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NEW RULE! (04.04.2014)


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Im pretty sure the mods here dont dig the headache of all that anyway.



U HAVE NO IDEA...........well ok u do since you mod at imt lol....but yea it does get old


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Im pretty sure the mods here dont dig the headache of all that anyway.



U HAVE NO IDEA...........well ok u do since you mod at imt lol....but yea it does get old


lol Yeah exactly^^... thats why i didnt want a bigger mod role there. Too much of a headache man smdh. I rather be stressed out over at a real job where i actually get paid

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Bye Daniel

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  • 2 months later...

hes talking about the decapre thread and let me be clear on something. there is no rule saying you can't express your opinion on a creator or character so theres no violations there. as for the talk about mmv its ENTIRELY WARRANTED I debated giving you the mmv treatment on deleting things and acting like they never happened since you love to do that. BUT I won't instead I will address this. the only thing in that thread I could even give a warning about is darkflare and possibly some of that berserk guy. They have good points though. I asked ryon about this and am going to let him handle these reports because of the way I feel about all this. I can't do anything without you accusing bias or w/e so yeah thats my say. its up to ryon to decide what to do.


One more thing though most of the talk there is your "teams" creations which again is allowed to be criticized.


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so i just read a f'n topic loaded with shit breaking the Eff out of this rule.


plz enforce the f'n rule and tell the offending people in PM to quit posting like that.

this is the internet, you are not shielded from valid criticism. almost everything in that thread was backed up with proper evidence.
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This has been discussed amongst a few mods and myself. (I'm sure Phantom will agree, Sorry for not waiting for your input)


Effective Immediately.





you can state all the hypocritical bullshit you want. this was what was stated. either enforce it or say you are a hypocrite.


can do the same thing about the behavior topic. either enforce people stating shit (not saying shit like "i thought maybe about giving a warning but didn't") for drama or again, state you are a hypocrite. wait...didn't you already say that when you said you could have warned whoever but didn't.


you want to be given the role of g-mod, then play it. don't play it when it suits your needs. either enforce the role, or give it up to people that will.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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you can state all the hypocritical bullshit you want. this was what was stated. either enforce it or say you are a hypocrite.


can do the same thing about the behavior topic. either enforce people stating shit (not saying shit like "i thought maybe about giving a warning but didn't") for drama or again, state you are a hypocrite. wait...didn't you already say that when you said you could have warned whoever but didn't.


you want to be given the role of g-mod, then play it. don't play it when it suits your needs. either enforce the role, or give it up to people that will.


once again nothing you  say will change anything I was made gmod AFTER this rule was made. secondly nothing was broken forget it I will handle this. Nobody is on your side here Even ume a mod at mfg (whom i respect much and many others do to) agreed to not listen to anything you say. Its not mystery I don't like you but I am trying to be neutral here. I will talk to people about mocking you as a person but frankly they can say what they want about ANY authors creation or team or w/e if you don't like it to bad this is the internet and no censorship will be done. They can "bash" authors all they want but not the forum itself. only a few actually did that. so I will do something.


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leave it to the typical mob mentality of some people in mugen community to turn things around and attack the person just wanting a f'n rule to be looked into.


to laharl, say what you want, you are being a hypocrite. doesn't matter when you were made g-mod. you were on staff at the time in question for that forum section. and the fact you would make this statement, "no one is on your side", tells me me you are no different. taking and applying the rules when, where and how you want to. neutral my ass.

A comic focused Mugen community: http://mugenmultiverse.forumotion.com/forum

But we do alot of other stuff too :)

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what part of you can mock authors do you not get that was never under consideration there is no rule saying you  cannot its freedom of speech. I alredy talked to darkflare and I will pm berserk. ppl shouldn't be mocking your forum itself but they are free to say w/e they want about some members. Understand now? I would treat it the same with guild and anywhere else (if there was any problems). SO STOP IT ALREDY. If I was not being neutral I would just tell you to shut up and go away. Without giving any actual answer. Your "mob mentality" shit needs to stop to. I know your reputation and not being neutral would mean me just ignoring you which I was told to do by quite a few ppl but I decided to address it instead as a gmod. So in short you have no idea what you are talking about.


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leave it to the typical mob mentality of some people in mugen community to turn things around and attack the person just wanting a f'n rule to be looked into.


to laharl, say what you want, you are being a hypocrite. doesn't matter when you were made g-mod. you were on staff at the time in question for that forum section. and the fact you would make this statement, "no one is on your side", tells me me you are no different. taking and applying the rules when, where and how you want to. neutral my ass.

I got a better idea.

Why don't you leave this place? I mean, why are you even here since you hate it so much?

Laharl already clarified the rule for you and you keep whining about it just cause those posts weren't NICE CHAR +1.

Sorry, but not every place is going to be like MMV where the only "criticism" allowed is NICE JOB. GREAT CHAR. WILL DL!

I mean, you think it's ok to insult staff around here, but god forbid someone does even a playful jab at yours and you get your panties in a bunch.

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