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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. I shall put it out of it's misery... ...and dominate the foundings of yours >:)
  2. Two more pages left D: T... Ti... Tit... Titular (betcha thought I was gonna say tits, right? ).
  3. ^There's a few Waluigi characters, but they're nothing special.
  4. "Hold Devil's pot of tea. Hold Devil's pot of tea. Hold Devil's pot of tea. Hold Devil's pot of tea Mulan."
  5. I need one for Mountainside Temple (EVERYONE in the MUGEN community knows what that is, so a picture isn't needed). I was thinking something dojo-y and Chinese, but I've no idea what to look for. No lyrics please, I'm not a fan of them.
  6. Ugh, got a dreadful stomache ache last night and didn't get a wink of sleep...and I still have it :(
  7. Positioning is off when viewed at 640x480 resolution - easily fixable though. The RBG method is what (notably) EXShadow uses, right? Where big, non-animated stage elements are tinted red, blue and green and layered on top of one another?
  8. :D Mario Kart Double Dash! Fair bit of colour loss though.
  9. Isn't it 60 pages then lock, not 50? :P Also, horse? HORSE?! IT'S A FUDGING KNIGHT!!! IT'S NOT META HORSE, THE ROYAL HORSES, OR HORSES OF THE ROUND TABLE, IS IT?! GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!! *goes super saiyan*
  10. Odd, it works on every explod I've added it to :/
  11. It's not how long it takes to do something, but the time it takes to realise you've gone the wrong way about doing it.
  12. Lags like crap on my machine (which is a crying shame, truly!) There's just too many full-screen elements :/
  13. Indeed, regardless of where a character hails from and how powerful it is in there, it should be balanced for MUGEN. Sure, if a Pokémon (let's say Steelix, for example) excels in a certain stat (defense) and isn't as good in another (attack), you'd make the attack lower than average and its defence higher than average, but not so much that it's too weak/game-breaking. This is why Cyberlizard's old Rayquaza is so cheap - its attack is so high to represent its 150 base attack in the games, but it doesn't fit balance-wise into MUGEN.
  14. See, this is why Krogoth won't leave us alone! Arguing only makes him prep his weapons! On the other hand, what a bitch fight
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