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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. Near the Hakurei Shrine


    After that brief encounter with the five fairies, Raina and Flandre begin to come near the shrine.


    That was about when they saw hell breaking lose, with Maribel having summoned... something, Meimu dodging attacks, and everyone else standing back in shock. Meanwhile, Reimu seemed to have defeated Lilly.


    "Raina, what's going on?" asked Flandre.


    Raina thought for a moment, and then stated, "I'm not sure."


    The two then ran toward the shrine.

  2. Role-play be serious business.


    The Route between the Scarlet Devil Mansion and Hakurei Shrine


    Raina began to explain everything that'd happened recently, though leaving out the parts about the possible time paradox: meeting Reimu, Hikari, the encounter with Yukari and Meimu, and moore.


    Of course, they encountered Gensokyo's number one threat: fairies.



    More specifically, a group of five fairies decided to attack Raina and Flandre. This would be what is considered an unwise move.


    "Freedom Seal -Spread-!" shouted the American Miko.


    "Taboo "Lävatein"!" yelled the Scarlet Devil's sister.


    This combined onslaught proved too much for most of the fairies, who promptly exploded. Of course, one fairy managed to avoid both attacks, and decided to charge the American Miko. Fairies are not smart creatures.


    "So is that how you wanna play? Alright! Falcon..." the miko began. The fairy continued to charge, ignorant of what was about to happen. Once the fairy was in range...


    "PUNCH!" Raina's fist, infused with holy energy, slammed into the fairy, knocking it out. Still, a better fate than the other four.


    With that minor distraction done, the two continued on their way.


    The World of Dreams


    Sometimes, though, actions have unintended consequences.


    This random unconscious fairy, for instance, appeared in the dream world, fully conscious. The smallfry looked around at the confusing landscape and saw one man, wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. He possessed brown hair, blueish eyes, and a small amount of stubble on his chin.


    Victor looked and noticed the sudden appearance of the fairy, clearly confused about the situation.


    "Follow me," he said, before flying off to the distance. The fairy obliged, or maybe she was just following the moving thing. Victor didn't know for sure.

  3. SDM


    "I think that explosion came from the Hakurei Shrine," the American Miko states.


    Both Sakuya and Flandre look more than a bit shocked.


    "What's going on at the shrine?" Sakuya inquired.


    "Some serious sh-stuff," Raina replied.


    "Let's go!" Flandre said.


    "Flandre-sama, normally we don't let you off the manor grounds, but you've been well behaved, so..." Sakuya then disappeared. A few seconds later, she reappeared with an umbrella, "take this, you'll need it to block the sun."


    "Thank you Sakuya-san!"


    With that final preparation, Raina and Flandre then began their journey back to the Hakurei Shrine.

  4. Scarlet Devil Mansion

    Raina and Sakuya faced off, first staring at each other, and then launching into battle. Sakuya tossed several knives, and Raina shot several bullets. Both combatants dodged the attacks. The two combatants kept at it, occasionally hitting each other. Eventually, they both get into position, prepared to unleash their first spellcards.

    "Freedom Seal -Concentrate-!"

    "Maid Secret Skill "Killing Doll"!"

    Just as they call their cards, however, they're interrupted by a loud noise and the earth shaking. By the time they're prepared to get back to the fight, they're interrupted by a voice.

    "Sakuya, what was that?"



    The sister of the scarlet devil then notices Raina.


    "Raina?! When'd you get to Gensokyo?"


    "Eh, a few hours ago?" the American Miko replies.


    "Oh, okay!"


    "So, now what?"


    Neither the maid or the sister know what to do.

  5. Scarlet Devil Mansion, Gensokyo




    The American Miko had somehow managed to evade being sighted by both the gateguard and the lady of the mansion.


    Now, she just had to find Flandre's room.


    "Reimu..." a voice said. Raina looked around, finding the source of the voice: a maid.




    "Reimu, it's not like you to come in unannounced," the maid stated.


