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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. *facepalms* I'm not even gonna ask why sasuke is here. *knocks on the door*


    The door opens. Once you enter, the door closes behind you.


    There's a sudden flash of light.


    In front of you is a being of great power.





    Outside the Room


    Youmu and Sasuke leave the area. They head toward the training grounds, and then begin to spar.

  2. Quite the building. But why did you choose me?

    "I'm sure the Commander at this base would be willing to talk to you. Besides, I think there's more to this incident..."

    They enter the building. Within the building are an assortment of personnel, mostly anonymous guards, janitors, and the like.

  3. Not gonna sugarcoat it: I messed up real bad and I want to apologize for it. But I'm not even sure if that'll be enough

    "Is that so... perhaps there's a better way to get their attention..." the Samurai was soon deep in thought, then had an idea.

    "Well, it doesn't seem like they'll come back out any time soon, or that they're open to visitors. Perhaps it'd be better if you came with me."

  4. Great, so now I'm the spot of attention. Sigh, I was seeking audience with DarkFlare and LightFlare....and great you have a sword. Please, I'm not looking for a fight...not in my condition

    Youmu stops pointing her sword at TimeWeaver, though it isn't sheathed.

    "Alright, why is it that you seek an audience with them?"

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