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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. The Second Season of Gundam 00 felt like an entirely diferent anime (even though i enjoyed it, i was kind of dissapointed as well.) Also, Inazuma Eleven Galaxy...I don't take a step close to that unless its the ASOKO NO UFO gag. (I mean, even though Chrono Stone did kind of jumped the shark too, i actually enjoyed it and it didn't felt redundant like Galaxy.)
  2. And finally, the music video that is my 200+ Subscriber Special
  3. Caddicarus reviews...HIMSELF!!! DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!
  4. Congrats to both fo you. I'll promise i'll behave...probably...I dunno :p
  5. Defenders of Light: Lerafa's Office Fall: If it wasn't by the fact that fixing a distortion takes a truckload of time, they already would be there...This is going nowhere! Ralf: Sigh... Fall: Alright, let's see if someone we know is in Ground Zeroes 2 so that the person will stall Iblis until the others can get to him. I'm sending distress signal now. Ground Zeroes 2 Music: Death Line The earth shook after a huge impact in the air. But it was not Iblis. It was rather, two persons engaging in a fight. One wore a cape and used a staff With hands burning on fire, the person had a rather cocky grin. ???: Well now...the old man packs quite a punch. The man stood there. He had no powers in particular. Just a rather unnatural super strenght. Being able to keep up with his opponent without much trouble. ???2: Young one, that self-taught style of yours is impressive, but you have to do more than that. ???: Very well, but after this, your hair is not the only thing that will be gray! HAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! ???2: Then show it to me! Foolish child! A bit far away from there, some people were watching the bout of a red haired girl and an old martial artist master. Their last collision of punches causing a powerful shockwave. Wynn: Sigh...Hiita is at it again...Once she gets pumped to a fight, she just won't stop... Masaki Andoh: Good thing i'm not fighting them. Graham Aker: I apologize for Master Asia's behavior. That's just his way to teach the younger ones the ways of battle. Wynn: I don't think she's taking it like that. Graham: But still, it's impressive she's lasting this long. Masaki: The old man is no slouch either... Wynn: By the way Masaki, what are you doing here? Masaki: Gah! Wynn: Weren't you heading back to La Gias when we last met? Masaki: Err...Well...You see? Suddenly, they hear the distress signal coming from their communicators. Music: WE SAY GO! Masaki: (Saved by the bell?) Hiita: The heck? Master Asia: Hm? Wynn: Oh...Hello? *static image* Fall: Hello, this is Fall from the Defenders. I need your help. Wynn: Fall? Is that you Fall? *a more clear static image* Fall: Who am i talking to? Wynn: Ah yes...you probably don't remember my voice...I'm Wynn. Fall: WYNN? You mean THAT Wynn who barely even talked? Wynn: Yeah! Long time huh? Ralf: Hi Wynn! Wynn: Hey Ralf, how's Lyna doing? Ralf: Not great... Wynn: Oh...Is something the matter? Fall: Did you notice something powerful arriving in the world you are right now? Wynn: Now that you mention it...Yeah, i felt a weird power fluctuation...as if something forced its way here. I didn't head our way though...why you ask? Fall: Go after it and destroyed. If possible, we will be sending backup. Wynn: I see...it must be really dangerous...I can still feel its power from here. Wynn: Hiita! Let's go! We gotta get out of vacation. Hiita: Already? Who were you talking to? I didn't bother to answer the phone. Wynn: Yes, it was Mister Fall. Now let's get going! Oh, and good-bye Mister Graham and Master Asia. Hiita: Alright...Hey Old Geezer, we'll settle this later...seems like i have a bigger fish to cook. Master Asia: Bigger Fish huh? Masaki: I'm going too. Masaki boards Cybuster. Wynn and Hiita decides to ride on it as well due to its speed. Then, they take off. Graham: What they are about to fight? Master Asia: Curious? Graham: Are you not? Master Asia: I'll pass this one. I'll be waiting at the Cali Verse. Graham: Very well. Graham boards his Brave Commander Test Type, following Masaki and the girls. (Yes, Season 1 Graham with his mobile suit from the movie.) Fall: Good Luck... Wynn: (I guess i know why Ralf me about Lyna not being very well...It's all starting again...these conflicts...) Wynn: (Worry not Lyna. We will surpass them! I promise!)
  6. KOF Station Channel! Revelaing some stuff for us.
  7. From here, not that i know of. Anyway, baller friday ruined again.
  8. Something fresh from the Winglet! What if they literally did what they say in their taunts?
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