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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. I wonder what other characters you'll make, if you have the sprites/a spriter for them, welcome back.
  2. They need to balance out the characters they're adding, focus on the veterans more. But I'd like to see more newcomers depending on how many characters the Switch can handle.
  3. That's a Moderator-only feature DS12. But this, like the Mugenarchive issue should've been taken elsewhere.
  4. This may be from last year, but why not post this? Sure was a quick one.
  5. What's a magician's favorite ice cream flavor?
  6. I'm gonna add him and the rest of the Nijikaku edits when I revamp the collab: Moveset copied from FF3:
  7. It seems that 2017 will be the year of more creative creations, because this is awesome. Password is 105.
  8. This is the 1st phone char for Mugen, and an old one at that, definitely excited for this one Synck.
  9. So this is December-San, she's 2chan's mascot who represents December & Christmas, she can appear as a young girl, or an adult. The smaller version of her on Dec-san's cane is her original 1st appearance.
  10. These songs are actually from the Disney edition of Meteos.
  11. So Blizzard wants to reflect the diversity of players around the world, and they apparently think it felt right to make Tracer a les. I can respect their decisions, but IMO, it's odd and doesn't fit her at all, especially since Tracer's their mascot, from what I've seen. But I still like her as a character. I'm surprised that Blizzard themselves would do this, but they're not afraid to venture into this territory, and that makes them a strong company, but many series end up getting some fanmade or actual canon creepy yaoi/yuri paring. How many people knew that Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are lovers?
  12. Yes it could. Look here! If that little blaze, as you put it, spread and enough of the plants in the Jurassic Period went up in flames, the dinosaurs that ate all those plants would go extinct. Not good, because then, since all the plant-eating dinosaurs were extinct, the meat-eating dinosaurs that ate the plant-eating dinos would go extinct, too. And then, the mammals that ate the eggs of the meat-eating dinos would go extinct, as well, but not just those mammals -- all the mammals that came after him, too! Don't you see? It would cause a massive and devastating chain reaction for the species! But not for plants. And maybe a few little insects, too. Because whatever survived that fire would thrive and rule the world -- which is what we're seeing now."- Ed, Dinosaur King: The Forest Fire Effect
  13. Then those characters have a custom AI, just remove their AI codes from their CMD or CNS.
  14. Aira (Dragon Quest VII) & Red (Dragon Quest VIII) Red was based off of Aira, and they totally look like they could be relatives. And Daisy has a DQ counterpart. Princess Daisy (Super Mario Land) & Queen Sasha (Dragon Quest VIII)
  15. This channel does something like this, there's many videos showing a character, stage & great BGM. All in one. Here's an example:
  16. I think you should use scenes, memes or even cringeworthy fanart related to Freedom Planet for his picture attacks, but I don't mind the other memes, it'd fit him well.
  17. https://yadi.sk/d/opI_6XC934Bbcs I was trying to find this version myself, so thank you LW, and you're welcome.
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