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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. I used him against 5 different characters, and the mid section vanishing actually only happens during the piledriver startup, and his air High Punch. After slamming the opponent into the ground with the driver, they'll take damage, bounce out of the ground, then go into stand state, while floating slightly above the ground, where they can move and such. It happened with every character I tried him against.

  2. I tried the new beta, and I love the cloud animation hyper background for the Coal and Snowman hypers. His midsection still vanishes doing two of his normal grabs and the piledriver, though. The Odd Swoosh Attack seems to be giving me the same problem as before. The piledriver also acts a bit strange like before, but it deals damage now. I haven't got to try the projectile eating thing, most of the characters I fight never use projectiles, so I can't comment on that.

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