be letting me go...



A shadowy figure carrying a large sword had followed the two clones into the portal. The sound of metal-on-rock from the sword dragging along the ground could be picked up by a keen ear. The figure soon lifted up the sword.



???: U-uhm...e-excuse me...

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Tommy: Say, I'm... very suspicious about you... just who are you, and how did you find us?


E.T had bad feelings about the strange girl as well...


E.T: G-gah! M-my head is... it hurts so much... Tommy, I have a bad feeling about this girl as well...


G.T: ...Yo, just as long as mah scrilla be a-okay, thatz perfectly fine by me!

Image result for howard dean yell gif





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7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Say, I'm... very suspicious about you... just who are you, and how did you find us?


E.T had bad feelings about the strange girl as well...


E.T: G-gah! M-my head is... it hurts so much... Tommy, I have a bad feeling about this girl as well...


G.T: ...Yo, just as long as mah scrilla be a-okay, thatz perfectly fine by me!

The shadows soon faded away, revealing "her" complete appearance. "She" gasped out of worry, and politely bowed.



???: Oh, I'm so, so sorry! If I'm causing you pain, I'll leave! M-maybe someone else can help me...


With that, she proceeded to begin walking off. Jebediah chucked to himself in his mind.



Jebediah: This should be easy if I can pull on their heartstrings...if that fool Necrox is so gullible as to trust his friends entirely, then surely these humans will be just as easy to fool.

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Tommy: Oh, no, I'm sorry! It's just that I... I must've thought you were someone else!


G.T: Don't worry, dude, I thought tha same thang like a muthafucka...


E.T: Welp. Guess I feel horrible now for judging you... sorry.





Image result for howard dean yell gif





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13 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Oh, no, I'm sorry! It's just that I... I must've thought you were someone else!


G.T: Don't worry, dude, I thought tha same thang like a muthafucka...


E.T: Welp. Guess I feel horrible now for judging you... sorry.





Hearing their comments, she turned around and smiled at them.



???: It's okay! I would be cautious, too...



???: But...do you know where this is? I don't really know where I am or how I even got here...all I do know is that it isn't a nice place!


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Tommy: Well, I don't exactly know... all that I do know is that we got in here through a portal...


G.T: Yeah, dis straight-up ain't a straight-up sick place... although, if mah scrillaz happy, then I be aiiight too!


E.T: Well, as Tommy did say, we came in here through a portal... Apparently, we're supposed to be fighting this monster known as Medusa... seen her anywhere, yet?


Image result for howard dean yell gif





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LightFlare prepares to engage...


(I knew we weren't alone...)Ok...more of the same tricks...*LightFlare charges up*









LightFlare easily plows through the Iblis creatures.



Come on...where's the challenge?




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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8 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Tommy: Well, I don't exactly know... all that I do know is that we got in here through a portal...


G.T: Yeah, dis straight-up ain't a straight-up sick place... although, if mah scrillaz happy, then I be aiiight too!


E.T: Well, as Tommy did say, we came in here through a portal... Apparently, we're supposed to be fighting this monster known as Medusa... seen her anywhere, yet?


Mentioning Medusa was probably not the best idea...



???: Oh, that's a shame...but Medusa? Do you mean the monster with snakes for hair that has a petrifying gaze? She's here?!



???: Oh no, I don't want to be turned into stone!


She was scared now; she loved fairytales, but the last thing she wanted was for a monster like Medusa to turn out to be real. She started to pace, trying to think of an idea...and then proceeded to stumble over a rock on the ground. She tried to save herself from hitting the ground by using her sword, but she was too slow and proceeded to fall flat on her face.


???: Oww...




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Distortion World


  Tokio was plowing through the Iblis creatures, but what he didn't expect was that he was still tired from running after Lapis.



Tokio: Urgh...I'm getting slower...


  He did one last swing before falling on the ground from exaustion. The creatures took that chance to attack him.



Tokio: Wargh!!!


Music: Stand up be strong II





  Suddenly, a storm of explosive stars started to clear out a great number of Iblis creatures, specially the ones surrounding Tokio.



Tokio: Eh?


Lyna: Sorry that we are late...


Naruto: But a hero always arrive at the last second.


Tokio: Hero...


Lyna: Naruto, stall them while i restore his strenght.


Naruto: Stall them?


Naruto: I'll take them all on!



    Naruto summoned a great number of shadow clones in order to take down the Iblis creatures.



Naruto: Bring it on ya creeps!


   Then, him and his clones started to rampage around the battlefield.



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8 hours ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

E.T: Oh... sorry!


E.T helped "her" up.


Tommy: ...E.T, please don't scare her like that again.


E.T: Okay Tommy, you got it... heh heh...


E.T: (This is kinda awkward...)

"She" looked up at him, and smiled, proceeding to take his hand and try to stand up, making sure to leave "her" sword on the ground. After standing up, "she" dusted herself off and curtsied towards him in thanks.



???: Thank you...I'm sorry if this was an inconvenience.


"She" proceeded to pick up "her" sword.



???: Anyway, um...I was thinking about our situation and...I was wondering if I could travel with you three? We're all in a place unknown, so I think traveling together would be a better idea.


"She" didn't seem to notice the others in the group, but Jebediah certainly did. He was especially focused on the three demons that followed Necrox.



Jebediah: I still can't believe that they even follow him...they're more than capable of killing him together; how can they not understand that this is a world where you either kill or be killed? I hope they have other things planned for him...otherwise I'll have to do away with them myself just to teach them how things work here.

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