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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. For those who doesn't know, Endless World has been cancelled. This is its replacement. Hope you enjoy these.
  2. Distortion World Tokio: I'm going! We can't let that thing run away. Lyna: Y-Yeah. Naruto: What's wrong? Lyna: Nothing...you can go ahead. I can always reach you guys by taking shortcuts. Naruto: Okay. We will be waiting. Lyna: (I should've ended the battle faster with my Divine Time Magic...No...I don't need to use that power...not now. We can handle this by ourselves.) Ichigo: I'm Here! I'm done with the demons. Lyna: Ichigo...Where's Ralf? Ichigo: Back at the Defenders. You should go there to see him, i'll assume your place for a while. Lyna: Right. I guess i'll do that. Unlike me, you're known not to hold back right? Ichigo: Huh? Lyna: Nevermind. Hey Fall, if you're watching us, please open a portal for me! Defenders of Light: Lerafa's Office Fall: Portal coming right up! Ralf: She looks troubled with something. Fall: Well, i guess you know her enough to tell that at first glance. Ralf: Hehehehe... Fall: Anyway, since we caught a glance of Iblis, it will be easy to track that thing in the case it runs away again. Ralf: Ground Zeroes 2 huh? (I know someone who goes there on a regular basis...I went with him there once.) Lyna took the portal that Fall opened for her while Fall requested for a screen that observed Ground Zeroes 2.
  3. And now, we got an Yappari Esaka recreation remix
  4. Alright guys, time for some more! This time, featuring KOF Mixes!
  5. Ah yes, someone tried to recreate Yagami's team theme, and this is the result
  6. Mister Fael


    Rule #8 - If you ever make a sticky figure, give it the most awesome name possible just to clickbait people.
  7. Mister Fael


    #6 - Make sure you keep releasing chars without updating any of them.
  8. Mister Fael


    #4 rule of MUGEN: Make your character be as cheap and unpolished as possible.
  9. A bit more of videos Geese fights the one that has his moves I finally remember to confront F_Heart This guy's mask And a littl bit of XIII Iori
  10. KOFM Asuka's kind of an edit i think http://www.mediafire.com/download/cvv6olh6jqa38w6/Asuka-KOFM.rar
  11. Here's Polonce http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/9115-kof-editspolonce/&do=findComment&comment=77230
  12. Distortion World Naruto: Alright, took a while, but my technique is ready. Before Naruto would leave his hiding place, he heard someone doing a battle scream. Naruto: Hey...This voice... It was Ichigo, he was tearing the demons apart with each slash from his sword, then, he stood on a pile of them. Ichigo: ALRIGHT!!!! Naruto: Ichigo! Ichigo: Yo! Naruto: W-Wait a minute, what are you doing here? Ichigo: Long story...but for now... Naruto: Okay, you take care of those things. Ichigo continued to slash the demons without much trouble, then, Naruto headed for Thanatos. Naruto: Alright Lyna, Tokio, get back, the explosion will be big. Tokio: Okay. Lyna: Go and get him! Naruto: Oodama Rasengan!!! Naruto attack Thanatos with his Oodama Rasengan, if the attack connected, it would cause a massive explosion. @Captain Papyrus You have one week, i'm sick of waiting.
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