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How did you find out about MUGEN?

Legendary DeMoNk@I

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This a common discussion at some forums. i figured to start it here since i didnt see any threads on it. but its interesting to know how folks got into mugen or how long they been into it.


Heres my short story. I got on to it in 2002 officially. A friend i knew younger cousin kept telling us about this DBZ VS SF game he downloaded on the net so i decided to come over and see what was going on one labor day afternoon. Once i started playing and seeing Reus evil ken and Broly by flowagirl kickin ass all over the screen it was a rap. i was hooked. been into mugen ever since...but i didnt get deeper into it until i started learning creation and chatting with REU on MSN


funny thing about that is im wondering if mugen was being birthed in 95? because an old HS friend had a street fighter 2 game that was modded and had Andy bogard in it from FF2 special. we didnt pay it much mind at the time though^^


so whats your story?

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I found it because of Mario vs. Pacman and Fighting Mario vs Rare Mario, then a bunch of Super Mario vids, then a lot of Spongebob ones.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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well i first actually saw mugen when i used to go on youtube to just watch troll vids of Michael Jackson in pokemon(a mugen vid happened to be there in the search but i didn't know what it was then)

then i saw my bro got it, and i saw him play it at school n stuff he liked playin as sol badguy

then i got it eventually when he put it on my computer. he didn't know how to do ANYTHING so he quit. then i touched it and eventually

figured out how to add characters. my First character i added was N-mario's ssb metal mario

i guess i kinda got mugen whenever i was in 6th grade.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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it was a Video similar to this one  back in mid to late 2000 that got me to google mugen thanks to a comment on the video & i went from their 



My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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Year when I discovered MUGEN:  2004

        - was searching some video game PC-emulation stuff and came across with a MUGEN web site (forgot whose MUGEN web site


        - then began my MUGEN life (the search-and-download activities mainly)

        - joined some MUGEN online forums (the see-news and ask-request activities mainly)


Year when I started making stuff for MUGEN:  mid-2010

        - didn't want to be a DOM (Download-Only-Member) any and wanted to contribute back to the MUGEN scene


Year when I rage-quitted MUGEN:  mid-2011

        - couldn't stand those MUGEN Pro's' and MUGEN dudes' constant e-bullying and e-haunting anymore

Year when I returned to MUGEN:  mid-2013

        - saw MFFA's theme title:  "Caring Is Sharing" and found out I still want to share to care


I realize that somehow I am not able to live without MUGEN....at least for now :o

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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I found out about Mugen in year 2001 in a pc game centre when view a booklet of pc games in a cd cover booklet. I got excited after I saw screenshots of Sagat from Street Fighter Zero vs. Joe from Real Bout Fatal Fury Special fighting in Iori's King of Fighters 96's stage, Gouki from Street Fighter Zero vs. Shingo from King of Fighters 98 fighting in Raining Park stage from King of Fighters 99. I thought it is a new Capcom vs. SNK game for PC so I am curious and borrow this game and play it.

When the game loaded, there are 36 characters from:
Street Fighter: Gouki, Blanka and Dhalsim
King of Fighters: Terry, Andy, Clark, Chang, Kensou, Billy, Daimon, Shingo, Chris, Yashiro, Orochi, Orochi Iori, Kasumi and Eiji
Real Bout Fatal Fury Special: Joe
Garou Mark of the Wolves: Rock, Griffon, Grant and Kain
Marvel vs Series: Cyclops, War Machine, Rockman and Doctor Doom
Samurai Spirits: Genjuro, Ukyo and Jubei
and some unknown characters: Arina, Karin, Karakuri, Kuno, Akane, Koga, Strider Hien

with 10 stages from various fighting game like Nakoruru and Jubei's Samurai Spirits 2's stage, Hokutomaru and Dong Hwan's Garou Mark of the wolves stage, Mai and Laurence Blood's Stage from Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Yashiro's stage from King of Fighters 97, Okina's stage from Last Blade and two unknown stage which I do not know.

