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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. I was going to put this in that other thread, but I guess it got moved, so...

    I'm pretty sure this stage was made by ExShadow. I tried those archives of his stages and couldn't find it, and I have no clue where I found it last time, I just remember having this stage when I had Broken Mugen. Anyone know where I can get it again?

  2. Alright, another question I have:

     photo mugen0_zpsi7ylwxet.jpg

    That first character looks like Beako from Nijikaku. I found this photo in a folder of a Ella edit I found on a old website. Question is, judging by her portrait, I'm guessing that's a edit, or taken from a older Nijikaku. So, does anyone know if that edit, I guess, is available, or private, or something?

    Although, seeing as that's Kuromaru beneath her, something tells me that's a edit I probably don't want...

  3. HA.gif

    I can't quite read the name of this left character in this .gif, but here's a very, very old request of mine. It looks like "Juralior" or something like that. He must be extremely rare, too, cause this is the only thing I can find him in. As mentioned, he comes from a old anime named "Charge Man Ken" or something like that. Anybody know a link, and maybe the author?

    Solved, thanks to Phantom Blood.

    Still requesting that last Pac-Man Delta, too, he's not at the Wikia or Archive, but normally found here: http://web.archive.org/web/20090605224332/http://axel1825.webs.com/chars.htm ,which seems to be "frozen".

    Thanks in advance...

  4. (Picture)

     photo mugen000_zps7anq5lzw.png





    A rather recent version of Kirby, he was made this year. He's pretty good, too. He's one of the only Kirbies so far that uses anything from Kirby 64 (The Crystal Gun, Double Stone ability, and the Refrigerator ability.) He even has the Yarn Whip, which can be used in multiple directions, as well as the Falcon Punch. (Although, it's really hard to hit enemies with... A bit too hard.) There's also a few classic abilities in the mix, such as a Yo-yo attack, the Paint ability, a laser hyper, a few hammer attacks, (A bit crudely sprited, though.) as well as the bomb. He can even counter and reflect projectiles. (Although, the counter is mapped to the same key as the Yarn Whip, so it's a bit tough to use at times.) I think the sprites are custom, too. Unfortunately, he's a bit lacking in the winpose/losepose/intro/voice area. Hopefully the creator updates this Kirby a bit more, and maybe change some of his attacks, and adds some other things, otherwise, it's pretty good, just about as good as Claymizer's version in terms of gameplay.

  5. Playing really old versions of Winmugen (I like to play compilations sometimes...) causes this computer (Toshiba Satellite C655 with Windows 7) to crash, like BSOD and everything. The computer boots back normally, but playing them for a little bit causes the computer to BSOD. Is that a error with the computer itself? I haven't played older compilations since the issue began, and I hope that I won't have to stop doing it, too.

    Also, a "lighter" question: With a certain lifebar, which comes with a common.cns file, it lets characters smash craters in the ground during high impact hypers. I didn't notice any other changes with Mugen, so I think that was the only real change..I assume to change the way the crater looks is a fight.fx thing, which I never figured out how to do... I tried to read the new .cns to figure out the code that lets you smash craters, but I couldn't make heads or tails of anything in there. The lifebar/new .cns file I'm talking about is in this pack: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/19375-mugen-liferbars-package/ and labeled as "lifebars kof memorial edit". I wanted to know what exactly I should copy from it so I can use the heavy smash code for my Mugen too, because it is awesome, and how to change the crater effect, what height triggers them, and the duration of the crater, because it stays far too long as is.

    Thanks in advance...

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