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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. It is...? Thanks for telling me :) EDIT: Not entirely. It functions perfectly fine, minus its colours screwing up.
  2. Can't tell if something to do with rustling jimmies, or...
  3. -Updated image for Haunter, Evil Gastly, Shedinja, Beedrill and Infernape. -Separated Scizor. -Found out that GarchompMatt's Rotom is actually 1.0-only.
  4. Mugenfan's "personal" wiki got attacked by someone who previously attacked the 'Database...but this is Mugenfan we're talking about here. I'm not posting the link to it, seeing as the new content is deemed too naughty for the likes of you lot
  5. Says the guy whose first name is another word for "cruel"
  6. Oh noes! Now you can't look at Facebook every second of your life :P Seriously though, it's a tragic loss I'm sure.
  7. Interesting stuff. Though most people use something other than MUGEN 1.0's default screenpack, this is a very nice thought indeed :) I have a suggestion though: remove the select icons where the players' names show up and maybe the bottom two rows - sure it lowers the amount of characters you can put in the roster, but it makes it look tons nicer.
  8. What he said was true to an extent. There's these genuinely crappy characters, yet the author's "fans" disregard its blatant crapness and pump up the author's ego by saying "this is amazing", "good character", "well done", etc. Then when genuine feedback is given, the author says that the feedback-er is stupid and they should stop ruining his/her creations. More of these monstrosities are created and people say stuff like the quote in my sig.
  9. Here is its idle animation, completely unedited: It was also made by Weegeeisgoingtokillm (AKA Butthenidied)... MUGEN 1.0 can run at 640x480, assuming your screenpack is this size. Heck, even EvE MUGEN (non-HD) works on MUGEN 1.0.
  10. Those "MUGEN dudes" were wrong and unhelpful. Rather than just saying "it sucks", they should've given you useful feedback so you can improve - they were in the wrong, not you.
  11. The only problem with SkyDrive is when you're trying to download a character, but all the zip files listed are written in another language (mainly Japanese), and seeing as you can't direct link to one file (though SkyDrive can put a tick next to a file), you're left with having to go trial-and-error. Granted, I use SkyDrive for my completed MUGEN stuff, but MediaFire for everything else.
  12. I can do low, but then it sounds too British
  13. Matt. That's all I'm giving away because it's in my username.
  14. Pichu is the edit (actually a spriteswap - the coding and sound effects (minus Pikachu/Pichu's voice) are identical); Xed's Pikachu was released 2008 (I think), whereas Pichu was released August 2012. There is another Pichu (and I should add it, but perhaps tomorrow), but I wouldn't hold your breath.
  15. My voice is too high (or boring) when I speak normally D: It's annoying when the accent you're trying to pull off sounds damn good to you, but when you hear it back through a recording, it's terrible.
  16. Only because there's no pre-defined locations and lifebars for players 5+, because they're not supposed to exist. It does function properly, though.
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