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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. Wait, then where the- *sees the ship flying off* did I just overreact and jump out of the ship in my panic? *facepalms. Grabs a Walkie Talkie.* Hey, I kinda had a wtf moment and jumped out the ship. Assuming you're going to land somewhere, could you send me the coordinates?


    "Did he just jump out of the ship?" another guy asks.


    "Yes. Yes he did."

  2. How difficult do you expect this battle to be?



    Before you land Trailblazer looks up at your craft

    then violently bursts into flames, the ashes that are left blow away in the wind.


    This character is under reconstruction and has been removed from play. next time tell me before you try to implement my character into your plans.

    i mean ive not posted in days  for a reason





    There's a stagnent silence.


    "Well then," states Cooler.

  3. Very interesting. So, I recently got this new weapon for someone who calls themselves "P". Anyway, enough about me. Thank you for allowing me to get on your ship, Cooler


    "You're welcome," replied Cooler.


    "Lord Cooler, target spotted," a soldier shouts.


    "So there's the Trailblazer..." the commander states, "land here."

  4. Well its over with for now. Best thing to do is just let him be and if he chooses to come back and listen to whom ever then cool. If not, then its cool too. Its his choice whether anyone likes it or not. I hope he changes his mind and comes back though


    I guess so. I do want him to reconsider this, but it's his choice, I suppose.

  5. Well, this happened.


    I doubt he'll read this, but the Onedrive link doesn't work for me.


    This link works, though. I've yet to actually test the character, but I've heard its got some bugs.


    As for Borewood leaving... oh Jeez.


    If you're reading this, then think. Is it really too much work to just not include a 3kb text file?


    I wasn't in the Mugen community when what happened with you went down, so I'm hardly a Muggin Pro wanting to keep you grounded in the past. In fact, I feel the biggest anchor weighing you down in the past may just be yourself. What happened happened, let the past be in the past. You don't see Daniel doing the same self-pity stuff, and I know his old characters were received pretty badly.


    I have very few problems with Borewood's characters in and of themselves. While OMK Beatrice has some lag, she's still pretty good, and a whole lot less cheap than Baggy's Beatrice. My one big problem with the TRF2 Beatrice is the cutscene. I'll admit, when I was new and didn't know about your reputation, I assumed it was just self-deprecation for the lolz, but now I'm certain it's not 'for the lolz'. The cutscene just goes on, and on, and on, and then at the end, both sides have 1 health and 0 energy. That idea, that final last stand, is legitimately interesting, but the cutscene and self-deprecation behind it, not so much (it doesn't help that I've been screwed out of victory a few times with this move).


    Borewood, I have very few problems with your characters, and you seem like a nice guy. It's just long story short, the past is the past, the present is the present, don't bring the past into the present.

  6. I get you said you were leaving....but i didn't think you would be done so quick. I must admit, you're quite efficient. Not only that, but quite the arsenal of allies: Sasuke, Youmu, and even Lord Cooler *puts emphasis on lord, in an attempt to get back a Salza*. How did you two meet anyway?


    "Ah, Cooler and I go a long way back. It was through my training that he was able to unlock the full extent of his power," the commander replies, "not to mention this is his ship."

  7. *trying to catch his breath* Don't worry.....I'm with ....the commander. *falls to one knee. As he kneels, he hears the noise of a sword coming from his waist.* When did I even get this? And there's a note on it too. *it reads: these are my gifts to you. You should have received the sword by now. The other will arrive shortly. -.P* Well thank you, P.

    Now, could you take me to the commander please?


    "Wll, if you're with the commander..., well, follow me."


    The two of you soon arrive at the main bridge. A blue skinned blonde man with a very flamboyant purple and green uniform stops you.


    "Who are you? Do you dare threaten Cooler?" he asks, his voice possessing a french accent.


    "Stand down Salza," the Commander states.


    "Well well, Timeweaver, I'm surprised you made it after all."

  8. Wait, let me check my wallet. *checks his wallet only to find it empty* Dammit. Sorry I don't have any money at the moment *leaves the food court and begins to wander around. He suddenly hears the sound of a ship starting.*

    Guess they're getting ready to leave....wait. SHIT!!! *finds the nearest exit and bolts toward the ship, just barely making it inside*


    Barely making it in time, you get on the ship.


    An unnamed extra is rather surprised, and informs the others that Timeweaver is aboard the ship.

  9. Well, they say patience is a virtue, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to wait.

    "Very well. Good luck," Hastur says before leaving and going to the ship. You are left at the Food Court. What do you want to eat?


    Ships Docking Bay


    Hastur arrives at the Docking Bay.




    "So Cooler, is your crew prepared to launch?" Hastur asked.




    "Of course."


    "Alright. Let's go."


    They board the ship.

  10. What do you mean it's not important? What if I considered joining you?....O_o did you say ship? Jesus, how much money are you funded...or is that not important either?

    "We're a group with no name, I suppose. It's difficult to find a name. As for the ship, well, follow me."

    The commander exits the room.

  11. *TimeWeaver's body begins to glow with a blinding light. When the light clears, Time is standing up again unharmed.*

    Pretty cool right? That's one of the perks of being comic relief. Infinite revives until I receive a master, but that's literally it.


    "Ah, yes. Quite interesting."

  12. However, as far as I know, no recruitments have been made. So if you wanted to call an assault, I'd say as soon as you possibly can. Now I have another question for you. And this may sound weird, but could you kill me? You'll see why I asked.

    "Alright," Hastur said, before firing a laser beam, killing Timeweaver right there.


    At the HQ's entrance


    The rest of the team arrived, prepared to do battle soon. A Moonrabbit, an American Miko, a 495-year old Vampire, a Magician, a Saiyan Prince, a Galactic Warlord, and a Gunner.

  13. Well, me and trailblazer haven't been on the best of terms, but from what I've heard, he's been trying to recruit people. I'm not quite sure what that cause is but it might be for something big, like killing Laharl I think.

    "So he intends to build an army..." Hastur states, "If he intends to fight Laharl, then he would certainly need the army."

    "But if he obtains this army..." he pauses, before hitting a button. This button's purpose: to alert every member of the team to come to HQ.

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