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The Magic Toaster

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Posts posted by The Magic Toaster

  1. ---Updates---
    -All normal attacks no longer deal chip damage
    -Grab misalignment with P2 fixed
    -cr.A & cr.B hitflags have been altered and no longer can be blocked mid

    ---Other Stuff---
    I checked to see if the specials gave back power however it did not seem to and im more then sure of it(In any case im wrong about that let me know). "Quicker Then Air'" will be adjusted in a future version if i receive more complaints regarding it. personally, it was okay with me but if it becomes more of an issue i'll be more then happy to change it.

  2. Odd question to ask. No. Yes, all stags from that game were made. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/final-fck-stages-640480-41-stages-r18-material-163363.0.html



    Who made JOJO (character on the right/Part 2 Joseph Joestar from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)?

    And don't tell me it's a private again just because it is a V-Nix screenshot.

     Dig around Baidu it was a wip over there. Dunno if it was finished or not.


    What's this lifebar: 



    What's this stage: 20140811153759-5243e371.png

    Thats an old one. I'll upload it tonight with the authors other works.

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