It was fun, I like using Gouki and Orochi Iori alots. There is a bug where the game will crashed when selecting the stage "------------------------------" that is a typo error where the semicolon is not added.

At that time, I did not have internet connection at home and I went to check out about Mugen using my school's computer and the first site I visited was Andre Lopes Mugen site. I visit the what is Mugen section and saw the select screen there, he have got other characters like Krizalid, Rugal, two Ioris, two Kyos, two Ryus, two Guiles and many others. It is amazing and I wonder how did he get those characters, does this game feature hidden characters because I did not see K', Kyo, Sagat and other stages in my current Mugen game which is confusing to me at that time. After I have found more information about it, only then I know that this is a 2D fighting game engine that can allow players to create their own 2D fighting game which is cool.

In December 2001, I got my internet connection at home and start to browse for more information about Mugen and found some websites like Mugen4ever, Mugen Mania(I think...), Mugen Fighters Guild and start downloading characters and stages from there. At first I downloaded my favorite characters, the first character I download was Zero from King of Fighters 2000 as he is featured as fighters of the week when I first browse Mugen Fighters Guild. Most of the download links in Mugen4ever are dead, then I start to download almost all characters from the fighting games that I have played including the stages. That is how I get to know Mugen and up till now, I am tired of downloading characters that are created from others due to some of the characters doesn't suit my taste like they have got programmed AI which is ridiculous hard to defeat so I intend to make character by following Ryon's tutorial for start :)

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I don't exactly remember the year but it was when I was 7  or 9 years old. But I do remember strolling through Youtube looking for videos as I was EXTREMELY hooked on Mario back in the day. SMBZ was always just so awesome to me back then I guess I checked alot of videos. Either I stumbled upon a video while either looking through SMBZ or Youtube Poop, I just watched a video of MUGEN and was astonished of how awesome it was, having a blast watching these videos made me want to play as the fact having you're favorite characters battle it out was just a mind blowing experience. Sadly this dream never came true by then because I didn't know how to deal with downloading and shit because of how dumb I was with computers. Now I know exactly so that's why I'm here.


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i saw a dbz vs sf game awhile back at a buddy of mines house and it was definitely a "what the fuck" moment!! ss3 goku vs wolverine??!!!! but we barely got anywhere cuz we didn't know what we were doing in terms of setting up the controllers, so we played in vain with the keyboard lol!! that little moment was in 2001 and this actually killed getting doom 3 hahahahaha!


in 2004, another friend had mugen on his laptop and had superman just doing his thing and i saw and heard mugen again, but didn't really take too much interest. in 2005 i moved out of the shelter and into my apartment and also got a nice pc from my folks. also during that time the friend who had it in 2001 went ahead and started his game up so it made me want to get mines up and running. i stumbled upon street mugen , mugenation , mugenfury and a few other popular mugen directories and then found my first home , which was mugen history. and the rest was history lol!!


If you find this picture offensive or scary contact : Ryon

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  • 1 year later...

DBZ was finally coming along in America and everyone wanted to play it now along with collecting it. I got into the Japanese versions that I never knew existed and from there I wanted more. So after looking it up I came across a DBZ mugen game that I could not play. Sometime later I saw a friend at school playing mugen from a thumb-drive as Dragonclaw and he explained to me a lot of stuff about it, including the difference between mugen versions. That made me want to pursue the engine instead and after a lot of searching and testing it finally worked. My first mugen character was Zero by N64Mario. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was looking through some SCP: Containment Breach walkthroughs on Youtube back in 2014, and a video on TAW's SCP-096 came up in my recommendations. It looked interesting, so I did some research on the fighting game engine and learned some really basic coding. Seeing that SCP-096 existed in a fighting game engine, I was curious to see what else MUGEN had to offer. Now I have the Red IMT screenpack with half of the roster filled. A shoutout to the homie TAW, for I wouldn't have found out about MUGEN if it weren't for your SCP-096. 

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