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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. 0:52 That's the freaking BITCH WHORE move!!!
  2. And lastly, updating this thread... My ideas a literally scarce, plus, my SFM is still lagging on me...I'll fix this problem one day... (also, another overload of Neptunia stuff incoming, cause i'm a un-creative prick) This one is supposed to be an YGOTAS reference, with Noire firing the PR Guy (I like to joke that she is Kaiba sometimes) Continuing on, time to see how my new About me poster evolved Next one...FUN FACT! DID YOU KNOW? That I don't know how imitate gradients Yeah, I'm a Caddicarus fan, mostly because he's more frequent than Jon...Of course, Jon is still funny till this day, but i think he invests too much production values (if that's the correct term.) Anyway...Enough rambling, here's the next one. It is something that i used for a thumbnail Something that SFM didn't want to render for some reason, also this annoying light that i couldn't remove ARGH!!! And now...meet the person who will drop the Axis Colony And now, something that looks really stupid, even with context. See? I'm dumb! Next is...Ah yes! Zaku got this guys! And lastly, something i did today, dunno why And that's all...next update might be in a year, you may never know, until then, stay with my other stuff.
  3. Guess it's about time to update a lot of my threads at once. Re-Fighting Hybrid An what-if scenario And a guy i was reserving for something else, but decided not to. Yeah, All are Zero matches :)
  4. Ok, the ninja guy looks more awesome this time.
  5. NF Kyo by HALL https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!&id=245C5D759825A82A!249&cid=245C5D759825A82A
  6. Hinamori has a password.
  7. Man, their theme is so imposing! Anyway: PI PI PIIIII! PI! PI! PIIIIIII!
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