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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. *a shrine maiden sees Raina at the entrance and runs to Reimu*

    Mistress, there's someone here who looks like you.


    Thank you, I'll take care of it from here.

    *walks near to the entrance to see her counterpart standing there*

    Welcome to the Hakurei Shrine. Can I help you with something?

    The American Miko steps up.

    "You must be Reimu Hakurei. My name's Raina. Raina Havenray."

  2. Dfq4Vej.png

    "I was just about to say, you do look like Reimu. If that's what you needed, I think I might actually be able to help you there."


    *Hikari opens a portal*



    "This portal should take you to the shrine in Gensokyo where Reimu lives. I'd go with you, but I'm afraid my presence will only cause confusion, resulting in more harm than good, so I'm afraid you'll have to be on your own."

    "Oh, thanks. I'll be on my way."

    Raina prepares to go, but before stepping through, pulls out her phone and sends a text message back to HQ about where she's going. Afterward, she steps through, arriving at the shrine.

    "So this is the Hakurei Shrine, huh?"

  3. Dfq4Vej.png

    "If you don't mind me asking, what business do you have with Yukari?"

     *Hikari seems a bit troubled that someone would want to speak to Yukari*


    "Maybe Its something I can help you with?"

    "I want to meet my doppelgänger. I've had plenty of people say that I look like someone familiar... Flandre mentioned a Reimu once. Maybe she's the one I look like."

    Raina pauses.

    "I feel there's more I need to do here, though. And I do want to see this fight conclude."

  4. Dfq4Vej.png

    "Are you from Gensokyo by any chance? You're probably thinking of Yukari if that's the case. Alot of people have told me we look alike."

    "I'm not from Gensokyo. Yukari... wait, Youmu's mentioned Yukari before. Perhaps she'll know how I can seek her out. Maybe I can talk to her then.

    As for this match... I suspect it's not over yet."

  5. *Hikari overhears what Marisa said about the sign ups being closed.*



    "Guess I got here too late."


    *she notices Raina is lost in thought*


    "Something on your mind?"

    "Well, you feel sort of... familiar, I guess? Part of me feels like I've met someone like you before."

    "But where?"

  6. Dfq4Vej.png

    "Actually this tournament looked like a bit of fun. Though now that you mention it, I do feel like something is out of place."*Much in the same way Raina has had people in Gensokyo say that she looks similar to someone else, Raina feels as if Hikari herself looks very familiar.*

    "Yeah, I think there's something odd about this place. After all, how do so many extraordinary fighters all come to an ordinary fight club?"

    "Now that I think about, she feels... sort of familiar as well. When have I felt someone like her though?

  7. Dfq4Vej.png*smiles at her*"The name's Hikari. You kind of look like someone I've heard about, so I apologize for staring."

    "Interesting. I have some friends who said something similar. So, Hikari, you just here to fight or is there some other reason you're here?"

    "Youmu and Flandre both have said I remind them of someone else. I'll have to talk to them when I get the chance..."

    Back at Hastur's base, in the armory

    An attendant finds Trinitronity and TimeWeaver in the armory, examining the plasma rifles. Trinitronity currently has a plasma rifle in hand.

    "H-hey there, w-w-watch where ya point that thing," he says.

  8. Dfq4Vej.png"And your name is?"*Hikari then notices the American miko walking over to her, and becomes lost in thought*Dfq4Vej.png(Isn't that... what was her name again? Reimu Hakurei? Wait... no... She looks like her though.)

    "Does she recognize me? I don't think we've met before... well, I guess I should introduce myself."

    "Hey there. The name's Raina."

  9. Kalos City. On the surface, a beautiful and technologically advanced city. Underneath, home to one of the biggest underground fighting circles. It is for that purpose a certain patriotic shrine maiden arrives. Battles within these fighting circles will prove to possess tough opponents, a perfect test of strength for our Miko.


    "Alright. Looks like things will be interesting..."

    (OOC: Image from here: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=14862023)

  10. *Looking at his scythe (use the scythe from RWBY as a reference, only jet black and green. The hidden shortsword uses the same color scheme). Sees Omega Zero staring at him* Nice to meet youZ3OmegaMugshot2.png


    I've finally found you

    Who are you?74-Assiette.gif

    Your next teacher, Assiette

    "I suppose I shall entrust you to these two, then," Hastur says.

  11. All right. What should we start with first? Perhaps the scythe? *pulls out the parts of the scythe, revealing a barrel of a gun, a hidden short sword and multiple ammo clips.*

    .......let's do this one

    "Very well," the Death Knight replies.

    The two of you get to work. In a couple of hours, the scythe is constructed, forged, and given runes.

    (OOC: Sudden? Maybe. Feel free to make details of the scythe.)

  12. Well Lord Mograine, I recently acquired two weapons *shows his sword and the unbuilt scythe* and I figured that they should be enhanced considering what formidable adversaries are in this world. And because I was making a fresh start, I'm pretty much one of the weakest and most vulnerable people here. So could you please assist me in getting stronger?

    "Then follow me," Lord Mograine states, leading you to one of the rune forges.


    One of the Death Knights comes over.

    "I shall assist you in forging these weapons," he says.

  13. This is quite the place. Let's get started shall we?

    The ships lands on the landing pad. Hastur leaves the ship and walks over to the leader of the Knight so the Ebon Blade.


    "Ah, Lord Mograine. It's been a while," Hastur states.

    "Indeed. Why are you here, and who is that one?" Mograine replies, looking at TimeWeaver.

    "I'll let him explain."

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