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chuchoryu Release Multiple characters/updates 5/9/14

Lord Batros

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Deathstroke+Raven: sendspace.com abxnct
This is for Justice League vs Avengers and the Raven petition of Juan Arturo Herrera Santos, the second Deathstroke (inside of the Old Deathstroke) is for my MK vs DC 2D Edition

Combot: sendspace.com auflaj

P. Jack: sendspace.com z74siu
This 3 are for my Tekken Mugen project, 2 Jacks and Combot from Tekken 4

Soul Calibur: sendspace.com qnhx77
This is made by CvS Artist but I use other sprites for this one, is a gif for his project Soul Calibur

Ryu: sendspace.com xtqjp5
This one is for my Tekken vs Street Fighter 2D Edition (Street Fighter side) is the updated version

The next releases chars is in May 21 for RAZIEL ZEILOS, Mr. Karate JKA, Flammableking and IAN


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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ive two had a few personal level Convo's With Chuch & dudes Got a really Busy Real life & relationship & still manages to pump these guys & girls out into the Mugen world for us, do they need better coding in most instances, sure ,but hes learning & atleast trying to do what he can, & at the end of the Day is just a really good guy that i respect on a mugen level & a personal level ( got alot in common)


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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ive two had a few personal level Convo's With Chuch & dudes Got a really Busy Real life & relationship & still manages to pump these guys & girls out into the Mugen world for us, do they need better coding in most instances, sure ,but hes learning & atleast trying to do what he can, & at the end of the Day is just a really good guy that i respect on a mugen level & a personal level ( got alot in common)


Thanks for the info Brock.


I suspected that he and the others are nice people, or else, he and CVSArtist wouldn't be having that much friends and defenders. I know that because of the BugAll Error incident, where no one defended the EvilSlayerX5 because he acted pretty much like an asshole.


I just want to point out that it still doesn't excuse the quality of the chars. People will keep not believing Chucho and Co. until they show the gold. Finally releasing a mass update is a good step. Not much have changed, but he's actually getting the time to fix something, and it's already a start.


But remember, people don't need to like the chars or the work of a creator simply because of his personal behavior. Being nice have nothing to do with the quality of the work, so people don't have to act like they like it. And also, just because you don't like the work of someone this means it's ok to attack them on a personal level (this is for the toxicity that sorrounds the mugen comunity).


I know I have shown my distaste of Chucho as a creator of content, but that is the extent of my dislike for him. And everyone else should act accordingly. If he is a nice guy personaly, great, at a personal level, he will get my respect, but at a professional level, not so much.

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Thanks for the info Brock.


I suspected that he and the others are nice people, or else, he and CVSArtist wouldn't be having that much friends and defenders. I know that because of the BugAll Error incident, where no one defended the EvilSlayerX5 because he acted pretty much like an asshole.


I just want to point out that it still doesn't excuse the quality of the chars. People will keep not believing Chucho and Co. until they show the gold. Finally releasing a mass update is a good step. Not much have changed, but he's actually getting the time to fix something, and it's already a start.


But remember, people don't need to like the chars or the work of a creator simply because of his personal behavior. Being nice have nothing to do with the quality of the work, so people don't have to act like they like it. And also, just because you don't like the work of someone this means it's ok to attack them on a personal level (this is for the toxicity that sorrounds the mugen comunity).


I know I have shown my distaste of Chucho as a creator of content, but that is the extent of my dislike for him. And everyone else should act accordingly. If he is a nice guy personaly, great, at a personal level, he will get my respect, but at a professional level, not so much.



what i was saying was, its not because he is a Good guy/likable  is the reason to like his mugen creations, i was simply pointing to the fact the man almost sacrificed a personal relationship almost to the point of losing it to finish sprites for some of his characters & mugen took  much away from some things in his RL that the man almost retired from it all together a few months ago,but his passion for mugen won out & he finally realized how to balance RL & mugen creation so he didn't have to retire ,so to surmise all of this, does him being a good person equal great mugen creations, No,but hes learning & that's all that counts i've much rather have a mugen creator that is approachable/respectful & has passion that Chuch has than someone who Thinks their a God because they made a character 




oh, for me he's a nice guy who made nice things for free and shares with all the community. And don't have a cocky/rude/asshole attitude.


That's reason enough to respect him.



This as well 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Nor did the guy who've made The Black Heart, but it was his work, for free or not, it was his work. Just like Chucho. So being paid or not doesn't mean you can't be professional about something. I was a mod, I took it seriously, and had a professional behavior, so yeah. If you're take your hobbies with care and diligence, you're being professional anyway.


Also, don't necrodump topics, this one was more than a week old, and didn't needed to be dumped just to revive a dead discussion. Dump old topics only when there are real news.

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I don't think there's really no such thing as "necrodump" on this forum, depending on the post itself, really. The post can be 4 years old and somebody can bump it up, depending if the post contains information regarding the character (such as updates, etc.).


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I don't think there's really no such thing as "necrodump" on this forum, depending on the post itself, really. The post can be 4 years old and somebody can bump it up, depending if the post contains information regarding the character (such as updates, etc.).


Dump old topics only when there are real news.


I said that in my post. It was right at the end. Only dump old things when you have something relevant, not to revive an argument. What he did there was just argueing semantics of a long dead subject. So yes, it was really a necrodump.

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Nor did the guy who've made The Black Heart, but it was his work, for free or not, it was his work. Just like Chucho. So being paid or not doesn't mean you can't be professional about something. I was a mod, I took it seriously, and had a professional behavior, so yeah. If you're take your hobbies with care and diligence, you're being professional anyway.


Also, don't necrodump topics, this one was more than a week old, and didn't needed to be dumped just to revive a dead discussion. Dump old topics only when there are real news.


9 days is not a necrobump


and just because some people may think mugen is serious business, not everyone may agree and decide to focus on the fun and sharing to others instead.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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9 days is not a necrobump


and just because some people may think mugen is serious business, not everyone may agree and decide to focus on the fun and sharing to others instead.

Volz, what you're doing is not "focusing on the fun and sharing", your post did nothing to add the news (no sharing) and was only there to argue against a dead discussion (no fun).

If it was atleast about the characters, great. But it was just about the semantics of a discussion I had with Brock.

Also, anything more than a week old can be considered dead, no one would keep interest over something for 9 days without replying. So no one was willing to keep up this discussion and you should respect that.


This is the news section of the forum, if you want to keep up this discussion, open a new topic on the Random Chatter or Mugen Discussion sections. Here's not the place. All you're doing is false flaging people, making the ones that come here for the news think this one was updated because it was bumped after a week of being dead.


Can someone please lock this tread already, or move this discussion to some other forum section? It have nothing to do with subject of the topic anymore.

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[sarcasm]because nothing ever goes off topic in this section ever[/sarcasm]


if you can give an opinion on whatever, then so can i. in this case, your opinion was necrobumping is 9 days. i don't agree. you also apparently thing mugen is serious business and i say its up to whoever to determine their own level of such.


if you can give a premise to whatever, then people can counterpoint it, kind of the nature of an internet forum.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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