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Posts posted by Dumanios

  1. Not really. And you are familiar with them? What exactly will we do there?

    The shuttle has taken off, heading for Acherus.

    "These Rune Forges are not like a normal forge. In addition to being able to forge a weapon or armor, these forges can bring out the full potential of a weapon through affixing runes and spells to it. They can thus forge weapons no ordinary forge could produce. And I feel that weapon of yours is hardly ordinary. Ah, here we are."


  2. *sends a message to Trinitro, that says: turns out this quick stop may be much longer than anticipated. See if there's anyone who might want to spar with you.* Where are we headed?


    "We're heading to an interesting group of allies. Tell me, are you familiar with the rune forges of Acherus?"

  3. ....what does that mean? But really, can you help me? I'm honestly tired of feeling weak, and I don't care if I have to go through some sort of Hyperbolic Time Chamber or a training montage in order to get stronger.


    "Hmm... I believe I know where to go," Hastur states, before turning toward Cooler, "I will need a shuttle. Where TimeWeaver and I go next is not somewhere that can easily handle larger craft."


    "Right. Dore, prepare a shuttle for Hastur and TimeWeaver," Cooler commands. His subordinate complies.


    Some time later, a shuttle is prepared.

  4. Well, nothing on the sword and the latest package, when I took a look inside, it looked like a scythe. If you have a blacksmith or something that can build this real quick for me, that would be great.


    "Intriguing..." is all that the commander says.


    Outside of Lightflare's Motel


    The American Miko arrived, wanting to meet with the warrior known as Lightflare.

  5. Nope. I'm pretty sure it's down, possibly (though hopefully not) for good.


    The problem comes that many characters were exclusively hosted there, and thus they're perhaps lost forever.


    I'm sure a few people are working on getting characters rehosted, but even still, a few characters exclusively put on that sight might end up gone forever. I've reuped a Neo that's semi-decent.

  6. I'll leave you two alone while I go speak with Hastur. *walks past a room to see Hastur and Cooler sitting down, having a chat* I'm back, sir

     Within the ship...


    "I see you've returned," Hastur states.


    "Tell me, what information have you found on that package of yours?" Cooler asks.


    So...uhm, what's the name of your organization, and what do you people actually do?

    Outside the ship


    "We don't have a big fancy name. The closest thing I suppose would be Hastur's Legion," the guard replies, "but we do fight against various opponents and criminals."


    The scene of the battle


    "They handled themselves pretty well..." the Miko thought, "they're definitely strong. I wanna fight them."

  7. *walks toward the entrance of the ship with Trinitro* Really? That might make things easier. *sees a soldier standing guard* I'm here to speak with Commander Hastur.

    "Alright." The soldier turns toward a radio. "This Timeweaver fellow's back. He's... uh... got some strange compatriots."

    There's some talking on the other side. The guard turns to Timeweaver.

    "Salza says you can come in."




    With the sudden news of Lightflare and Kyo's battle with clones, the American Miko headed towards the fight. Really. she didn't have any prior allegiance to Lightflare or Kyo, but the clones certainly looked like interesting opponents...

  8. Yeah, I pretty much only used Warusaki's JoJo characters.  He used Gladiacloud's Magma Dragoon and corner raped me.  He won a bunch of matches, but the second I won one, he let out his inner scrub by calling me out for using broken characters, just as you said.


    Tell him to stop complaining and git gud.

  9. "Transmitting coordinates of the main base to TimeWeaver," someone says.

    "Fair enough," Cooler replies.

    There's a sudden alert. Someone is apparently leaving the ship, which is very much a potential crisis, as it is still in flight.

    Meanwhile, someone is ready to fly out.



    "Time to go live up to my family name and face full life consequences," the American Miko says, before exiting the plane.

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