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The Magic Toaster

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Posts posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. Sorry for the long wait. Busy with life crap.

    -He may not be capable of doing his foward dash(needs more verification)

    ---UPDATE LOG----
    -Added 666 Kill Chop Deluxe
    -Added Lazy flipkicks
    -Added Drill Teleport
    -Counter now hits air opponets
    -Added Survival Arts styled decapitation
    -Low Kick is no longer a infintive
    -His foward dash isnt as floaty as before and cant be abused into infintives
    -The first hit of the Slash attack can no longer be chained

  2. [Preview]
    Unlaughmaker: http://www.mediafire.com/download/69dd4j7d53acysd/Unlaughmaker%282%29.rar
    Just something festive with today being Halloween and all. Unfortunately i wasnt able to fully 100% complete him in the time span that i wanted but im putting him out today because it would lose the festive quality of it after today so here ya go. If you can provide feedback it'll be very much appreciated, Thanks.

  3. [Preview]
    Pope Benedict: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l7qhf3xbkh4b923/PopeBenedict.rar
    Rushim: http://www.mediafire.com/download/no0iitrzu7e6ier/Rushim.rar
    I am glad to present to you today one of my strangest projects ive done yet. Hes intended to be a boss character and i hope i did a good job at making him feel that way so, i hope you all enjoy this release. Also, in terms of Rushim's update he now has AI(Thanks to Yamori).

  4. Updates. Please redownload.

    -Can no logner double jump
    -"Bullseye" is now "Destruction Desire"
    -Can throw only one knife at a time(For each knife toss that is)
    -Fixed debug flood with "illegal playsnd channels"
    -Can no longer combo from special attacks into normals
    -Supers no longer give back power
    -Fixed typos on the movelist

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