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Mister Fael

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Everything posted by Mister Fael

  1. @A person @Agni Blackheart Yomi: Well, if they've managed to tame monsters, I say good on them. Back in our town, they're considered an eyesore and are quickly dealt with...specially the mysterious ones that keeps showing up in the Central District. Jude: There has been attempts to capture them alive, but they can phase through anything, as if they are ghosts. Even the Magic Seals used in the Maximum Security Prison are useless. We once thought that they are just like spirits, but as I said before, the Magic Seals can't seem to contain them, nor spyrites either. Yomi: Maybe they are like the "Noise" then? Jude: If they were like the "Noise" we would be reduced to charcoal already. Yomi: Aaaalright...anyway, we're getting off-topic, let's get in this castle. Yomi: (By sufficiently prepared means being ready to run from those monsters in that tundra or...Also, what topic? Of the traitor from the inside?) Hugh: Quick is my MIDDLE name!!! Suddenly, Hugh puts Ludger in his back. Ludger: Oh boy...This is going to shake isn't it? Hugh: HAYAAAAAAAAA!!!! Despite the weight Hugh was carrying, he still managed to run at fast speeds. Hinamori: Got it! Yui nods in confirmation as the group enter the sewers. Yui: Wow, you're right...This place does stink. Hinamori: You don't seem really annoyed about it. Yui: Where we should be going? Hinamori: Kirimuri did say the sewers have the same layout as the city...Although, it would be safer to go to a place where we know there's an exit: The Church. Yui: Got it.
  2. @A person @Agni Blackheart Yomi: (That Seraph...Either his story is too absurd to be true...or he really is that big of an imbecile...) Yomi: (Well...As long as living beings have the ability to think...There will always be ones who aren't really good at it. Screw that he calls himself an angel...At this point, that just seems like a title rather than a higher plane of existence.) Yomi: (I owe him an apology for suspecting him and his pathetic ilk...he doesn't seem bright enough to plan something of this scale since he is willing to trust any random stranger he meets...Which only leaves this oracle that summoned people kilometers away from him.) If things keeps like this...I might have to take leadership of this group for good...all for the sake of completing my mission.. No incompetent "Seraph" from "Heaven" is going to put everything at loss when I'm in the command...But for that to happen...I have to shed my mask...And reveal my past If I need to earn their trust... It's not going to be that hard...after all, I don't regret a single thing I've done in the past, I just have to ignore whatever emotion that shows up when I'm telling my story. No Regrets No Remorse No Tears I just kill...for whatever is commanding me at the moment...because these blades are the only thing that mean something to my existence. Jude: ... Yomi: What's wrong doctor? Is it about Seraph or... Jude: To be honest...I'm kind of suspicious of Mister Enkidu. Yomi: That's...surprising... Jude: Still...I'm willing to give him a chance. Yomi: And...there goes the surprise...But then again, you've let the same guy betray your group many times. Jude: Because I knew he had a reason for doing it...And I could see him slowly changing everyime he returned... Yomi: I see...so unless their actions they prove their loyalty with actions, you don't have any problems. Jude: You can say that. I don't exactly trust him, but I'm still willing to give him a chance. Yomi: I'll quote Idealis and say that he's your responsability...if things go sour because of our new "friend". Yomi: My "friend" might have to make an intervention. @Darkflare After a while, the three arrived at the sewer's lid without any trouble. Yui: Oh...This is where we got attacked huh? Hinamori: Yeah...I told Tommy to warn you about me leaving...but it seems like he didn't live long enough to lay that message. Yui: I see.... Hinamori: Well then...You better brace yourself, because the place stinks. Ludger: Alright then...Time to leave... Hugh: Dammit...They'll get what's coming for them...I'll make sure of that when we meet again... Then, they started their escape.
  3. Wasn't expecting to randomly find a remix of a cowboy bebop song
  4. Ludger: Urgh...Let's retreat... Hugh: What do you mean retreat? I'm still not done with them... Ludger: Next time... Hugh: But...Don't you want to... Ludger: Yes I do...But if we're struggling against the fodder...how are we going to fare against the stronger ones in this condition? Hugh: .... Without saying another word, Hugh picked up Ludger. Ludger: Thanks... Hugh: Sorry...I got too hotheaded... Ludger: Oh, and thank you guys ((the reinforcements)) for helping us out. If possible, we'll make sure to repay the debt later.
  5. Ludger feels the power of Kresnik flowing through him again. Track: For the sake of Mutual Proof Ludger: I've made a promise...that I would take Elle back to her world...I can't fall here! NEVER!!! Ludger managed to shorten the transformation time through sheer force of will. It helped him survive the incoming onslaught of attacks, but then, he kneeled in pain, his transformation almost running out from the damage absorbed. Hugh: LUDS!!! Ludger: Hugh! Nice timing! The greater number of guards are in that position! Hugh: Alright then...Good job holding them off...THIS ENDS NOW!!! INDIGNATION!!! Hugh conjures a gigantic lightining bolt that explodes in a massive area. If the attack was sucesfull, the group would have enough space to retreat.
