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The Magic Toaster

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Posts posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. FC S.Dio released 4/24/2018

    FC S.Dio: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y33v0se3k00u6yb/FCSDIO.zip
    So, Awhile ago a friend of mine helped me track down this dude for Knuckle Fighter since I was hunting for him for a bit and since I got a hold of it I thought it'd be a fun idea to port it to mugen and try and do a better execution than the original did. I used a lot of references from Exclamation_Question and Drogal's works to try and make him feel more NES-ish than the original so hopefully I knocked it out of the park with that. thanks for download n' the additional credits are all ion the readme as usual. 

  2. Frodo and Aragorn released 4/12/2018

    Two little projects I did as a small break in between my bigger projects I decided to do since i had the sprites all available to me since they were mostly ripped. I probably wont be making another one of these any time soon lol.  Both of them are mostly accurate to the game and feedback is welcomed. All of the credits are in the readmes as usual.
    Frodo: http://www.mediafire.com/file/m8l3c666l4tcjou/Frodo.zip
    Aragorn: http://www.mediafire.com/file/4p918ip3rb3hee6/Aragorn.zip

  3. 4 Kunckle Stages Released 3/13/2018

    Puchi: http://www.mediafire.com/file/h6r30dmh7r02ssv/Puchi Stage.zip
    Taizo: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1t6vg14gr50aeph/Taizo Stage.zip
    Hiroki: http://www.mediafire.com/file/d9ic49lx9ys1wld/Hiroki+Stage+Phase+1.zip
    303: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tw622905zuwr1wy/303 stage.zip
    Consider it as a little extra to the characters i released too. Just real simple stages no animations or anything but i thought they were nice enough to port over. They come with their original music as well(you can thank Daniel999999999 for those).

  4. [Preview]
    Unber: http://www.mediafire.com/file/vt5462yl41sxjsh/Unber Ver 3.0.zip
    Akebono Taro: http://www.mediafire.com/file/upy59212dl57bho/Akebono Taro.zip
    Quack: http://www.mediafire.com/file/tw89bhknkxwjqvx/Quack.zip
    Influenza: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1axx19yicrc8rr1/Influenza.zip
    Ey there again I aint dead yet and im here to bring you some more goodies from the Knuckle fighter community. Ive been wanting to try and get back to my habit of coding more often even with with college in the way so i can produce some nice stuff for your folks. I hope you all enjoy these. The credits and updates listed at all in the ReadMes like usual.

  5. [Preview]


    No Motion Ryu: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ws1ugo3yjwuoozu/NMRyu.zip
    Megane: http://www.mediafire.com/file/f3sxmn3ox6ltp5f/Pfmegane.rar
    Just another little project I did for fun among the now amassing pile of unfinished wips ive accumulated. Hes sort of like a pseudo SF2 character that uses only two buttons. Megane just has some minor bug fixes and a dodge added to him. Hope you folks enjoy.


  6. [Preview]
    Just a character that took a bit too long to make but thanks to some friends its finally finished.  It was a old wip that MelvanaInchains had originally planned to make but never got around to it so I decided to try and make him myself. Hes originally from KoF 98(I think that's what the engine was called? Not from the actual KoF 98 mind you) and i thought it'd be good to give him a kind of early fighting game vibe. Sort of like a title from the same time around SF2. Anyways, I hope you enjoy all the hard work me and my friends put into this!

  7. [Preview]
    ZD2Eve: http://www.mediafire.com/download/b4qykyuda5u2r0s/ZD2Eve.zip
    Just a little thing I wanted to try and attempt doing with my partner Ryoucchi to try and get back into making stages from PS1 games. Not everything in the stage is particularly accurate to the source but as accurate as it can be. Theres still a few things missing which will come in later updates such as:
    -Pillars on left and right side of the stage
    -Vertical lights in the sky like the source
    -Clouds from the source game

  8. Some more fixes.


    ---KNOWN ISSUES----
    -Team changes ever round(not sure whats causing it)
    -Team shrinking when they're anaimation changes(Probably a reuslt of angeldraw)

    ---UPDATE LOG----
    -Increased hittimes on all arial attacks
    -Fixed projectiles spawning clones of god-o-mite
    -Reduced size of COME FORTH MY STAND's projectile hitbox(hopefully fixes issues iwht opponets getting pulled in)


  9. [Preview]
    God-O-Mite: http://www.mediafire.com/download/ds3678v9yvfxxxt/GenericFoe.zip
    Because this was a completely necessary. Because the male version of K' hurt my feelings. Alright, April Fools day is over. So this little fellow was created as a result of a MKP fullgame that they tried to make online and had a empty slot and decide to toss in a random Brotherhood of Shadow member to fill it. Its rather dumb so it seemed fitting for a joke so here it ends with this little semi-serious character complete with team function. I Hope you folks enjoyed it.

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