    "Well, actually, I'm not Reimu," the American Miko replied.


    "That explains that ridiculous outfit. Who are you and why didn't Meiling or Ojou-sama do anything to stop you?"


    "I'm Raina Havenray, the American Miko. Meiling and the mistress were busy with kung fu or something."


    "In that case, why are you here?"


    "I'm here to see Flandre Scarlet."


    "... I'm afraid I can't let you do that."


    "... I see, then I'll just have to beat you down!"


    Raina and Sakuya both pull out a trio of cards, ready to battle.

  6. Hakurei Shrine, Gensokyo


    Sasuke sighed. Yuuka seemed to have backed off, but the fight between Lilly and Reimu only intensified.


    The sudden reappearance of Maribel made things complicated once again.


    "Time, now's your turn," Sasuke said, before turning to Maribel.


    "Something about her's changed."


    "You've returned."


    In front of the Scarlet Devil Mansion


    Raina Havenray walked through the gate, wondering when someone would stop her.


    Still, the guardian seemed engrossed in her martial arts. Too engrossed, perhaps.


    Within the World of Dreams


    Many years ago, Gensokyo faced a threat to it's very being. This threat: a boy named Victor, who was brought to Gensokyo by Yukari Yakumo, with hopes of great power. In the incident that resulted, he was sealed away by the Hakurei miko within a rock. She had left him conscious, he would know of his sealing away, his punishment. Initially, he had sworn vengeance against all those who had a hand in his defeat.


    Things began to change once he discovered the World of Dreams. He allied with a pair of sisters who made their refuge there. At first, he sought to use them as allies for his revenge, but then things began to change for him: he began to see them as friends, rather than instruments. He didn't realize his transformation at first, but he eventually noticed how he had changed.


    Other things began to change as well.


    He saw two girls, a blonde witch and a purple-haired shrinemaiden arrive in the dream world, causing chaos by defeating many of the world's strongest: Kurumi, Yuuka Kazami, and even the sisters he'd befriended, Mugetsu and Gengetsu.


    And then the two sisters disappeared, as if without a trace.


    Victor swore to find them one day.

  7. Scarlet Devil Mansion


    Raina walked up to the gate, taking notice of the guard. The American Miko then waits for the guard to talk to her.


    "Flandre mentioned her. Miling, I think her name was..."



    Gensokyo: Hakurei Shrine


    The casket reappeared into the air. Lilly left it, holding a bow that she had since childhood.



    Did you thought that I would come down from earth? I expected more, Reimu...


    With those thoughts, she shot five guided arrows, each one with a element.


    Meanwhile, Yuuka quickly defended Sasuke's Jutsu. It was a matter of seconds for her to get hit. Luckily, her parasol was unscathed.



    "That was almost. Impressive, most impressive. Now, my turn."


    Without any movement of her body, Yuuka called upon them, in the skies, sunflowers that were falling slow. Although they were supposed to be innofensive, everyone knew that her flowers weren't so innocent. After that, her follow-up was shooting big danmaku at him.


    "Fire Style: Phoenix Flower!" Sasuke shoots a stream of fire balls that intercept some of the danmaku headed toward him.


    Of course, given Gensokyan  danmaku, not all of them were intercepted. A few of Yuuka's bullets hit Sasuke.


    "She's strong. But not insurmountably so."


    "Chidori Senbon!"



  8. Scarlet Devil Mansion


    *Yukari, who is already there, notices Raina*




    "My my... is today impersonation day? First myself, and now Reimu. What else will th.."

    *Yukari's taunt is cut short as her eyes widen with a blank stare of horror, gasping.*


    "Yukari doesn't normally live here... so what's she doing here?"


    "I'm going in," Raina says, before heading toward the gate.


    Meanwhile, Yuuka seemed bored. She looked at both Sasuke and Time.



    "You two seem to be strong... I am needing some fun for the beg of everything..."


