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The Warehouse Vs. The Collection


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Do you guys think we should keep up the Warehouse part of the forum?


Because If you think about it. EVERYTHING in the warehouse is in the collections part.


well maybe not everything But im sure if i sort thru it I'd find very few that arent. (such as edits)


But Why should we keep duplicate copies, when its obvious most people come here strictly for our collections?


So What do you all say about getting rid of the Warehouse Sub Sections?

Obviously I will go thru all of the sections and sort out what we have and what we don't have (in collection) and keep it.

an example of what we have in the warehouse but nowhere else is the extra DL links for Doogiedoo's WarZard characters.


So in the long run. Were saving oh alot, Overall space, Overall Topics, Possibly faster loading time.

Our priority would then become the edits section and the collection.




But yeah If you guys take a look at the capcom or snk section, practically all of the forums are re-directed to there collection counterpart, and some are already collections that arent linked.

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I like collections though, it's more organized though. However, there isn't that much update enough for the collections to be updated properly. Singular threads should be mainly used for character outside of it's own series imo. 


Anyways, I think a lot of warehousing areas need a bit more cleaning and organizing, while collections may need better updates on it.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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This is a tough one. Its like Laharl mentioned earlier, not everything has a collection. But I see your point, Ryon. I'm guessing your plan is to sift threw the forum deleting threads iF that character already in a collection, while keeping individual characters by themselves until a collection can be made. Or whatever. Its your world, Lol!


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i was wondering rather then waiting until you have a collection of 3 or more characters why not just make a section for anything that has 2 or more or if you have 1 character but you have shitloads of stages for that certain series why not just make it a collection it would be easy to track and keep it neat rather then to maybe lose the chance of keeping it in case your hard drive takes a shit or you mistakenly delete it 

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I agree with PB, we should just update and reorganize the collections there isnt really a point to have dupes or copies. 

The collections while organized neede to be updated. instead of redirects. i rather have multiple links posted in case they go offline or are no longer available at the author's site. 


so just go through the news and releases and match them to the collections and update the collections. 

(then delete the dupe post since its already in the collection)

is there a way to archive threads? so that the information doesnt disappear? that way if someone was linked to a single thread they would be redirected to the collection page?  but the archived thread is locked and just exists for record


instead of having the first page of  collection thread be full of releases and then scrolling through the thread to find additional links posted on the later pages. Also i dont really like having lifebar portraits as previews but thats just me. some of the things in the collection threads dont even have preview pics. 


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I do have mods yes, But i'd rather do the sorting myself.


Its gotten to the point where the mods and members post up new releases and material.

and i'm thrown into the back burner.


So to accomadate everyone, I choose to do all of the tedious work.

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