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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. It's a problem within photobucket itself, sometimes, the images becomes unavaliable for no reason.
  2. Site's been an ass and not letting me edit, so i'm posting something I forgot to put on the post above
  3. Alright, time to bring some fighting in here
  4. With the site back up, it's time to update this place...One last time. It came to a point where I simply can't think of any idea for posters. But this doesn't mean I'll quit SFM. Specifically because I'm considering doing webcomics from now on. So I'm thinking of finally making an Deviantart of tumblr account to put them in (Despite the bad things I've heard of those places.) So with that, I hope you enjoy these last posters. #1 - Uzume in Battler's pose #2 - Kazuma Kiryu and Frank West #3 - More Uzume with Battler's Pose #4 - And now, referencing a Sega Dreamcast game #5 - Something I wasn't going to post here, but whatever. #6 - Relaxing at the park #7 - Death from above #8 - Another god eater reference And that's all, I'll be locking this thread next month or so. I really would like to make more, but I'm uncreative, plus, I don't take requests. So see ya back in my mugen videos.
  5. When I heard about a new game on the Valkyrie Profile series, I didn't expect it to be a cellphone game... At least the music is cool.
  6. Some Phoenix Wrong brought me to this video (Cause I didn't watch freakzoid...though, looking at it, I kinda wish I did...)
  8. There's not KOF at all in SFM nor in Garry's Mod. And unsuprisingly, there's already SFV models in the workshop...
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