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Big Green

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Everything posted by Big Green

  1. I'm considering remaking the KOF 94/95 collection sooner than later, and maybe even the TMNT Tournament Fighters collection.
  2. Terry Bogard by Falchion22 (you may have to use charsffdos2win on him for his large portrait to display correctly) https://mega.nz/#!rldyXIhD!8iyAy1diFx-m04067Y3by4zQ5Wp3YAc2_li3ktsE2o8 blue.act (based off one of Terry's CvS alts), holy.act, burningpink.act, zombie.act (it may look messy, but hey! Zombies ARE messy!)
  3. JDM said he wanted to continue, but he said he was having trouble adding links to the photos.
  4. Now, for Shimon's Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga: https://mega.nz/#!T8VyBSKR!UTd12MkgJBjT3N0CerpKelRxD1PyBdi9UBi8JDmVrfM blue.act, green.act, milkman.act, chiyochan.act I did notice that I kinda botched these, if you look at the mouth and the shoes (in the case of the last one).
  5. So I decided to figure out how to make palettes by looking up a readable online tutorial. I decided to test out my limited but newfound knowledge in this area. I tested out my favorite character, Cell by CHOUJIN, and made six palettes. https://mega.nz/#!Sl1ElZra!v2rpYBurSwfvC9kE4C_UBNQYDKyKINHMqtJyhQFVIJk red.act, orange.act, purple.act, pink.act, finewine.act, WHATARETHOSE.act Hope you enjoy, and I also hope I don't suck!
  6. [Download] Cell / Piccolo [Comments] Ryon mentioned these characters in another recent thread of mine, so I decided to post them here. They play slightly different from the source. I tried to fix them with charsffdos2win but to no avail.
  7. Why do Kagura and Sakaki look somewhat odd in their sprites? And could Ayumu be called Osaka instead? Or is that what the game calls her?
  8. Mark your calender. CotY will be when Bison graces the peaceful village of MFFA.
  9. Trinitony/Trinitoman made a new link for his PGCA stuff: https://onedrive.live.com/?id=1F69D2F5C571AE5D!107&cid=1F69D2F5C571AE5D&group=0&authkey=!ANPoAeCX9apdc8s
  10. Which contestant in the TD series do you like the most?
  11. CHOUJIN's version. At least counting the versions of Perfect Cell.
  12. [Download] https://mega.nz/#!S0FjWJyZ!ItYs2RNDaf3Vf_M7mgKURk9laQ45mUSLjDslawHehaw [Comments] Made in 2002. Despite its age, it's one of the better versions of Cell in MUGEN IMO. Also made in Canada!
  13. [Download] https://mega.nz/#!S9FCgYjS!-jBuJOJiiRXvzN3jgA3jRzrIk5nzJ5nV1UZgdPngPf8 [Notes] Another old DBZ character given the charsffdos2win treatment.
  14. I added Guraten's A.I patches for Cap and Sabretooth
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