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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. Thanks everyone for your input on the subject. If I understand it well, we can all agree that :


    1) a separate role-play section would be desired;


    2) all current story-lines need to reach their end first;


    3) all future story-lines will have their own thread in the separate RP section?


    Is that about right, guys 'n' gals?



  2. *the woman looks at them*



    "Mansion's head maid... and you are... the shrine maiden I see. This mansion was supposed to have been destroyed 200 years ago. I woke up to see it in ruins and have wandered since. What caused this to happen? Why was I there just after it happened? How did I get there? But right now, the mansion stands strong. I can only assume that as of right now, I am standing in Gensokyo's past. A time from before the war."




    The young vampire simply looks at the Sakuya lookalike.




    "So, another one from the future... will the past come to the present as well?"

  3. *the gun maiden points her rifle at Meimu*


    "I have no idea what details you're talking about, and it probably doesn't concern me. But I see you've heard of me at least."


    *she then turns her attention to Reimu*


    "Another shrine maiden? No... a thief I see."


    *points her gun at Reimu*


    "You'll return the Hakurei Yin-Yang orbs to my shrine, post haste."




    "What's this about alternate timestreams?"




    "It means she's also Reimu Hakurei. Or some equivalent."


    Sasuke turns toward the alternate Reimu.


    "A fight would be suicide - for you, that is."


    Sasuke knew a one-sided fight. It'd be more one-sided than his 'fight' against the five kages.

  4. Oh look, a pantsless Kula. I assume someone's gonna fight her with Goenitz.


    Where can I get kawashima-san from?


    And don't give me crap about not asking here.  You intentionally posted a picture of a more interesting character here, you should be willing to answer the question here.



  5. *Hikari then looks at the people now surrounding her, their interest piqued by her words. She sighs*



    "Alright... The world I come from, Yukari's antics have caused her to... take in an apprentice. This apprentice, who was once friendly, began to harden her heart, to where she began to seek out someone who could give her a fight to the death. She went around Gensokyo, searching for one who could give her such, but to no avail. All that was left was her master... During that point, her desire for victory had caused her to tap into her power, becoming one with it, and gained the ability to destroy boundaries with her bare hands..."


    *Hikari looked down in sadness*



    "...Yukari didn't stand a chance. Her death caused a massive power struggle, as Gensokyo abandoned its spellcard rules. The struggle between humans and youkai reaching a new low as they declared war on each other, killing each other in cold blood at first sight. Its...*


    *at this point they hear a gun cock, only to see what looks like a shrine maiden resembling Reimu with dog tags holding a rifle, aiming at Hikari.*


    "Aw great, who's this miko?"




  6. *Reimu walks towards Raina and Flandre*


    It'll all be explained inside

    Everyone, come one. We should start our meeting. *her stomach growls, blushes in embarrassment* But can we have something to eat first?


    Raina, Flandre, and Sasuke all oblige. It had been a while since they ate.

  7. *Hikari watches as Maribel leaves, troubled by what had just occured*



    ("It may not be too late... If she's destined to become her, I can at least make her hold on to her human heart, her positive qualities. With those, I just may end up preventing her death...")


    *She proceeds to look at Meimu*



    "If you care that much about your master, then you should head to the Scarlet Devil Mansion. If this Gensokyo's history is to repeat itself, then her death can be prevented there..."




    "He'll need my help, huh? He better hope I get something out of it."

    Meimu looked over toward Hikari?


    "Hold it. You're going to have to tell me everything. Besides, how can I trust you're not the one trying to make that possibility a reality in this time?"



    "Yukari's death?"



    "What? What's going on with the old lady?"


    OOC: I notice that losing one's humanity seems to be a reoccurring theme, with both Lightflare and Maribel at risk here.

  8. Hakurei Shrine


    Raina and Flandre arrive, to see the battle is over, but it's clear not everything's resolved.


    "So, what'd I miss?" asked Raina.


    "Maribel knows the truth now," Sasuke replied.


    "You mean, who she becomes."




    Raina thinks for a moment, because while the whole point was for Maribel not to know, the timestream doesn't seem to be collapsing.


    "Now what?"


    "What's going on?" Flandre asks.


    "Remember, what seems obvious isn't always that way. There tends to be hidden depths below that. Look beneath what's obvious, and look beneath the underneath," Sasuke says.


    "Right," replies Raina.

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