    "So... you'll entertain me for the time being!!"


    Yuuka wasn't even caring about their opinion. She was going all Flandre, choosing someone and dashing at them. It didn't mattered, as long as she had fun...




    Sasuke dodged her blows, but she was coming close.


    "Fire Ball Jutsu!" he shouted, before shooting a jet of flame toward Yuuka.

  9. Hakurei Shrine


    Sasuke Uchiha had stayed at the Hakurei Shrine. The question was, what was he to do next?


    "The potential for a time paradox, the battle with Reimu against Lily and Yuuka, Hikari's agenda, and the arrival of these robots and Timeweaver... a lot's happening. Just like back then..."


    "So, Reimu, should I get involved, or is this your fight only?"


    Scarlet Devil Mansion


    Raina eventually found her way to the rather impressive Scarlet Devil Mansion.


    Not resisting the urge, she then shouted "Hello!" toward the manor, to see if she got any reaction.

  10. Suddenly, YokuMan entered Sasuke's mind.


    Don't be afraid, Sasuke Uchiha, we are actually trying to avoid trouble. The reason why I cannot talk to you directly is because we really don't want to accidently makes matters worse, because appearantly, there seems to be a fight going on already (refering to Reimu vs. Lily and Hikari vs. Yuuka).

    BTW, I know your name, because we robots like to be organized and thus save informations in big databases, which every other robot can access.






    Not so fast. *a portal made of dark energy appears, with TimeWeaver stepping out of it.* Huh, I finally got it. *sees familiar faces*

    Oh hey Raina and Sasuke. Pretty cool right? One of my new powers. *brings his attention back to Maribel and Meimu* From the looks of it, you want a battle. I can provide with the challenge you seek. If you do want to fight me, I hope you're as strong as Assiette.




    "Geez, everyone's got portals or gaps nowadays..."




    "You're not getting gap powers."




    "Awww... so, Timeweaver's got powers of his own now."


    Raina thinks a bit.


    "Think we can find our way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion?"








    "I'll consider that a yes."


    Raina flies off in the general direction of the SDM.

  11. YELTj2p.jpg


    "Hold on, I think we have some guests..."




    "You mean additional ones?"






    Sasuke's eyes change as he activates the Sharingan.




    "They could cause trouble."




    "You sure?"


    Though while Raina expressed doubt, she had brought out a set of cards.

  12. *Hikari folds her arms, holding her folding fan down and has a rather disappointed look*


    ("Why must everything here be solved through violence?")

    *Meimu and the rest can tell that this is bothering Hikari, as she doesn't wish to fight.*




    "If it is, in fact, a 2 on 2, It's a good thing I have a partner unexpectedly."



    2v2 it is then. Alright Lily, let's do this old friend




    "With the fight decided, who's gonna escort Maribel around?"

  13. Angry_zps98211198.png

    (Get ready, Reimu. If you don't take me seriously, I will destroy you.)



    *sees Lily and Maribel walking towards them*


    Nice to see you two. I thought she had taken you away, but I guess you and Lily got familiar with each other.

    *Looks at Lily*

    Have we met at any point before Maribel showed up? You seem familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.



    *Hikari notices Lily and Maribel approaching*




    "Good to see Maribel is in safe hands... but, it can't possibly be that time to fight now, can it?




    "So, will there be a fight or not?"


    "Reimu and her seem to have a history but... that look she's giving to Reimu... it seems she's looking at me as well."


    Sasuke continues to analyze the situation.



    "Just beat her and make her your friend through violence. That's how your current track record has worked anyway. With that said, I'll be taking Maribel now and escorting her back to the outside world."




    "With the girl gone, what's there to hold us back?"

  14. *Hikari seems to be lost in thought, which Reimu and Raina both notice. Nevertheless, she seems to be performing some stretches*



    "You know... I really wish we didn't have to fight Lily... There has to be another way."



    "So, just how strong is she?"

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