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The Magic Toaster

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Posts posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. Hi Toaster I don't know what is the best Stage for my character but BGM I choose for my character's stage  here's the video:






    Could you give me a good recommandation for a stage for this BGM!?


    Try this out.




    How am I just now finding this?!




    I was thinking something like oriental music, but with a bit action in it.


    How about Fo Fai's theme from Toshinden 1?



    Hi Toaster I don't know what is the best Stage for my character but BGM I choose for my character's stage  here's the video:






    Could you give me a good recommandation for a stage for this BGM!?


    Try this out.



  2. Updates.

    -No longer can do standing Y after doing "Axe Kick/Vesper"
    -P2 no logner has to be standing to preform "Axe kick/Vesper"
    -R's Grab now switches the opponet's side upon being grabbed
    -R can no longer grab out of the air
    -Can no longer grab out of the air
    -Added high Quality Voice patch(Thanks to Yotoman for making it)
    -Animation for "Cutting Wall" now has visable weapons

  3. Alrighty, since i never actually have a formal wip page i thought it should be good to actually make one now. So heres what i got for this year planned so far. Be expected of some weird ass wips that tend to be from sources people don't know jack shit about because its cool that way. Anywho, here goes nothing! Current WIP active: Overhaul on Unber



    Just a generalized update on my first relase of him that should make him more solid and much better then the original.
    Features: Better sounds, Clsns, New Moves, etc.
    Progress: 90% Just needs lvl 3 and work on lvl 2s. Possibly may include special states.

    Pope Benedict


    Probably the next wip immediatly after Unber. I found him while digging around KFX and had palns for him as a pirl fools day joke but i couldn't quite resist it because it was such a strange idea!
    Features: More then likely source accurate gameplay with additional custom supers similar to Unber.
    Progress: Still sprite ripping phase.

    Houki Gonjou


    Some wip i showed off like a year ago but never fully finished. A OC of Ryoucchi(My partner) using the sprites of Dorrpo(i think thats he name)from the unfinished doujin game, Lunatic Bellvent.
    Features: Full on custom gameplay.
    Progress: 70%(?) Needs revisions since it was made when i didnt know as many codes as i do know now.



    I dunno when i'll get to him but he comes from avengers In Galactic Storm and interested me due to him looking somewhat liek a possibly Karmen Rider or Super Sentai Villain. so expect something possibly from one of those!
    Features: More then likely semi-accurate gameplay. Can't detail too much else.
    Progress: Still sprite ripping phase.



    Some crazy patient from a obscure doujin fighting game called "Happy fight!!". Picked for the for the unusall qualities such as the fact she fights with medical equipment and is a narcissus.
    Features: Custom gamepaly since the original gameplay from what ive seen is pretty dull.  
    Progress: No where neat close to work since i own no actual working copy of the game and until then shes gonna be kind of on a hitaus.



    Another KFX wip that i had in mind thats very simplistic and chosen for the odd choice of what they used to make him.
    Features: Semi-accurate gameplay to the source.
    Progress: Still sprite ripping phase.

    Majin R


    Once again another KFX wip. Based around Darku tenshi elements and some capcom stuff.
    Features: Semi-accurate gameplay to the source. More then likely very differnt fro mthe source because dear lord he was broken as fuck in the source.
    Progress: Still sprite ripping phase.

    If ya got any questions regarding my wips let me know! I'll be more then happy to answer any of them. I got like so many wips in my mind that its more then likely i might not ever even reach some.

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