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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. He can use his HSDM with one button without the low health restriction. Can't tell if 41 left there by accident or not.
  2. Some missing animations and the .sff is still named MMDmeling (no seriously) http://prntscr.com/c9lzxw So yeah...It's a WIP.
  3. The more "reasoable" localcoord I found for her was 1500 for widescreen, don't know how her size is in 640x480
  4. Aight! Time for moar videos! School Idol walks around with a knife Hibiki is challenged by Hina Son and father reppuken each other.
  5. This...is oddly amusing This...is oddly amusing
  6. Yes, Google Drive can run videos https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3qAnbEuQAg1bl9ac0hpcHpYVG8/view?pageId=113065318099103953645
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