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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. That sprite style is similar to... Gee, I don't know. That's a good sign, though. Judging by past experience, characters like these HAVE to be NSFW in some way... Heck, even one of her files are named "buka"... That doesn't sound fun.


    On my birthday to. Sweet! Thanks.

  2. (Picture)

    photo mugen002_zpssgbu85fz.png






    As far as I know, 3 rare original characters.  Progeo is on the left, and Lilibel and Necoco are on the right. They all have a pretty good amount of specials and hypers, Progeo plays like a mix of a few certain KOF bosses with a few additions, Lilibel is extremely quick, uses knives, but has very low health, and Necoco uses guns, and can teleport. They all carry very brutal A.I. too. Made by Janeco.

  3. (Picture)

    photo mugen000_zpsokf2ttgj.png






    Another of my favorite Sonic stages, and fortunately, the last section of it. Has the intro from the original game, the Death Egg's rockets ignite the cave. The lava's animated, it doesn't scroll with the stage, though. Great for the large amount of small Sonic Battle characters there are or other "chibi" characters, it's just a flat walkway with a decent amount of space. It even has the Act 3 music. Made by MGSSJ2.

  4. These are two strange stickmen, Xiao Xiao, or Syao Syao is a pretty fast fighter with a few weapons and can summon clones, I think there was another not very good version of him out there, and 0 uses a scythe and can run into people, doing self damage in the process. He also summons some muscular dude and a guy in a chair, if you press Start, it triggers some minigame thing, but it makes 0 dizzy a lot. I guess he comes from some flash game or something.


    This creator made a ton of stuff, apparently. I like their playstyle, even if they are pretty unbalanced. Thanks for these two.

  5. (Pictures)









    I saw the Tyrian Screenpack, and I saw these bars with them, and I decided to get the screenpack, because it would be a great small side/test screenpack, and for these lifebars, too. So, here's the lifebars by themselves just in case others wanted them, but not the entire screenpack. 

    Anyway, these lifebars have a very arcade-styled appearance to them, almost Metal Slug reminiscent, it even says "SCORE" alongside combos. It comes with a robotic female announcer, and 3 rounds by default, unless you edit that. Not much else to say...

  6. (Pictures)








    Some lifebars based on Sonic the Fighters, and a little of classic Genesis Sonic. Notice the monitor portraits, pretty cool, actually. I don't know why the font is that big, though, may just be a error with EvE, the screenpack I used with these bars. When you win, you get... Two rings. Two measly rings, not even "You Win" or "(Insert character name here) Wins" or even something cool, like "Round Cleared!". JUST TWO RINGS! Ugh... Anyway, speaking of EvE, these bars come with the famous "Welcome back to the stage of history!" SC2 announcer, for some reason. I guess the creator is unknown, there was no name in the .def.

  7. I basically spent all day making my own hitspark set by putting sparks I liked from other fightfx files into one. I'm mostly happy with the outcome, but the misalignment, size, and animation speed on them are really bothering me. All of the animation for every spark is wayyyyy too fast. That, and they're a bit misaligned and very small, too. I took the fightfx.air from normal 1.0, and tried to adjust the Time via FF3, but it just made the beginning of the spark longer, the starting sprite stays onscreen for a little longer, then once again speeds through the rest of the animation. To help, I have:


    -Sonic ring sprites as every type of hit. 


    -I don't know where the light ground shockwave is from...


    -Heavy ground shockwave was taken from those Mugen Super Wars lifebars by Anamochi.


    -The water type effect Geese has around him in one of the FFs when he gets revived as the power charge effect. (I think...)


    -Both wallbounces are a KOF explosion. Pretty big, too.


    -Block spark is from X-Men: Children of the Atom.


    -Level 1 spark is from SF III: 3rd Strike. These I need the most help with. It's the "absorbing energy, then thunderbolt over character" hyper effect, but the absorbing energy part is super fast, and the thunder never appears.


    -I don't know where the Level 2 one is from, I got it from a compliation's fightfx. It's really transparent and hard to see in Mugen, though.


    -I took the Level 3 one from Kamek's screenpack's fightfx.


    The size, alignment, and animation speed thing is with all of them, though. Anyone know how to fix these 3 issues?



  8. (Picture)

    photo mugen000_zpswpz9noff.png






    A pretty unique joke character. I think Egao means smile in Japanese. He only has one button, which is spawning things, the next object spawned is dependent on that graph. Gray circles are sawblades, pink jars are these weird jars that hurt anyone who hits them, gray faces are bouncing bombs, gray ghosts are these weird blue spirits who smash down anyone in midair, brown circles are switches that trigger flamethrowers, and pink happy faces are little guys who will grab a enemy and force them to take damage by other stuff, and the question marks are hyper versions of the saws or bomb. You can even cycle through which attack will be next. I think he might be a little NSFW, those pink restrainer guys look a bit suspicious... Made by tomorou.

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