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Everything posted by DarkWolf13

  1. Ryan Lion "You don't have the necessary skills to make this a good match." (Vs. M. Bison) "You are certainly as worse as those pirates with those powers of yours! I may have defeated you but who are you!?" (Vs. Guile/Charlie) "That somersault kick! You do it like how I do mine!" (Vs. Dark Wolf XM-77 (Nick)) "You need to work more on muscles than machinery." (Vs. WereGarurumon) "Nice try, wolf guy." (Vs. Fox) "Has anyone told you you're off your game?" (Vs. Chun-Li) "I need to ask you this... what does "gomen-ne" mean?" (Vs. Ruby Heart) "You're a pirate! That makes you an enemy in the eyes of a hunter but you don't seem to be the type of pirate I deal with!" (Vs Hsien-Ko) "You certainly made me go "Aiyah"! Where are you coming from with all those things? You knocked me dizzy with that pan!"
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih1Hf7K7N30 Desc: This is a private character I mugenized long ago. Ryan Lion's a character from the game Wild Hunters. Both him and the game were made by CyanWolf12 on deviantArt. All credits go to him. Ryan's fighting style is MvC2. His Flash Kick's and hypers are the same as Guile and Charlie, if not very close. This was done in Training Mode and he goes against M. Bison. Watch and enjoy as they exchange normals, specials and hypers.
  3. I have a decent Umbreon with Payback, Iron Tail, Curse & Rest. Careful 252 HP/Sp. Def. The one problem that concerns me... the ability. I wanted Inner Focus to stop the flinch hax...
  4. Wow. And I haven't seen Toaster in a while. Congrats to those 2 as well.
  5. Congrats you two for reaching the higher ranks.
  6. Not everyone is a competitive battler. Don't forget that. And people battle differently.
  7. Only games I have are Pokemon X & Project X Zone. Not really sure what other games to recommend because I neither have the game nor tried it.
  8. I think I got every single one of them when I downloaded that full game.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m02rCdLZ5U8 Desc: This time a survival run playing as WereGarurumon, with Ken as a partner.
  10. First character I started with was WereGarurumon by the Great Matustzu.
  11. Well, that's a downer for those who wanted Chrom in. It's good to see Capt Falcon in the game. And what's with the talk about Lucina? Some say Lucina could be a clone of Marth.
  12. I had some feeling Pikachu will get the "special" treatment. And yeah, I noticed the Pikachus dressed up are female.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIaXrrBGAQI&feature=youtu.be (Taken from the description in vid) Did a survival run playing as Bison with Cammy as a teammate. Both characters used for this vid were made by Mouser. This was a fun survival run.
  14. Nowadays, people tend to prefer a certain sprite-style in a character rather than gameplay. If the style is not what they hoped for, they won't get it despite how well the character plays.
  15. Damn, Boss... that's seriously messed up... my prayers to you and your family in finding a home really soon...
  16. I don't play by tiers, hence why I stated I use anyone I want, whether it be on Showdown or in-game.
  17. 1. Who was the very first character you ever downloaded for MUGEN? 2. What are your favorite genres of video gaming?
  18. I think that only applies to those who don't like using certain Pokemon for whatever reason. I use who I want. I have no least favorite Pokemon.
  19. It sure was. Now stats matter but to me Pokemon is still about battling for fun. Just can't seem to find people to battle who think the same thing. They made it a bit serious when the competitive field came to light.
  20. Knowing Sableye has access to Psychic and Dazzling Gleam... yeah, that can be troubling.
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