  6. Ludger: Squall Shot! Ludger had memorized the position of the guards before the smoke rised again. Being more aware of their grenade heavy tactics, he did some backsteps, then fired two shots in the air. Those shots would multiply into a rain of bullets. Knowing something like that was a possibility to happen, Hugh uses part of the spell's energy to shield his back, and so, the explosion sent him flying at high speeds and over the guards. Hugh: Thanks for the boost stupid! I would like to stay more, but I need to fry your friends. Then, Hugh proceeds to run to the other street.
  7. Hugh: (You should probably know my reaction time by now.) Psych! He avoids the missiles by doing a foward hop, then, starts running at the guards direction. Since he needed to keep the spell charged, he couldn't use any long ranged attacks. Hugh: (Just a little further.) Meanwhile Ludger: Guess I'll have to force my way through... Ludger: SANCTUARY!!! Ludger spins his sledgehammer counterclockwise above his head, conjuring a large blue glyph on the ground around him with several blue hexagonal shields in the air around the glyph's edge.
  8. Unlike what the Knight expected, Hugh landed on his feet and started holding the knight on the air with his fist. Hugh: Come forth.... Hugh: Divine Lightining!!! Spell Fully Charged Hugh: Argh... Hugh moves to the right, freeing himself from the large knight, he notices the rockets then moves close to the knight in order to use him as a shield. Since he was aware of the missiles now, he sniped them out, but couldn't do much about the fragments and got grazed in some parts.
  9. Yomi: (Like you're the one to talk about shame, Miss Pantyshot.) Yomi: That's right Miss Lize. The ones you should be worried about are ones without pants and with a forceful approach. Yomi: Maybe you're right. Oh, do you have a name you can give us?
  10. Yomi: Well, you're probably just arriving at times when there isn't a funeral. Yomi: Still...why are you being so considerate to someone you never met? Being a softie kinda contradicts your...tough appeareance.
  11. Jude decided to be the next. Jude: Our time was really short... Jude: But I hope that wherever you are now, that you're doing well...and that you watch over us. We're going to solve this, for everyone's sake. Yomi: ... Yomi decided to stay quiet and turn away. Funerals weren't really her thing...but not because of the feeling of dread and sadness of one's parting. Yomi: (I never felt the need to mourn for the dead...It's such a common thing for me...wheter it's someone I've killed or a coworker who failed to do the job and perished in battle.) Yomi: (I'm only loyal to those I'm serving at the moment...Once I've paid my debt with them, I'm out and head for the next client...Simple as that...) Yomi: (Which makes me wonder...for how long should I wear this mask? Being Yoru Mizu for an extended period of time as been quite a bother...It's just...hard to "live" like a normal person...) Yomi: Who you may be sir? Someone that he knew?
  12. Hugh: (I think I heard something...landing?) Hugh: (Excuse me, I'm trying to chant a spell...Eat a Rising Thunder!) Hugh uses his free hand (the one not involved in using the spell) to deal a quick and powerful uppercut ((Just like the Shoryuken)) aimed at the Knight's face. Thou art where the gate to the Underworld opens Meanwhile Ludger: (These doesn't last long, but it's worth a try.) Ludger switches to his guns and fires a bunch of small tornadoes at once, trying to clear out of the smoke. What he didn't expect was the tornadoes to it the missiles aimed at him and redirect them upwards, as well as making the grenades stop rolling in place. Turns Left for Hugh's Spell to Fully Charge: 1 Turns Left for Ludger's Chromatus to refill: 4
  13. Hugh: (Such smoke...what kind of shitty terrain is this?) Hup! He jumps to a top of a building to escape the smoke, then notices the missile mid-jump and the group of guards from afar. Hugh: Arc of Fire!!! He joins his hands together, then separates them, creating an eletric arc of fire. As the missile toched it, the force to the explosion sent Hugh flying over a building, landing on his back. Hugh: Argh...Well...that sucked...wait a second... He checks the area to see if he was alone, then, starting chanting a spell. Hugh: (They'll probably think I'm dead...which will give me enough time for this attack! Alright Mom, time to use you tiring ass spell.) I stand in the place bathed in heavenly light... Ludger: Out of the way! He does another ground punch in order to hit not only the shadow figure, but the guards it just protected, but after that, the missile hit him, sending him flying away from the smoke. He emerged without much injuries, but the Chromatus transformation was gone since it absorbed most of the damage. Ludger: (Such acurracy...They must be using Thermal Googles...Why people who are rebelling on the slums have acess to military level weaponry? Illegal smugling would be more