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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. Hinamori managed to recover her senses. Hinamori: I'll be fine...Let me keep fighting. ???: You don't look that good to me, we have to get that checked. Track: Keep Pushing, Until the Sword is Exhausted Jude: Over here!, Quick! Jude signalled Mech-Hisui to bring Hinamori and anyone else injured to his position, while Ludger and Ryuko decided to fight the monsters Ryuko: Alright, time to crush these things down! Ludger: I'm not surprised that you're this excited. Ryuko: Wait, you're righting too? Ludger: I wasn't going to work as a cooker at first...It's a long story. Ryuko: Ok then, let's see what you're made of. Ludger: I'll give you cover! Rapid Burst! Ludger starts to rapid fire his guns at his target in order to keep it in place. Ryuko: Take Flight! EX DRAGON DIVE!!! Ryuko followed up by jumping in the air and performing a dive kick at Ludger's target. Meanwhile
  2. Hinamori: Huh? Seeing the dark projectile almost close to her, Hinamori shielded herself haphardly and took the hit, knocking her on the ground. Hinamori: Urgh...
  3. Yomi: (Starting to get a little crowded in crowded here.) I doubt these monsters can understand you, so I recommend to ask the questions later. Hugh: (So all of that fast movement from these wasn't just for show....Alright then.) HYAAAA!!! THUNDER KNUCKLE!!! With a fist charged with eletricty, Hugh proceeded to punch a monster who was nearby him.
  4. Track: Nothingness Space Yomi: Seems like things are finally starting to get interesting. Yui: W-What? Hugh: Stay sharp Yui. We might have to fight at any moment. Yui: Alright. Hinamori: ... Hugh starts cracking his knuckles. Both Yui and Hinamori pulled out their swords while Yomi just stood on place, as she was going to let the other do the fighting for now.
  5. Yui: I like music, so sure. Hugh: Do whatever you want. Hinamori: As long as you're good at it. Yomi: *Thinking about Mech-Hisui*
  6. Hinamori: I see. Thanks for clearing my doubts. (I guess them appearing in the flesh would mean being able to use their powers again.) Hugh: !!! What? Yomi: Oh? (Interesting. Been a while since I've seen one of these. I wonder who is her master.) Then, they listened carefully to Nemesis and Mech-Hisui's conversation. Yui: Oh that's right, we are supposed to call someone once we find where the city was. Hugh: Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder. They told us to call this number. Meanwhile
  7. Yui: Good idea! What do you think guys? Hugh: (Now that I think about it. It's strange seeing people in a supposedly empty forest. We'll just roll with it for now and see what happens.) Sure, why not? Yomi: No objections over here. Hinamori: *thumbs up to the group* Yui: Okay, I guess we'll be traveling together from on!
  8. Yui: We haven't been very lucky of finding it so far because of this maze of a forest. In fact, we got here because my friend can sense and talk with ghosts. Hinamori: Oh...Um...Pleased to meet you. Hinamori: Um...This might seem like a strange question...But...Are you three really spirits? You look so real.
  9. Yui raised her hands in the air while dropping her sword, startled by the sudden confrontations. Yomi: Hmmm...These two surely doesn't drop their guard. Yui: Errr...Oh...well... Yomi: And it's hard to imagine you're the sister of "that" guy... Hugh: Heard that Yui? You can calm down now. Yui: Whew... *nervously picks up her sword* Hinamori: Shall I take the lead? Yui: It's fine. I can handle this. Hinamori: Okay. Leaving it to you then. Yui: Alright, I'm Yui Celest. This are Hugie Maxy, Hina Seimei and Yo-Yo Mi. Hugh: Don't introduce us by our nicknames. We're Hugh, Hinamori and Yoruichi. Yomi: It's Yoru Mizu. Hugh: Right. Yui: Technically, we are lost. We're searching for this town in the middle of the forest. Do you guys know anything about it? Hinamori: ... @Tony Redgrave ((Hinamori stares curiously at the three servants.))
  10. Yui's Group - Still in the Forest @A person @Tony Redgrave @OxyontheWolf (Incoming group of teenagers) Ludger Side - Another Part of the Forest
  11. Just two today, ideas are getting scarce again
  12. Two dumbs videos and one that I liked a lot. Oh hey, it's that guy from my current (as of this posting) profile pic. I seriously didn't knew he was in mugen.
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