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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. OOC: @DuckMannnn I did tell him he was taking too long, but he didn't justify himself. I did gave trini Agni's Steam ID some time ago so I thought he was going to call him when we get stuck again.
  2. Here's Luna https://1drv.ms/u/s!AoVGE0mP3LTLdeGeb0kxTw7UIzc
  3. Time to listen to some extensions Sorry is most of these are from one game, I just love the Fortissimo soundtrack so much. Don't worry, I'll run out these eventually.
  4. (OOC: Taking a while so let's see what's happening to Tatsuna and Daisy)
  5. **Raganork's Ridicule still playing** Reiji: I'm Reiji Yoshino. And yeah, I've been through some stuff that made me have this aura you noticed on me. Reiji: Alright, it seems that duty calls. Reiji: ORYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! With a powerful magic enfused fist, Reiji punched one worm away, making it collide with some others. Reiji: Over here, quick!
  6. Music: Ragnarok's Ridicule Reiji was dumfounded about the amount of punishment Iblis was taking without flinching. Reiji: Guess it was dumb of me thinking it was too easy. Then, Iblis counterattack was heading towards him now. Reiji: Tch... Suddenly, almost like an flashback, an image of his past flashed in his mind. Reiji: Sayuki....FLUGEL BLITZ! On reflex, he ultilizes magic in order to enhance his speed in order to avoid Iblis fiery breath. Since he heard Lightflare's voice earlier commanding everyone to attack, he approached him. Reiji: Yo! I'm assuming you're the leader here. I don't know exactly what's happening, but count with me to take this thing down. He made sure to confirm his status as an ally to Lightflare.
  7. (OOC: This bit here is a flashback. This is opitional) (OOC: Second part of the flashback, this is also opitional.) (OOC: Third part of the flashback, you already know the drill. Read this at your own pace if you want.) (OOC: Alright, this is where it starts. If you actually read the flashbacks, congrats.) Kalos City - North Park Area: Present Day Music: Antiquity Tree Tatsuna: So Daisy-chan, how are you liking this city so far? Daisy: Frankly...Nothing much. Tatsuna: I'm sure you're going to love it once you get to see more of it. Daisy: Hmmm... (I don't really care...) Tatsuna: Oh? Once they arrived at the place, they saw someone looking around, aparently confused. Daisy: One of yours? Tatsuna: I'm not sure...Heeeeeeeeey! Man: huh? Tatsuna: Um...Well, you see...This place is off-limits for a while. Man: I-Is that so? Daisy: (He looks about our age.) We might not look like it, but we are actually work for the authorities. She shows her ID to the man. Daisy: I'm Daisy Clay. I come from another country in order to chase some dangerous criminals. Tatsuna: And I'm Tatsuna Rosea. Vice-leader of the Intelligence Agency and disciple of Yuta Kali. Man: Oh...Nice to meet you. Sorry if I'm on the way. I'm leaving right now. I probably didn't get the memo somewhere. Tatsuna: Don't worry about it. If I had a candy, I would give it to you for being cooperative and a good boy. Daisy and the Man: Teh, what are you, an old granny? Daisy: ... Man: ... Tatsuna: Hihihi! Reiji Yoshino: I'm Reiji Yoshino. Once again, sorry for getting in the way. Tatsuna: Nice to meet you Yoshi- Music: Fire Ritual Suddenly, distorted ripples started to being visible on the air. Reiji: W-What? Daisy: The heck? Tatsuna: Eh? There was a brief earthquake. Reiji: Urgh...(There's no mistake...the same thing happened back home...) You two! Get out of here now! Tatsuna: W-What are you saying- However, before Reiji could tell them more, he suddenly vanished, as if he was sucked by the ripples. Daisy: !!! Suddenly, monsters made of lava and rocks appeared around then. Unknown to them, they were in fact Iblis minions who unconciously managed to arrived to Kalos through the dimensional distortion. Daisy Clay then, grabbed Tatsuna and jumped away from the open field. Tatsuna: What just... Daisy: Don't ask me, I don't know...Now calm down for a bit. Tatsuna: Right... Tatsuna takes a deep breath, assessing the situation. Tatsuna: Yep...I still don't understand a thing. Daisy: I don't blame you...From what I can see...those creatures are out for blood. Tatsuna: ... Music: Shadow Covering the town As they are surrounded once more by the Iblis creatures who managed to appear in Kalos, Daisy summons a pair of swords, while Tatsuna raises her fists. Daisy: This is not exactly the kind of battle I was expecting when I came here...but oh well. Tatsuna: Me neither...I've heard about the existence of monsters for a while, but this is the first time I've actually seen them. The monsters all attacked at the same time, Daisy was enveloped in an aura of dark flames while Tatsuna was enveloped in an aura of red flames. Daisy: Bring it on! Tatsuna: Prepare yourself!!! Then, they started to move at high speed in the battlefield, destroying the monsters one by one. SIDE END Vulcanic Kalos: Iblis' Resting Ground Reiji: Tch!!! Reiji managed to land on his feet this time. Reiji: Where I am this time? Are those two safe? The reason why Reiji was in Kalos is because the very same distorted space appeared in his world. And now, the dimensional distortion took him right in the midle of the fight against Iblis. Reiji: What? The moment he looked up, he saw one of the flaming rocks coming at his direction. Music: The Restored World Reiji: DA CAPO!!! Reiji uses his main ability. Da Capo restores the status of an object in the time frame of 24 hours. He can use it to repair objects, heal injuries, and nullify attacks thrown at him by returning it's time to before it was activated. Reiji: Whew...That was close... Looking at the direction that the fireball came, he saw Iblis. Not only that, but he notices that there was other people around. Reiji: I see...So I'm not the only one involved in this huh? (Trivia: Reiji's hair is mirrored in these cgs for some reason.) This was barely a surprise for Reiji, as he was once forced to be involved in a terrible war. Reiji: I assume you're the responsable for this huh? Very well... Reiji was enveloped in a blue aura, charging a large amount of magic in his right fist. The sound of the charging was making was pretty loud sound. Reiji: This thing can't be stronger than Odin, so I'm sure this attack will obliterate it!!! Reiji: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reiji: FENRISWOLF!!! Yoshino fires a massive blue beam, named after the wolf that slew the king of Asgard in Old Norse Mythology. It roared through the battlefield, aiming to devour Iblis whole. (OOC: Anyway, I'm back, don't ask why. And this is an entirely different set of characters, I won't be using the previous ones.)
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