understandable...but it is as if an entire organization was backing them up.) Ludger: (Tch...This smoke is not letting me see how close the reinforcements are coming...Guess we'll have to wait it out.) Turns Left for Hugh's Spell to Fully Charge: 2 Turns Left for Ludger's Chromatus to refill: 5 Ryuko: I'm amazed the guards aren't patrolling the entrance. Etomo: I don't think this is a good time to antagonizing them. Ryuko: Doesn't make much of a difference. ???: Um...Excuse me? Etomo: Huh? ???: Have you seen a girl with long red hair, wearing a white shirt and a blue skirt... Ryuko: That's easy! It's you Etomo. Etomo: If it was me, she would reconize me on the spot... ???: That's right. Her hair isn't as long...and she looks more...girl-ish. Etomo: Eh, I get that a lot. People do say I look like a kung-fu artist, even with my hair undone. ???: Oh, and she wears a pendant with a green crystal on it. Ryuko: In that case...no we didn't. ???: I see...She usually comes to the slums to visit some friends. Etomo: If that's the case, I'm sure she'll be fine. ???: I sure hope so...Sorry for taking your time. The girl keeps looking at the entrance, hoping for any news on her sister. Jude: Whew... Yomi: Managed to heat up? Jude: More or less...Usually, I wouldn't back down from fighting a monster that size, but the way enemies started to pile up worried me. Yomi: Worry is an understatement for me. Jude and Yomi kept following her.
  14. Hugh: (Grenades again.) In order to avoid them, Hugh proceeded to quickly dart through the battlefield in order to attack a faraway guard, then, he proceeded to do the same to more guards while moving too quick for the bullets to hit him. Ludger: (As I expected.) Haaaaa!!! He used Dark Projection to warp to another group of guards, then blasted a powered up Azure Edge at them. Ryuko: Tch...This is the guy you're looking foward to fight Etomo? Etomo: This isn't the time to bring that up. Ryuko: You're right...we have to run away first...Or else these worms will get in the way. Etomo: Hey... Ryuko: Let's go...or he'll leave us behind. Yomi: Running away is my speciality...So I'm not saying no. Jude: Just what is this place? Both Jude and Yomi started to flee as well.
  15. Two relatively normal matches and a luck based one
  16. Yomi: It's not like we were falling into despair...But thanks anyway. Jude: I-I'm a-also t-thankful... Yomi: Whoa doc, are you okay? She noticed that Jude's teeth where chattering, which contradicted his completely calm look. Jude: It's totally normal to start laughing when you're cold right? *nervous laugh* Yomi: (Aparently, that coat doesn't help him that much.)
  17. Ludger: Thanks! I owe you one! Alright then.... Ludger puts his swords away, then pulls out a golden-colored pocket watch. Ludger:HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! ((link only for sound effect purposes.)) Track: Corpse Shell Release Suddenly, Ludger's upper body was covered in a black armor, his skin tone darkned, his hair turned completely white and he was now carrying a spear. Ludger: Alright, here I come! Then, he uses a move called Dark Projection in order to warp to a group of guards that Hugh didn't fire a spell at, then he punches the ground, causing a large shockwave. @LightFlare_Da_Realest
  18. Track: 試される戦略 Hugh started to dodging the shots with his speed. Hugh: Good! I was needing some stress buster! Justice Thunder!!! Hugh fired a thunder bolt from his finger to the sky, making it fall at a group of guards, causing a big explosion. Meanwhile, Ludger was deflecting the bullets with his swords. Ludger: You're completely right...But we need something that will clear these guys first...and we need it fast. Hugh might be able to take all of them, but it's going to take time and probably more guards will come... Then, the idea of using the Chromatus passed through his head. Ludger: Just thought of something...but I'm going to need a shield. Meanwhile Seila vs Dean: Conclusion
  19. Yomi: Ah, snow! It's like Winter came early. Jude: (That was fast.) Welcome back. Did you see Percival along the way? Yomi: No...Haven't seen him. (And I'm supposed to be the stealthy one.) Jude: I see...Well, all we can do now is move foward. Yomi: Yeah...Even if we are strong, that doesn't mean we can do everyting. Hinamori: Something like that... Seeing that they could be attacked at any moment, Hinamori decided to start searching for Yui. Hugh: FRANK!!!! Ludger: Dammit... Hugh: Alright...Now they've made it personal!!! Ludger: Calm down Hugh, let's stick with the original plan and reunite with the o- Hugh: How about we go to the direction that black-haired guy was going? He seemed to be on to something...If shit gets too complicated, we run, are you okay with that? Ludger: ...Fine, you better stick to that. Hugh: I'm going ahead... Hugh goes to the direction where 5T went after he spoke to the group. Ludger: Dante, Joseph, what do you think?
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