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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. One of the first characters I ever downloaded. I love his sprites, but this was, and is one of the weirdest characters I have ever had in Mugen...

    Most of this creators early works are slight KFM edits, too. I guess I'll get him again for novelty, thanks for the edit.

  2. (Picture)
    photo mugen002_zpsrdsky6pr.png






    Another wrestling ring sprite mash-together.. However, this one has a cinematic from a Tekken game with Murduk in it. It loops over and over in the background. The crowd is animated, too. It has a song named Mei Takash. Made by Azami 

  3. I enjoyed Mario, he was a lot of fun, I really wanted a Mario that uses all of his power-ups rather than his fists like in Smash Bros. Plus, he didn't have his Brawl voice. If you go to 3D work, It would be cool to see. 

    With all of this Star Wars lately, another Vader to go along with RMH's edit would rock, and a Yoda, too. If you're continuing any Mugen stuff, it would probably be best if you stuck to one game and it's characters at a time than like 5 games and 46 characters at once. Some characters on the list sound awesome, like Dig Dug, but you should probably go back and update your older stuff if anything.

  4. (Picture)







    Do you like Tekken and have a 640x480 Mugen? If you like Tekken, and added some more cussing, these are some good bars for you. They went offline, so I uploaded them. The health part of the bar has animation, and the announcer has a lot of lines, although it can be a bit messy if they overlap. Not much else to say...

  5. Tried them out, and I love the gameplay a lot, Smash based obviously, but a lot of fun. I hope there's a way to stop the A.I. from taking over sometimes, it's really annoying. I also want to know if the "clash" thing these guys have can be put into other characters. Can you just copy-paste the code into the common.cns file or something?

  6. The more stuff you guys say, the harder she sounds to fight...


    Forgot one, Crash Bandicoot by MadOldCrow and V-Nix's one:


    I can't tell which one is really the best Crash. Doug's has some decent attacks, good combos, and a power charge. (Saw the A.I. do it, the player can't seem to do it) His A.I. just spams TNT, and his audio is in terrible quality. The Crash dance doesn't even look right. He could use some more specials, too.


    About V-Nix's, his playstyle is just odd. Do his sprites come from Crash of the Titans on the GBA? 


    In all, I guess I'll stick with Tanicfan's Fake Crash...

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