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Capcom vs SNK PRO Orochi released by Chuchoryu 6/23/14


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Hello friends! I have a question, for why reason Capcom no add Orochi in CvS 2000?...no matter I have done it, now you can play whit this one using the Capcom or SNK grove from the original PSOne CvS PRO!! enjoy and have fun








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Looks cool. I might try this out.


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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So like....did some of you forget who Chuchonryu is or do you have some false hope that maybe he won't release another unfinished beta.


It's just that it's not even worth to bother with the guy anymore, everyone knows he doesn't care, so why should we?


After the Asuka thing there's no reason to take Chuchoryu with any seriousness. It's a waste of time to get upset. Just hope for the better and don't download if you are like me and know what is waiting. It's just pattern recognition really.

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So like....did some of you forget who Chuchonryu is or do you have some false hope that maybe he won't release another unfinished beta.

but it has pro in the name, in all caps! what could possibly go wrong?






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I know that I've been thumbed down for saying that everyone have an opinion on chucho, and at this point no one is really going to change, and I pointed out that I don't like chucho characters.


I'm pretty sure I was thumbed down for the later. So there are childish people everywhere.


Now, just let me point out one thing. I visited the MMV topic on his Asuka. Man, what I saw there almost made me hulk out.

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Sprites are still SNK sprites with a different palette; that doesn't make it CvS Pro.

Anim 1 has no sprites.

Also, I'm not sure he got data from the game to make this character and the two grooves*; he just took demongorne's edit of Warusaki's Dan (and I even helped him fixing the groove selection thing... more like I made it for him >:( ) and made the char. I'm not saying that using another character as a template is bad, but if he wants to call something in that style he should make it as accurate as possible. Or he/they (demongorne too) could have called it "Close-to-CvS-Pro" (but I guess it's difficult for them to think of this name).

What's more, the Capcom and SNK grooves are actually the C and S grooves in Warusaki's Dan. So that's not accurate.


I'm skeptical, I doubt he coded everything on his own. It plays too good to be coded from chuchoryu.


I'm going to get hated for this comment, but I hope Jesuszilla makes a good CvS Pro char in the future.**


* You don't need to tell me Orochi wasn't in CvS Pro.

**You don't need to tell me Jesuszilla hasn't made a CvS Pro character, but I can tell you he can get data from both games and make accurate characters.

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Sprites are still SNK sprites with a different palette; that doesn't make it CvS Pro.

Anim 1 has no sprites.

Also, I'm not sure he got data from the game to make this character and the two grooves*; he just took demongorne's edit of Warusaki's Dan (and I even helped him fixing the groove selection thing... more like I made it for him >:( ) and made the char. I'm not saying that using another character as a template is bad, but if he wants to call something in that style he should make it as accurate as possible. Or he/they (demongorne too) could have called it "Close-to-CvS-Pro" (but I guess it's difficult for them to think of this name).

What's more, the Capcom and SNK grooves are actually the C and S grooves in Warusaki's Dan. So that's not accurate.


I'm skeptical, I doubt he coded everything on his own. It plays too good to be coded from chuchoryu.


I'm going to get hated for this comment, but I hope Jesuszilla makes a good CvS Pro char in the future.**


* You don't need to tell me Orochi wasn't in CvS Pro.

**You don't need to tell me Jesuszilla hasn't made a CvS Pro character, but I can tell you he can get data from both games and make accurate characters.

G.o.D, you here? :=D:

Welcome to MFFA amigo! :hi:

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