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Posts posted by Gaulbetti

  1. 13 hours ago, Narutogokuichigo said:

    Can't die from anything I try  to do.  So far no ohko I've attempted has worked. As well as any attack has yet to succeed in working.

    Great character and well sprited.But if your looking for something that's beatable then this character is not for you.Unless you like  to collect or don't mind what I've stated above.

    Also the punch is NOT instant kill. Higher health characters or. A change in settings in mugen prove this in more ways than one.With the way my mugen is set up it only takes about half hp of any character.

    Did you rename him to "The Unstoppable Two Punch Man" in that case? I can't think of anything shorter than Unstoppable here...

  2. WHAT?! That punch isn't a insta-kill! What the heck?! It only took about 1/3 of her life bar.


    Anyway, for such a obscure version, this doesn't look bad at all. It seems like they were aiming for something similar to DJ_HANNEYLBROYCE's WIP.


    So... Is his trademark punch the only attack this version has, and can you defeat him?

  3. Why I haven't I said anything here yet...


    Well, going by the title, I train on NSFW stuff ALL of the time, so... There was also the time I actually used Slime Plus after learning what his purpose was... I'm still disappointed in myself for that.


    By what you actually mean, there's quite a few:


    1. Recovering from the last computer crash... ONLY TO HAVE MR.IBZS'S SITE DEAD BY THE TIME I FIND MY WAY TO IT AGAIN! Man, I remember the first time I went there and got all of his Pac-Men... More annoyingly, there's older Webs sites still open, working links and everything... As well as that MugenTK site that I used to have a link to. They even had another Viewtiful Joe there, that wasn't Near and Nestor's. It wasn't very good, though... I can even IAWM his site, the Pac-Men links are the only things not archived, though.


    2. A ton of stuff that I ran into in Nijikaku... I don't play it anymore, a series of long stories short...


    3. When I ran into my first cheap palette. I was SO confused, annoyed, frustrated, etc... 


    4. Well, every time I have to fight my favorite characters, I guess... That's no fun.


    5. When I just got the Broken Mugen screenpack, and put in that Tendril character. Long story short, that was one heck of a way to start out a new Mugen roster... Shame, I think that character alone kinda ruined Broken Mugen for me, that is one powerful character... Heck, I'd say this instance alone was more sad for me than the other NSFW run-ins I've had.


    Yeah, sad and sadist moments.

  4. 12 hours ago, A person said:

    Characters with cheap pallette modes. Seriously, when you have it set to where the AI will randomly choose a color in Arcade mode, and you happen to fight a character with a cheap pallette selected, it tends to ruin the entire arcade run.


    Well, good thing, like you mentioned briefly, there's this lovely piece of code:


    AI.RandomColor = 0


    I love this one soooooo much...


    Speaking of Arcade mode...

    I can't stand having to fight MKP characters, or characters that actually abuse their flaws... I guess this can be lumped in with severely glitchy/broken characters, or cheap A.I. but still... They ruin Arcade, too.

  5. I think I have a new pet peeve: I have a hard time playing with characters with 2 button gameplay or less... Also, I can't stand when the Start button is used for other things aside from taunts, and actually has some specials mapped to it, like... Ogre, the Akuma edit? Well, most specials on Start with him are just other taunts or joke specials, but he's the only real example I can think of, sure, a few, like both Segares and Roysquad's Pac-Man have Start specials, but they only have one. Point is, I don't like Start attacks...

  6. 32 minutes ago, Dumanios said:

     - Gurospooo.


    It's bad, but I personally think it gets more hate than it really should. A lot of the people who bash it tend to focus more on the spriting (same author as D4 Miku) and the shocking imagery.


     - GooGoo64's characters.


    They're also bad, but at least they're funny to watch if you've been having a bad day (though to be fair, there's a lot of mugen chars like that).


     - Chuchoryu's characters.


    They're not very good, but the amount of negative attention these characters receive is more than necessary for what are essentially meant to be eternal betas.


    Awwww man, I forgot completely about these. I agree totally. I had Gurospoo in my second roster, I've seen his winposes, the attacks during that door hyper, a lot of things on him, and I didn't think he was THAT bad...

  7. Super Mario 64, he's HILARIOUS. I mean the Stickman14 edit, that AT LEAST fixes the A.I. I don't mind the SGS... Super Mario 64 was a important childhood game of mine, too. It feels nice to go around owning with a character-ification of one of the first games I ever played.


    Superman Reeve, once again, HILARIOUS. It couldn't have been easy to spriteswap over a DBZ character with 3 modes, and at least have the result kinda work and fit with the target characters powers and such. Kinda... I like the transition animations too, you don't see that often in characters...


    SNS's characters, why do I bring them up so much...


    MUGENX's characters. At LEAST his Kirby and Mario. The attempt of retro SSB characters is cool, I guess... His Kirby has some awesome copy abilities, too. (I seriously found Dio's steamroller in his sprite file...)


    Felix's SpongeBob, (Non-Kinoshota one) if someone removed the EoH template, this would be a decent SpongeBob...


    Well, that's all I have...

  8. 7 minutes ago, DarkWolf13 said:

    Not to mention bouncing around when KO'd to prevent themselves from staying down. Also their Hard.cmd prevents them from dying period because a move that would potentially KO them adds more life. I've seen it in ALL his MvC2 chars.

    *Remembers fighting a Colossus in a compilation with that* Oh, crap, that was one of Kong's famous characters? I hate fighting that one, he is possible to defeat, though. He's real poorly made, too, he just keeps slamming himself into the ground...

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