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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. *Back with Reimu*

    Was that the sound of another gap opening? No, I need to focus on tomorrow's match. Hey Hikari, are there any special abilities you have that I might be able to enhance on the fly? For example, I can use my borders to teleport attacks and increase it's speed.

    Sasuke jumps up near Reimu before summoning a large bird.




    "You must be the one Raina mentioned."

  2. *sees Lily fly off*

    Guess we should tell Raina about tomorrow's event.




    Sasuke notices someone who looks like Raina - Reimu - above. He leaps onto the top of a building nearby.


    Back in the club


    "That was sudden," thought Raina. Then, she turns toward Maribel.


    "So, uh, let's go."

  3. The American Miko turns toward Hikari.


    "It's been a very complicated day. I thought it'd just be meeting Reimu, but... well, to keep things short, I met Maribel, your cousin, and another doppelganger."


    Raina's cell phone rings.


    "Hold on," Raina says, before picking up the phone.


    "Aw geez, Sasuke, I was just going to Gensokyo for some important matters," Raina states.


    "Gensokyo's one of those places that has severe incidents every so often," Sasuke replies.


    "Whaddaya mean possible severe incidents, I'm not involved in those."


    "I don't believe you."




    "I'm still coming to that fight club you were at."


    "Jeez, really?"


    "I am qualified, you know."


    "Alright, alright. Just don't pick a fight with anyone who thinks themselves a god."


    "... it was one time, Raina."


    The call ends. Raina puts her phone away.


    Kalos City (American Miko Storyline)


    Maribel followed Reimu and Raina on the gap. She wasn't understanding a little bit of what was going on, but she remembered that she didn't presented herself.



    "I am sorry that I did not introduced myself. My name is Maribel Hearn. Pleased to meet you all."



    "Oh right, Raina Havenray." The American Miko then extends a hand.

  5. Dfq4Vej.png

    "Oh hey... Back so soon?"


    *Hikari takes a closer look and notices Reimu and Maribel*



    *gulp* ("What are those two doing here? This isn't good. Maribel shouldn't be here. I was trying to avoid this situation, but god only knows what irreparable damage has been done now.")


    "This gets more and more confusing. It was confusing enough when it was just myself and Reimu. Then a third doppelganger arrived, this girl who apparently becomes Yukari, and I briefly saw Yukari herself... and now Hikari is here. How more convoluted can this become?"

  6. Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png

    "Would you excuse us for a moment? We need to have a talk in private."

    Meimu proceeded to grab both mikos and pull them in toward her gap, closing it behind her.


    "I'm hoping she hasn't developed her powers enough to be able to hear us here, because I really don't want her to hear that she's going to eventually become Yukari one day."

    "Interesting... and a good point. A time paradox is the last thing I want to fight."

  7. Now that i think about it, we do look identical. Well, as you might know, I am a shrine maiden. But what kind of work are you involved in, "sister"?


    "I fight crime, keep the peace, and I have a sidejob at a pizza joint. I'll also look for tough opponents on occasion."


    Meanwhile at the Hakurei shrine, a gap opened up nearby as Meimu poked her head out of it.


    "Reimu, has Yuka-..."

    She stopped herself to take a look at the american miko.


    "what kind of crazy getup are you wea-..."

    She stopped herself once again to turn back to Reimu.


    "Has Yukari bugged you at all today? I really need to find her."


    The American Miko looks at Meimu. 


    "Well this is unexpected. I haven't seen Yukari either."

  8. *moments later, the two are sitting down with tea and sugar cookies. Reimu takes a sip of tea before speaking.*


    Ok, let's get down to business. What was it that brought you here?

    "Well, I needed to meet you. I know a few people who know you, and they saw our resemblance."

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